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Labor, 1960-1961

 File — Box: 97, Folder: 4
Identifier: Folder 4

Scope and Contents

A large collection of legislative summaries, statements, news releases, committee prints of bills, letters, bulletins, telegrams & a resolution. Examples are: 1 copy of “Summary Analysis of House Subcommittee Print of June 2, 1960 of a Bill To Amend the Fair Labor Standards Act . . . to provide coverage for employees of large enterprises engaged in retail trade or service . . . to increase the minimum wage under the Act to $1.25 an hour . . .... .” (21 pp.); a copy of “House Committee Print of June 2, 1960 Problems which would be encouraged in administering Section 5(b) relating to minimum wages in Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands and American Samoa;” a copy of “House Subcommittee Print of June 2, 1960 Estimates of the number of employees affected and of the increase in wage bills required by Print;” a copy of Wage and Hour and Public Contracts Divisions, Dept. of Labor, “Estimates of the number of employees to whom minimum wage protection would be extended by each of three bills to amend the Fair Labor Standards Act” & attached copies of these statistics (Feb, 4, 1960); “Statement of James P. Mitchell, Secretary of Labor on Amendments to the Fair Labor Standards Act Before the Subcommittee on Labor Standards House Committee on Education and Labor April 21, 1960” (14 pp.); news release for Jan. 23, 1961 – “Wilson Outlines Efforts to Bring Defense Contracts To San Diego” re/ Wilson made public his recent letter to International Assoc. of Machinists, Local 1125; Office of the Secretary of Labor, June 9, 1960 Memo to Leon Parma re/ attachment of a copy of “Comparison of the effects of H.R. 12677 (Roosevelt bill) and H.R. 12853 (Kitchin bill) To Amend the Fair Labor Standards Act, June 29, 1960” (8 pp.); copies of printed Congressional Acts for 71st Cong. No. 798, 74th Cong. No. 403 & No. 846, 75th Cong. No. 718, 76th Cong. No. 344 & No. 88, 77th Cong. PL 283, 81st Cong. PL 177 & PL 393 & 84th Cong. PL 381 -- these laws reflect the years 1931-1955; a Committee Print of “Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938, As Amended An Act to provide for the establishment of fair labor standards in employment in and effecting interstate commerce, and for other purposes . . . . Additional Provisions of Fair Labor Standards Amendments of 1949 (63 STAT. 917)” & “Pertinent Provisions Affecting the Fair Labor Standards Act from the Portal-To-Portal Act of 1947 (61 STAT. 84) – total 25 pp.; a letter (9/6/60) from Congressman Carroll D. Kearns (R. Pa.) to “Dear Colleague” & his attached copies of “Benefits Under the House-Passed Bill” & “The Real Issue in the Breakdown of the Conference on the Minimum Wage Bill;” letters (Jan.-Feb. 1961) re/ constituent Arthur S. Haugland’s animosity against the Kennedy Administration and its alleged “socialistic” trends; letters (Feb.-Mar. 1961) re/ query and response as to a constituent’s eligibility to recently passed “Temporary Extended Unemployment Compensation Act of 1961;” Memo to Leon from Marge & letters (May & June 1960) re/ threat to Wilson’s re-election posed by allegations of Victor Riesel of the Daily Mirror as to “Hoffa men in San Diego” and candidacy of labor attorney Walter Wencke; copies of the California Labor Statistics Bulletin Metropolitan Areas for Jan, Feb. & Apr. 1961 featuring “Nonagricultural Employment Trends,” “February Employment News” and “Nonfarm Jobs Rise in April;” a copy of a letter (3/6/61) from John M. Rumsey, M. D. (Rees-Stealy Medical Clinic) to Secretary of Labor Arthur J. Goldberg re/ faint praise then condemnation of legislation and actions related to a recent strike by flight engineers; letter (3/28/61) from Thos. L. Pitts (Secretary-Treasurer, California Labor Federation, AFL-CIO to Wilson re/ H.R. 1258 raising the weekly disability compensation benefit from its present maximum to a level of $70;” note and letter (4/61) re/ Financial Sec. C. D. Cunningham, Local Union 230 (Plumbing and Pipe Fitting Industry) thanks to Wilson for courtesies extended in Washington; stapled packet of letters & 1 page from California Plumbing Contractor (Mar. 1961, page 18 re/ concerns of constituent Mrs. Walter Rein as to cost of living in San Diego and criticism of “concluding contracts providing for wage raises years in advance;” a copy of “Amending Section 4 of the Employment Act of 1946,” 87th Cong., 1st Sess., Report No. 325 – May 1, 1961; letters (Mar. & May 1961) re/ support for appointment of Ogden W. Fields as the new N.R.L.B member; stapled packet of letters (May-June 1961) re/ constituent Mrs. Gelorias C. Lucas’ labor dispute with the Information office of the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Co. in San Diego; letters and telegram (June-July 1961) re/ Engineers and Architects Assoc., two legal cases – Aerojet General Corp. & Ryan Aeronautical Co. & complaints about the NLRB decisions; stapled packet of letters (June & July 1961) re/ Donald W. Sorban (Recording Sec., San Diego Naval Lodge Number 726, Bureau of Ships, Wilson, attached copy of San Diego Naval Lodge 726’s, June 23, 1960 “Statement of Position of the Metal Trades Department and Its Affiliated Unions in regards to recent instructions issued by Bureau of Ships which would in effect cause lay-offs in all of the various naval establishments” and a copy of 87th Cong., 1st Sess. H. Con. Res. 202 (3/21/61) to cancel and withdraw instructions contemplated by the Navy Dept.; letters (7/61) re/ San Diego County Farmers, Inc. congratulate Wilson on his recent election as Chairman of the Republican Congressional Committee and to vote against expansion of NLRB functions; letter (8/2/61) from the San Diego Building Trades Council to the Coronado Citizens Committee for a Modern Trans-Bay Crossing re/ a RESOLUTION supporting “the early construction of a modern, efficient San Diego-Coronado Bay Crossing;” letters & telegram (Sept. & Oct. 1961) re/ Walsh-Healey Act, electronics industry and minimum wages; a Library of Congress Legislative Reference Service, “NOTICE Materials Relating to the Subject of the Intercollegiate Debates, 1961-1962 – Resolved: That labor organizations should be under the jurisdiction of antitrust legislation.”

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  • created: 1960-1961


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From the Collection: English

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Part of the Special Collections & University Archives Repository

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San Diego CA 92182-8050 US