San Diego - Teledyne Ryan, 1972-1977
Scope and Contents
A collection of letters, memorandums, notes, reports, photographs and news sources. Examples are: One letter (12/2/77) from Anthony R. Battista (Professional staff member, Congress) to Ed re/ “Per my conversation with Mr. Wilson, the EF-111A seems to be the perturbation in the BGM-34C program;” 1 small, stapled packet containing “BGM-34C Continued Program” (6 pp. & n.d.) & attached 2 pp. copy of “BGM-4C Program Re-Alignment” from Teledyne-Ryan Aeronautical (9/77); 1 letter (9/8/77) from Congressman Melvin Price (Chairman, Armed Services Committee) to Secretary of Defense Harold Brown re/ cancellation “plans for procurement of the BGM-34C…[as related] to the funding requirements in support of the Air Force EF-111A program;” 3 copies (including drafts) of Congressman Wilson’s letter (8/29/77) to Secretary of Defense Harold Brown re/ supporting a continuation of the BGM-34C program & contrasting it with the EF-111A program; stapled photocopies of corresp. (July-Aug. 1977) from Congressman Melvin Price & Secretary of Defense Harold Brown & attached “Approved Program Increases, Prior to Program Overun, Program Overrun (Contractor)…(Other than Prime Contractor)” re/ DOD “reprogramming notification for fiscal year 1977…[of] a proposed transfer of $7.583 million to the Air Force EF-111A research and development program;” one 2 pp. photocopy (n.d.) of “ The BGM-34C Multi-Mission RPV;” “Draft” copy of letter “not sent…8/20/77” to Secretary of Defense Harold Brown re/ complaints about DOD actions killing “the development of RPV’s that we in the Congress have funded since the mid-1960s;” note from Tom Flannigan (Teledyne-Ryan Aeronautical) to Ed .8/25/77) & attached copy of “Something The Press Should Know” re/ support for the RPV program; 1 letter (6/6/77) from constituent Ms. Beverly G. Hunter, Wilson’s reply (6/16/77) & attached photocopy of p. 118 from the Aerospace Daily (5/20/77) re/ “GAO Rejects Teledyne Ryan Compass Cope Protest;” 1 Western Union Telegram (4/19/77) from Teck A. Wilson & Bob Wilson’s reply (4/21/77) re/ concern over HR 4082 “being railroaded through House Banking Committee;” stapled packet containing 1 letter (3/3/77) from Barry J. Shillito (V.P., Teledyne, Inc.), Wilson’s reply (4/20/77) & attached copy of TeledyneReport For The Year 1976 Technology: Then and Now (31 pp.); 1 notice of a Navy contract (3/8/77) “For Teledyne Industries, Inc.,--San Diego Amount: $1,478,308.00 For: Navigation set and electronics assembly to be used in support of S-3a aircraft;” 1 letter (12/27/77) from Congressman Wilson to Teck A. Wilson (Pres., Teledyne-Ryan Aeronautical) & T.A. Wilson’s reply (1/10/77) re/ Bob Wilson welcoming Teck Wilson to “Wilson-land;” 1 letter (n.d.) from Barry J. Shillito to Wilson & attached copy of his letter (1/3/77) to Gerry Tobias (Pres., Sikorsky Aircraft) re/ the UTTAS contract & prospects “that Ryan will be a key supplier;” 1 photocopy of Wilson’s letter (9/17/76) to Congressman Melvin Price seeking his “cooperation in having the Air Force postpone the award of a contract for its Compass-Cope project;” 1 notice of an Air Force contract (9/9/76) “To: …Teledyne-Ryan Aeronautical Divison San Diego For: Logistics Support Services for AQM-34 and BGM-34…Total: $2,443,899;” stapled copies of letter (6/11/76) from Congressman Wilson to Donald G. Page (Northrop Corp.), news release “News Northrop…San Diego Firm Wins Northrop Contract…$492,650” & notice (1/28/75) of an Air Force contract “To: Teledyne Industries, Inc. For: Procurement of BQM-34F Target Drones….Actual contract value $5,389,718;” Memorandum (n.d.) & copy of “Suggested Draft Letter From Congressman Wilson To Air Force Secretary Or Sec. Def.” – “By Fri. 4-23-76” & “Discuss with Ed Terrar” (3 pp.) re/ Compass Cope program; 1 notice of Air Force “Contract awarded to: Teledyne Ryan Aeronautical Division, San Diego-For: Operation an maintenance of remotely piloted vehicles…Actual contract value--$2,622,075-amount obligated today;” stapled packet containing corresp. (Ap.-July 1975) from Congressman Wilson, Adm. U.S. Grant Sharp (Ret. & advisor to the President of Teledyne Ryan Aeronautics) & Robert J. McCloskey (Asst. Sec. for Congressional Relations, Dept of State) re/ Panama Canal jurisdiction & attempts to sell TRA target drones to South Africa; 1 letter (6/3/75) from Tom E. Flannigan (V.P., Washington Office, TRA) re/ Compass Cope & PR material; 1 letter (6/11/75) from Barry J. Shillito (Pres., TRA) re/ thanks to Wilson “and Ed Terrar for all your efforts in trying to cause the State Department to see the South African situation through our eyes;” 1 letter (5/13/75) from Barry J. Shillito to Edward F. Terrar, Jr. re/ “Your help in pulling together the Congressional/State Department meeting last week was superb;” 1 letter (4/18/75) from Barry J. Shillito to Wilson re/ “Teledyne Ryan Aeronautical was asked to propose the Firebee for use as a training target by the South African Air Defense Forces…. This $16 million program is unique in that we would sell our hardware to the firm of Aeronautica Maachi in Italy, who by separate agreement will provide the actual flight services and remain as custodian for the equipment;” 1 notice of an Air Force contract to TRA for “Procurement for AQM-34V remotely piloted vehicle data…Amount to be awarded today $6,070,000;” 1 large manila envelope containing 40 b.&w. photographs & negatives (8/23/?) of Congressman Wilson’s visit to TRA, San Diego, plant production sites & personnel;a copy of a letter (11/8/74) from Congressman Wilson & Barry J. Shillito’s reply (11/14/74) re/ “your thoughtful letter of the 8th relative to our YQM-98A flight” on November 5th; 1 letter (2/15/74) from constituent Mrs. G.K Arnold & Wilson’s reply (3/5/74) re/ Mrs. Arnold’s “husband’s problem relative to his investment in the Teledyne Ryan Aeronautical retirement fund” & market losses in the early 1970s; stapled copies of 1 letter (1/22/74) from Congressman Wilson to Barry J. Shillito, 1 office note (1/22/74) & attached photocopy of Dave Polis, “Concern Voiced On Arms Policy,” The San Diego Union (1/18/74) re/ information on Mr. Shillito, declining defense spending, especially on hardware, & support for RPV programs; 1 copy of a telegram (1/3/74) from Wilson to Barry J. Shillito re/ “Congratula-tions on the formal presentation today of your model 235 [RPV] to the Air Force,” Mr. Shillito had been Asst. Sec. of Defense prior to his becoming President of TRA, S.D. Div. in 1973; 1 letter (12/14/73) from Mr. Shillito & Paul Tsompanas’s reply (12/20/73) re/ Tsompanas’s visit to TRA facility in S.D. & his help in supporting funds for the drone program; 1 letter (10/25/73) from Leon W. Parma to Wilson re/ “a letter for Jerry Ford which I would appreciate your handing to him;” 4 notices of contracts to Teledyne Ryan Aeronautical, S.D.—Air Force (11/2/73) for modification of AQM 34 ML-$2,520,000 -- Navy (10/9/73) for “AN/APN 182 Doppler Navigation Systems”-$2,178,729 – Air Force (8/24/73) “Support Services for Remotely Piloted Vehicles and Associated Equipment”-$1,910,00 – Air Force (n.d.) for “Procurement of target drones BQM-345 Aerial”-$6,293,000; 1 letter (5/8/73) from Barry Shillito (Pres., TRA, S.D.) & Wilson’s reply (5/31/73) re/ information sent to Wilson about RPVs; 1 letter (4/5/73) from Robert C. Jackson (Chairman of the Bd., TRA) re/ Mr. Jackson’s visit to Washington & a discussion with Wilson about the U.S. Army’s AAH Program; stapled copies of “Memo For File” (3/16/73), 1 letter (3/13/73) from H. Dale Grubb (Asst. Admin. For Legislative Affairs, NASA), 1 letter (2/28/73) from Congressman Wilson & 1 letter (2/27/73) from Robert B. Morrisey (Manager, PR & Comm., TRA) re/ attempts to get an “Astronaut to participate in a special dinner meeting of National Management Association Councils in San Diego evening March 31;” 1 letter (2/26/73) from Barry Shillito to Wilson re/ Wilson’s “kind words and good wishes to Bob Jackson during my introduction to Teledyne Ryan Management Association’s members and guests;” 1 notice of an Air Force contract award to TRA, S.D. Div. re/ “a modification to a previously awarded contract for integration of Target Controlled systems in BQM 34A Target Drones…The current contract value is $6,031,000, Amount obligated $1,300,400 Amount previously obligated $4,731,400; 1 letter (10/18/72) from Adm. U.S. Grant Sharp (Ret.) to Wilson & attached copy of letter from Leon Parma to Congressman Sikes (10/18/72) re/ “Our Navy ships do not have appreciable defense capability against missiles and low flying aircraft” plus references to assistance obtained from TRA radar, Westinghouse HAR, Redeye from USMC & Chapparal from the Army; 1 letter (10/10/72) from “A Ryan Employee” to Congressman Wilson & attached copy of a letter (10/2/72) from Robert C. Jackson (Chairman of the Bd., TRA) to “Fellow Employee” re/ “employee participation in political activities….return your check and pledge card in this [enclosed] envelope addressed to me no later than October 16” – The Ryan employee questioned this process partly because all the information would wind up in the chairman’s office and “There is the uneasy feeling that if an employee does not contribute, this will be recorded as a black mark against his record;” 1 notice (10/1/72) of a Navy contract with TRA, S.D. for “additional quantity of AN/APN 182V radar navigation systems components for HH46 SH2D & CH46 helicopters for the Navy…modification to extending fixed-price incentive contract, which was $6,682,804;” 2 letters to Wilson (9/1 & 9/13/72) from Jack G. Broward (TRA) & Robert R. Schwanhausser (Ex.VP., Programs, TRA) re/ TRA’s “rollout program for the BQM-34F Firebee II Saturday, Sept. 23, at 10:00 a.m. at Tyndall AFR, Florida” – Wilson was “extended an invitation to attend;” a small, stapled packet containing corresp. (Aug.-Sept. 1972) from Congressman Wilson & Leon W. Parma & attached copy of biographical material on T. Claude Ryan (5 pp.) re/ celebration of Ryan’s 50th year in commercial aviation; 3 notices of contracts with TRA, S.D. Div. – Air Force (8/10/72) “Logistic support services for remotely piloted vehicles…Amount $1,850,000” – Air Force (7/31/72) “implant/slight test services for drones…Amount obligated - $2,817,000” & Naval Air Systems Command Grant Award (7/6/72) “modification to an existing contract…the Award is $2,250,570;” 1 letter (3/9/72) from Bruce B. Jackson (TRA) & attached color photograph of aerial launch of Firebee; 1 letter (3/1/72) from Wilson to Leon W. Parma & attached “Memo to Bob Wilson” (2/10/72) from Parma re/ call Ken Smith at FAA on “Solid State Uninterruptible Power Systems, a Back-Up for ILS and ATC” & concern about Garrett getting “some preferential treatment;” 1 letter (1/25/72) from Paul Tsompanas & Bruce B. Jackson’s reply (2/1/72) re/ Jackson’s visit to Washington & Federal budget concerns for adequate defense spending.
- created: 1972-1977
- From the Collection: Wilson, Robert (Wilson, Robert Carlton) (1916-) (Person)
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From the Collection: 0.00 Linear Feet
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From the Collection: English
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Part of the Special Collections & University Archives Repository