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San Diego - Tuna Industry, Constituent Correspondence, 1976 November-1977 November

 File — Box: 747, Folder: 2
Identifier: Folder 2

Scope and Contents

Letters, telegrams, news articles, petitions and other materials relating primarily to the tuna-porpoise controversy. Examples are: Letters (9/19/77) from Leonard J. Hansen (Editor & Publisher, Senior World), Wilson’s reply (11/9/77) & photocopy of an editorial—“It’s More Than a Porpoise Issue,” The San Diego Union (9/6/77); 1 letter (10/3/77) from Cynthia L. Thomas, Wilson’s reply (10/7/77) & attached “photocopy of 53 names on a Petition sent to the Animal Protection Institute of America requesting law for Dolphin protection;” 1 letter (9/6/77) from Congressman Wilson to Richard W. Tullar (Union-Tribune Publishing Co.) & attached news clipping from The San Diego Union (9/7/77, B-1, B-2) re/ tuna industry; 1 letter (7/23/77) from Miss Juliana M. Luz & Wilson’s response (8/5/77) re/ a 12 years old’s concern for her tuna fisherman father; 1 letter (7/7/77) from John Vitalich, Jr. re/ personal praise for Wilson and his family; 1 letter (6/13/77) from Ms Mildred J. Kershner & Wilson’s reply (6/20/77) re/ her protest against “Rep. John Murphy, H.R. 6970” which would “allow tuna fishermen to kill more than 78,000 dolphins and porpoises this year;” 1 letter (4/21/77) from second grader Jon Neuber & Wilson’s reply (5/23/77) re/ suggestions for helping porpoises caught in fishing nets; 1 large, stapled packet containing corresp. (Mar.-May 1977) from Congressman Wilson, Louis S. Ridgeway (V.P., Bd. of Trustees, San Diego Community College Dist.), Congressman Robert Leggett, Brigadier General R.C. Schulze (USMC) & photocopy of editorial—“Tuna fleet sails,” Evening Tribune (5/16/77) re/ the tenacious future of the tuna industry in San Diego, a temporary spat between Ridgeway and Wilson & commentary on the Marine Corps’ contract with the Institute of International Research, “Leadership Program;” 1 letter (4/10/77) from Boy Scout John Sim & Wilson’s reply (5/23/77) re/ the “dolphin-tuna situation” & John’s concern for both dolphins and unemployed fishermen; 1 large packet containing corresp. (Mar.-Ap. 1977) from Congressman Wilson, Ron Little (Gen. Manager, R.W. Little Co.) Hugh McKinley (City Manager, San Diego) & Stephen A. Brennan (Pres., Van Camp Sea Food Co.) re/ tuna-porpoise controversy & examples of partisanship on both sides of this issue; 1 letter (3/23/77) from Mr. & Mrs. Ken Davenport & Wilson’s reply (4/16/77) re/ the Davenport’s concern for tuna fishermen & their critique of a Democratic majority in Congress and in the Presidency; 1 letter (2/27/77) from William H. Bayliff & Wilson’s reply (3/3/77) re/ repealing or amending “the Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972 so that it will be less harmful to the tuna industry . . . .;” a letter (2/14/77) from Mrs. C. Virissimo & Wilson’s reply (3/3/77) re/ the confusion among fishermen as to all the conflicting legal rulings & laws controlling the industry; 1 letter (2/23/77) from the Balelo family & Wilson’s reply (3/3/77)—“We are writing in regards to the decision made by Federal Judges in Washington D.C. prohibiting the fishermen from fishing tuna with porpoises;” 1 mailgram (2/11/77) from Mrs. Pete Balestrieri & Wilson’s reply (2/15/77) – a request for Wilson’s “support in order for our tuna fleet to survive” & comments on the injustice on American vessels perpetrated by foreign vessels who have no quotos or regulations that bind them; 1 letter (2/15/77) from Mr. B. J. Lindroth & Wilson’s reply ((2/25/77) re/ Mr. Lindroth’s critical view of how the Commerce Dept. has caved in too much to the tuna industry & the need for alternative methods beyond the large scale purse-seine nets approach; 1 letter (2/9/77) from Mrs. Peter Amaral regarding the “total confusion” among tuna fishermen over the recent conflicting judicial rulings; 1 mailgram (2/4/77) from Mrs. Mary Azevedo & Wilson’s response (2/15/77) —“As a member of the Portuguese fishing community, I would like to know what you personally are doing concerning the total Porpoise fishing band [sic] from the three judge US Appeals Court ruling of 3 February;” 1 photocopy of a letter (2/21/77) from C. Bellsun to President Carter & others re/ the need to strengthen the provisions of the Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972, such as, retain permanently the zero kill provision, ban importation of baby sealskin products, delete exemptions for native peoples & make U.S. Interior Dept. exclusively responsible for enforcement of the whole act; 1 letter (2/14/77) from Mrs. Jack Burns & Wilson’s reply (2/24/77) re/ a concern over the future of the tuna fishing industry & a critique of U.S. government controls; 1 letter (2/14/77) from Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Bettencourt & Wilson’s reply (2/24/77) critiquing the confusion resulting from the mixed signals sent by various recent conflicting judicial decisions; 1 letter (2/23/77) from Mario M. Castagnola (Pres., Lobster House), Wilson’s reply (3/3/77) & attached photocopy of UP dispatch (n.d.), “Bill on fishing sent to Carter,” re/ Mr. Castagnola - “strongly protest legislation before President Carter to allow some nations, including the Soviet Union, to fish within 200 mile offshore fishing limit;” 1 letter (n.d.) from Ms Ester P. Caito & Wilson’s reply (3/3/77)—critique of “the decision made by Federal Judges in Washington, D.C. prohibiting the fishermen from fishing tuna with porpoise;” 1 letter (2/28/77) from Helen Colyer & Wilson’s reply (3/3/77) re/ additional criticism of federal judges’ decision in D.C.; 1 letter (1/18/77) from L. Doyle Coons (Treasurer, John P. Scripps Newspapers) & Wilson’s reply (2/27/77) re/ concerns over losing “our San Diego tuna fleet to foreign registry” & criticism of “the ecologists;” 1 letter (2/16/77) from Mrs. Inez Correia & Wilson’s reply (2/24/77)—“I urge you to use your time and influence to amend the Marine Mammal Protection Act and change the current unrealistically low porpoise destruction quotas;” 1 letter (2/24/77) from Mrs. Paulette Mouzas Crivello & Wilson’s reply (2/24/77) re/ family friendship with the Wilsons & pro tuna critique of current legislation and judicial decisions; 1 Western Union telegram (2/8/77) from Mr. Cosimo L. Cutri (Cutri Enterprises & Starkist Foods, Inc.) & Wilson’s reply (2/15/77) re/ dispute between pro-tuna decision by federal judge in CA & “Federal Judges in Washington, D.C. . . . [ordering] us to stop fishing;” 1 Western Union Mailgram (2/14/77) from the “Wives of the Crew Members of the MV Gina Ann” re/ “We are very much in need of your support in order for our tuna fleet to survive the stopping of our tuna vessels from fishing on porpoise;” 1 letter (2/15/77) from Mrs. Connie da Silva to President Carter & Wilson’s acknowledgement (2/25/77) re/ the conflict between a pro-tuna federal judicial decision in CA & the “stop fishing order” from federal judges in Washington, D.C.; pro-tuna Western Union Mailgram from William L. Dick (Pres., Port of S.D.) & Wilson’s reply (2/15/77)—“I urge you to support and seek rapid passage of pending legislation to amend Marine Mammal Act of 1972;” pro-tuna Western Union Mailgram (2/4/77) from Charles C. Dorsch (Pres., Shreve and Hays Inc.) & Wilson’s reply (2/15/77) re/ appeal to Wilson to save the tuna industry; pro-tuna letter (2/7/77) from Joe Drew (Gen. Manager, Drew Ford), Wilson’s reply (2/15/77) & attached photocopy of news article, G.M. Prather, “Appeals Court Orders Firm Ban on Tuna Fishing, (The San Diego Union, 2/4/77) re/ Mr. Drew’s “real concern over the recent order by the United States Court of Appeals banning all porpoise related tuna fishing until at least next April;” 1 letter (2/26/77) from Stan C. Eiter, Wilson’s reply (3/3/77) & attached news-clipping, “Editorials . . . Tuna Fleet Torpedoed,” The San Diego Union (2/26/77) re/ Mr. Eiter’s strong critique of Congressman Liggett—“Is he trying to to play god games;” 1 postal card (3/1/77) from Ms Eunice Fenton & Wilson’s reply (3/3/77) re/ “please do not let our tuna fleet be destroyed;” 1 letter (n.d.) from Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Fernandez & Wilson’s reply (2/23/77) re/ conflict between pro-tuna judicial decision in CA and stop fishing order in Washington, D.C.; 1 letter (2/24/77) from Ms. Betty Joseph & Wilson’s reply (3/3/77) re/ “I voted for you for years and I think it is high time you get your stuff together and start working for the tuna fishermen;” 1 letter (n.d.) from Mrs. J.P. Garces & Wilson’s reply (2/25/77) re/ tuna fishing crisis, judicial decisions & need for Wilson to be active in Washington; 1 letter (2/21/77) from Joe & Francis Giammarinaro & Wilson’s reply (2/25/77)—“We are writing you to petition your aid in ameliorating the plight of the tuna fishermen;” 1 letter (2/22/77) from Pedro R. Goulart & Wilson’s reply (3/3/77) re/ the confusion resulting from the conflicting decisions coming from the federal judiciary; 1 letter (1/20/77) from Mark Guidi & Wilson’s reply (1/27/77) re/ “A ban on purse seine fishing for yellowfin tuna associated with porpoise schools means elimination of almost one half the fleet productivity; 1 letter (1/20/77) from David Hargus to Congressman Lionel Van Deerlin & Wilson’s reply (2/8/77) re/ Mr. Hargus’ request to amend the Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972 & his 5 point suggestions of how the amendment should be structured; 1 letter (1/21/77) from Tom Gable (PR, Communications & Advertising) & Wilson’s reply (2/24/77) re/ administrative law judge Frank Vanderheyden’s “recommendation favorable to the interests of the tuna industry;” 1 letter (2/20/77) from Ms. Lori Bonesteel & Wilson’s reply (2/24/77) re/ “Our U.S. Tuna Fleet is in serious jeopardy as a viable industry because of the extreme restrictions recently imposed by Secretary of Commerce Kreps in enforcing the Marine Mammal Protection Act;” 1 letter (1/25/77) from Clinton J. Bolin & Wilson’s reply (2/1/77) re/ giving top priority to amend the existing law “because the United States unilaterally tries to control tuna fishing on the high seas;” 1 letter ( ) from Mrs. Cynthia K. Janney to Congressman Clair Burgener & Wilson’s acknowledgement (2/15/77) re/ Mrs. Janney’s concern over “the dilemma the Marine Mammals Act has caused the tuna industry. While I believe in the conservation of the porpoise, I also believe the tuna industry is making every effort to . . . save the porpoise;” 1 letter (11/17/76) from Margaret Hirschy (Pres., Community Act Council, National City Lincoln Acres) & Wilson’s reply (12/2/77) re/ the economic hardships imposed on fishermen by the Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972 & the need to also protect porpoises by amending the act; 1 letter (11/12/77) from Tod Ghio (Ghio Seafood Products) & Wilson’s reply (12/1/76) re/ “I am writing you with the most possible speed in protest of the burgeoning bureaucracy that is running wild in our legislative bodies;” 1 letter (11/11/76) from Tom Gable, Wilson’s reply (11/17/76) & attached copies of Mr. Gable’s “Press Release-- Coalition Formed To Fight For Tuna Fleet Survival – San Diego, Nov. 11, 1976” & “Joint Statement from Representatives of the Tuna Fishing Industry, November 11, 1976” re/ “save the porpoise, but save the American tuna industry as well.” A collection of letters, telegrams, news articles & other materials primarily related to the tuna/porpoise controversy. Examples are: A loose collection of telegrams, mailgrams & letters (Feb. & Mar. 1977) from Joseph D. Mitchell (Cal-Diesel, Inc.), Vincent Nares (Standard Meat Co.), Ms Hope Hazard Wick, San Diego Famous Market, Ms. Shirley L. Myers & Employees (Daily Marine), Karl Mappus, John Murphy (San Diego Chamber of Commerce), Robert Oswald (Global Electric & Engineering, Inc.) & Mrs. Peggy A. Rodrigues & Wilson’s replies (3/3/77) re/ constituents and businesses urging Wilson to support and protect the tuna industry; a collection of letters (2/77) from Mrs. Ann Lococo, Ms. Lisa A. McCray, Mrs. Minne Souza, the Madruga family, Joaquin A. Medina, Mrs. Joseph E. Spano, Mrs. Albertina Tavares & Kieran F. Vanier (Chairman of the Bd., Vanier Graphics Corp.) & Wilson’s replies (2/25/77)—all of these constituent letters are pro-tuna & criticize the Dept. of Commerce, current legislation & judicial decisions regarding the tuna/porpoise controversy; stapled photocopies of “Govt Teltex, PD” (2/25/77), letter (2/4/77) & “Govt Teltex, PD” (2/4/77) to President Jimmy Carter from Jack B. Lindsey (Pres., Sun Harbor Industries) re/ critique of NMFS (Dr. Schoning’s) statement on “the welfare of the porpoise is of Prime concern” & critique of U.S. Court of Appeals decision “banning the catching of tuna by ‘purse seiners’ until fishing permits are isssued by the Department of Commerce in April (at the earliest) poses the gravest threat to the entire industry in California and Puerto Rico” & attached photocopy of G. M. Prather, “Appeals Court Orders Firm Ban on Tuna Fishing Angry Panel Authorizes FBI Use” The San Diego Union (2/4/77); a loose collection of letters & telegrams (Jan. & Feb, 1977) from Ms Cathy L. Keltner, Mr. & Mrs. Keltner, Mrs. Nancy Motta, Mrs. Eddi Santos, John A. Silva, Mrs. Manuel A. Silva, Charles S. Sinclair (So.West Marine Architects & Engineers, Inc.), Robert J. Sullivan, Mrs. Patricia Vayas & Ms. Sheri L. Prager & Wilson’s replies (2/15/77) re/ pro-tuna complaints from constituents & businesses about excessive government regulation, judicial decisions & questioning whether local congressmen were doing enough to help solve the crisis—“I cannot understand why I do not hear a little more noise from you and Lionel and Claire concerning the problems of San Diego’s fishing fleet;” 1 letter (2/17/77) from Maria J. Nunes to Wilson (no reply) re/ contradiciton between CA federal judge’s pro-tuna decision and D.C. federal judges’ restriction order—“We are in total confusion;” stapled copies of letter (2/8/77) from Michael Zolessi (Asst. Gen. Manager, Am. Tunaboat Assn.), attached photocopies of “Rules and Regulations” (pp. 3160-3161), Federal Register (Vol. 42, No. 11, 1/17/77) & “Table X-1—Historical and current U.S. tariff structure for tuna” (p. 43) re/ Mr. Zolezzi’s five point listing of items that “must be recognized to fully understand the adverse impact of this most recent customs change;” stapled photocopy of “A Bill To amend the Marine Mammal Protection Act . . .” (10 pp.); small, stapled packet containing corresp. (Dec. 1975 - Jan. 1977) from Kempton B. Jenkins (Acting Asst. Sec. for Congressional Relations, Dept. of State), Federick Irving (Asst. Sec. of State), August Felando (Gen. Manager, ATA), Joseph J. Sisco (Acting Sec., Dept. of State) & Robert S. Ingersoll (Acting Sec., Dept of State) re/ Mr. Felando’s corresp with the State Dept. commencing in Nov. 1975 as to the Fisherman’s Protection Act of 1967 & fishing licenses for areas beyond other nation’s territorial waters; a collection of letters (Jan.-Feb. 1977) from “The Committee on Tuna Fishery—Helix High School,” Robert M. Steed, Mrs. Kathleen McCormack, Jack Mayer, Albert J. Mendiena (high school senior) & Mrs. Paula M. Parris & Wilson’s replies (1/27 & 2/8/77) re/ pro-tuna commentaries and critques of government policies, with some thoughtful solutions to the tuna/porpoise controversy; stapled photocopy of Memo for Files (1/19/77) re/ “Judge Vanderheyden Recommended decision . . . Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law” (6 pp.); small, stapled packet containing a copy of S. 373 (1/19/77) as introduced by Senator Hayakawa to the Committee on Commerce, 95th Cong., 1st Sess. (6 pp.) & attached photocopies of “An ‘in brief’ explanation of the tuna amendment” & an “Introductory Statement of Senator S. I. Hayakawa” (4 pp.); letters from Congressman Wilson (11/6 & 12/17/76) to Michael A. Zolezzi (ATA) & Robert M. White (Administrator, NOAA) re/ hearings scheduled for tuna fishing by NMFS; a large, stapled packet containing a 2 page letter (12/1/76) from Captain F.W. Brown, USN (Ret.) to Congressman Wilson, Capt. Brown’s 11 page testimony before NMFS public hearing in Nov. 1976 & Wilson’s reply (12/9/76) re/ how the “Tuna Fleet represented a valuable and important auxiliary of the Navy—particularly in ASW” & Brown’s politically conservative slant on events in the 20th century; 1 postal card (11/14/76) from Mr. Billie Beachy & Wilson’s reply (11/30/76) re/ “Everyone is fond of porpoises but all the do gooders in the U.S.A. aren’t going to stop their demise at the hands of far less humanitarian fishermen than ours;” letters (10/1, 11/15 & 11/16/76) from Everett H. Schroeder, David M. Miller (Pres., Western Salt Col.) & Mark Somes & Wilson’s replies (11/22/76) re/ pro-tuna industry commentaries.


  • created: 1976 November-1977 November


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