Immigration and Naturalization Cases: Convento v. U.S., 1964
Scope and Contents
Only two sets of materials in this folder. 1) a letter (7/19/64) from constituent Pepito G. Saria & Wilson’s reply (8/7/64) re/ a Navy YN2 seeks Wilson’s assistance in attempting to become a citizen. Also attached news clipping –“Rules On Citizenship Eased for Many Filipino Sailors;” 2) a stapled packet containing a copy of Committee on the Judiciary Subcommittee No. 1 House of Representatives, “Study of Population and Immigration Problems, 1963... (38 pp.), a copy of United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit -- No. 17805, United States of America, Appellant v. Rolando Reyes Convento, Appellee – Appeal from the United States District Court for the District of Columbia – Decided July 7, 1964 (11 pp.), letters (Ap.-Aug. 1964) from Manuel T. Flores, Jr. (USS Marias (AO-57), Wilson & Nathan J. Paulson (Clerk, U. S. Court of Appeals) re/ Mr. Flores receives information from Congressman Wilson in this Filipino Navyman’s attempt to obtain citizenship.
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- created: 1964
- From the Collection: Wilson, Robert (Wilson, Robert Carlton) (1916-) (Person)
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Access to some records is restricted, please consult with Special Collections & University Archives staff for details. Patrons wishing to use the Robert C. Wilson Papers must sign a "Researcher's Agreement," a copy of which can be obtained from Special Collections & University Archives staff.
From the Collection: 0.00 Linear Feet
Language of Materials
From the Collection: English
Repository Details
Part of the Special Collections & University Archives Repository