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Labor: Unions, 1959

 File — Box: 99, Folder: 4
Identifier: Folder 4

Scope and Contents

A collection of letters, government documents, news letters, news clippings, brochures, petition & telegrams. Examples are: a letter (1/13/59) from Don T. Campbell (American Airlines) to Wilson re/ a note of appreciation & attached telegram as to a successful agreement reached during the weekend; stapled packet of letters (12/58-3/59) from constituent A. W. Klieforth & Wilson re/ Republican politics and extensive pro Right To Work commentary... by Mr. Klieforth, who supported Prop 18; letter & pamphlet (5/59) from constituent Samuel W. Dunaway & Wilson’s reply re/ anti union material; a copy of The Dan Smoot Report (May 4, 1959, Vol. 5, No. 18) re/ pro Senator McClellan commentary & anti-union remarks; a copy of Public Law 101 – 80th Congress, “An Act To Amend the National Labor Relations Act . . . .”; a copy of 80th Congress 1st Session H.R. 4473 (2/16/59) “A Bill To provide a constitutional bill of rights to guarantee and protect the inherent natural rights . . . . of members of labor organizations with their labor unions” (88 pp.); a letter (5/21/59) from R. J. Phillips (V.P. SDG&E) & Wilson’s reply (6/2/59) re/ alleged “dangers of socialism and the increased tendency of the government to head in that direction;” memorandum & letters (June-July 1959) from Wilson & Edward F. Terrar (Office of Legislative Liaison, Dept. of Labor) re/ obtaining records of welfare funds from Union Local 402 and Local Union 500; a Republican National Committee reprint taken from The Machinist (2/12/59) re/ “How are we really doing? “ in order to illustrate that a “Union Study Proves Workers Can Buy More Now with Fewer Hours of Labor;” letters (MayJune 1959) from Imperial Beach constituent (C. W. Perry, Plumbing and Heating), Wilson & Robert F. Kennedy (Chief Counsel, Select Committee on Improper Activities in the Labor or Management Field, U.S. Senate) re/ Perry’s anti union commentary, his support for Wilson and the Congressman’s support for Imperial Beach Boat Harbor development and the possibility of a seawater conservation plant in the San Diego area; a Wilson letter (7/28/59) to Rear Admiral Leslie E. Gehres (Personnel Mgr., Ryan Aeronautical Co.) re/ The Challenger & “tide of public sentiment is running strongly in favor of decent labor control legislation;” a letter (8/18/59) from Walter J. DeBrunner (President, Building and Construction Trades Council), attached copy of Richard J. Gray,“Explanation in Support of Section 702c of the Elliott Labor Reform Bill (H.R. 8342 – 7/31/59) & Wilson’s reply (8/25/59) re/ secondary boycotting rights for building trades workers on construction sites should be the same as factory workers are permitted to do on their job sites – this is background information for the Landum/Griffin legislation currently being debated in the House; letters note, telegram & petition (July-Aug. 1959) re/ attempt by San Diego Asbestos Workers to obtain a local charter for their union which was currently part of Los Angeles Local No. 5; letters (9/59) re/ information from constituent William A. Kirby that would be of interest to the McClellan committee; letters (11/59) from the Industrial Union of Marine and Shipbuilding Workers of America, AFL-CIO to Wilson & Carl Vinson, Chairman of the Armed Services Committee, re/ the “explosive labor relations situation which exists in Bethlehem Steel Company’s eight Atlantic Coast Shipyards;” a letter (11/6/59) from R. Lee Huntington (University Air Conditioning and Plumbing) & Margaret M. Young’s reply (11/17/59) re/ concern about pricing ourselves out of the export market for steel, copper, etc. because of labor policies – he makes no mention of how management and investors may be influencing these trade decisions to buy foreign goods; letters and notes (11/59) re/constituent complaints against the Bartenders Union; letters & news clipping (Nov.-Dec. 1959) re/ complaints about “Union Monopoly;” letters (11/59) & attached copy of The American Economic Foundation, “How Would You Settle the Steel Strike?” A decidedly anti-worker and anti-union diatribe.

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  • created: 1959


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From the Collection: English

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