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Foreign Affairs: Vietnam, 1964-1965

 File — Box: 81, Folder: 10
Identifier: Folder 10

Scope and Contents

A large collection of letters, telegrams, office memos, postal cards, periodical excerpts, news clippings, press releases, statements & other items. These are not filed chronologically. Examples are: a letter (3/17/64) from Coronado constituent A. M. Broadbent & Congressman Wilson's reply (3/26/64) re/ a critical view of continued U.S. expansion in Vietnam & Wilson's rejection of this viewpoint; a telegram (8/5/64) from Coronado constituents... Mr. & Mrs. Peter W. Beachley & Wilson's reply (8/18/64) re/ criticism of the present administration in what Wilson called "our spineless policy" in Vietnam; a letter (10/21/64) from San Diego constituent Mrs. Deborah McAlexander & Wilson's reply (10/30/64) re/ lost of too many KB refueling tankers in Vietnam and resultant deaths of Vietnamese civilians; a letter (12/2/64) from San Diego constituent Dr. Charles A. Sand, Wilson's reply (12/9/64) & enclosed news clipping (NYT, Nov. 2) re/ complaints about the State Dept. "sending two 'folk singers' to Vietnam and other small war areas;" a letter (6/1/64) from San Diego constituent Mel Kallungi, Wilson's reply (6/24/64) & an excerpt from U. S. News & World Report (5/4/64) re/ responses to "A Captain's Last Letters From Vietnam – 'We are Losing, Morale is Bad . . . If They'd Give Us Good Planes . . ." – Wilson favored a "firmer and more decisive stand there;" most of the Wilson constituents' letters for May through December, 1964 follow this hawkish stance. For example – 12/12/64 – "Please tighten the knot. Vietnam should be bombed." Examples for 1965 are: a letter (9/22/65) from Brigadier General W. G. Thrash (Legislative Asst. to the Commandant, USMC) to Wilson re/ "a 10 minute film report taken in South Vietnam, highlighting the Civic Action Program;" a letter (11/18/65) from a "24 year old Republican graduate student at San Diego State College" re/ "I have come to the reluctant conclusion that the war of domination we are waging in Vietnam is morally indefensible"- Wilson did not reply to this letter; a letter (11/9/65) from the co-Chairmen, Program Committee Victory in Vietnam Association of the Monterey Peninsula to Wilson re/ "a number of college students who are deeply concerned with the vociferous minority on the extreme left" – Wilson did not reply to this letter; letters (11/65) from Ralph E. Hall (National Commander, AMVETS), Wilson's reply & news release re/ announcement of "Operations Backup" to send letters of support to "our fighting men and women" and we do "not condone any Anti-Viet Nam demonstrations;" a news release (11/65) re/ "Resolution on Vietnam Passed by the Young Women's Republican Club, Inc. of New York" & Wilson letter (11/17/65) congratulating "your support for a military goal of victory for the United States in the war in South Vietnam;" letters (12/65) from constituent Duane J. Thornton & Wilson's reply re/ a long letter from Mr. Thornton about Vietnam, politics, college student frustrations with the draft and a series of 21 questions for Wilson as a ranking member of the House Armed Services Committee;" the predominance of the remaining constituent letters & information in this folder for 1965 support an aggressive military policy in Vietnam.

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  • created: 1964-1965


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Language of Materials

From the Collection: English

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