Pendleton Refugee Education Program (Project PREP), San Diego County Department of Education, Survival English - Lesson 4-7, 1975 July
- created: 1975 July
- From the Collection: Union of Pan Asian Communities (Organization)
Conditions Governing Access
This collection is open for research.
From the Collection: 78.30 Linear Feet
Language of Materials
From the Collection: English
Repository Details
Part of the Special Collections & University Archives Repository
Collection organization
Cite Item
Pendleton Refugee Education Program (Project PREP), San Diego County Department of Education, Survival English - Lesson 4-7, 1975 July, Folder 3, Box: 149, Folder: 3. Union of Pan Asian Communities (UPAC) Records, MS-0258. Special Collections & University Archives.
Cite Item Description
Pendleton Refugee Education Program (Project PREP), San Diego County Department of Education, Survival English - Lesson 4-7, 1975 July, Folder 3, Box: 149, Folder: 3. Union of Pan Asian Communities (UPAC) Records, MS-0258. Special Collections & University Archives. Accessed March 13, 2025.