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Public Relations, 1964

 File — Box: 114, Folder: 3
Identifier: Folder 3

Scope and Contents

A collection of letters, memos, newsletters, periodical excerpts, telegrams, office notes, news clippings & a brochure. These are filed from April to January. Examples are: single pages of letters (Apr. 3) from Wilson to constituent John Height and to Cmdr. & F.R. Porterfield (Springfield, Va) re/ personal info. to Mr. Height and sending local paper and maps of San Diego to the Porterfields; letters (Apr.) re/ Wilson sends “a copy of ‘Duty... as Seen by Lincoln” to W. D. Knox (Editor, Hoard’s Dairyman, Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin; letters (Mar.-Apr.) re/ a response to Cub Scout Pack 928’s request to Wilson to help in Parcel Post Sale; letters (Mar.) re/ Wilson gives advice to Midshipman William Kirkland as to MATS Operations at Mildenhall, England for a flight from his proposed summer study in England; memo and letters (Mar.) re/ “glad you are on the mend” & invitation to lunch for Mrs. Faye Hartman from Wilson; memorandum & letter (Mar.) re/ Wilson responds to request from Bill Bridges (Chief, Administrator’s Office, Civic Center, San Diego) for information on the National Rivers and Harbors Congress; letters & newsletter (Mar.) from Wilson to Richard Klein (Kentfield, CA) – “At the request of Mr. Dick Reilly, we are sending you the enclosed information on the John Birch Society for assistance in writing you’re thesis” – the attached newsletter was from the San Diego Patriotic Society and contains an attack on Martin Luther King as a communist; letters (Mar.) re/ Wilson helps constituent Robert Stead obtain official photograph of House of Representatives; letters (Mar.) re/ Wilson helps San Diego State College student John Eddy make plans to visit Europe; letters (Mar.) re/ Wilson receives a copy of the 1963 California Revenue Laws; letters & photocopy of U.S. News & World Report (11/18/63) & Missiles and Rockets (3/25/63) re/ response to constituent W.C. Brooks interest in the Kennedy Administration’s “Phoenix Plan;” letters (Feb.- Mar.) re/ United Community Services of San Diego receives help from Wilson & the Library of Congress in response to UCS’s concerns about filling out too much paper work from the Census Bureau to qualify for tax exemptions; 2 letters & business cards (Mar.) re/ Wilson was sorry he missed the visit to his office in Washington of these two people; letters (Mar.) re/ Wilson responses with best wishes to fellow Navy Leaguers; packet of letters (Jan.-Mar.) re/ Wilson helps facilitate transfer of 19-ft. electro-magnetic design model of the USS Missouri from the Navy to Missouri Museum of Transport, St. Louis Missouri; letter (3/10/64) from Wilson to Lakeside student Pat Green sending “materials needed in your Civic Class;” letters, news clipping & office notes (Feb.) re/ personal (Gould family) as to yachting accident in race to Acapulco; letters (Mar.) re/ constituent Ruth A. Johnson’s praise for Wilson Republicanism; letter & news clipping (Mar.) re/ praise for David S. Casey has President of the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick; letters (Jan.-Mar.) re/ Wilson sends photos of President Johnson to San Diego City Clerk Phillip Acker as requested; letters (Feb.-Mar.) re/ details on personnel at the San Diego Marketing Council, General Electric Co.; letters (Mar.) re/ Muriel Tolle joins the Skinner Travel Service; letters (Mar.) re/ friend Ed Blessing is obtaining his Master’s Degree in Business at Harvard and indicates that Republicans are represented on the faculty; letter (2/11/64) re/ Wilson to H. L. Henson (President, I.A.M. Local 686) re/ enclosing “photograph taken with Chairman Vinson during your recent trip here . . . . With your support I am continuing to drive for a reappraisal of the decision to deactivate the San Diego Naval Repair Facility;” letter (2/13/64) re/ Wilson praises the Manager-Director of the Danish Gym Team on their visit to San Diego; letter (2/19/64) from CA Senator Jack Schrade to Wilson thanking him for sending “the copy of Volume II, World Communist Movement prepared by the . . . Library of Congress;” letters (Feb.) re/ “Jim Copley has purchased 34 per cent of the HONOLULU ADVERTISER and hope that the Republican cause will now get better heralding over there”—also details from Oahu friend on organizing a Goldwater Headquarters; letters (Feb.) re/ Wilson helps Political Science student from Dearborn, MI by sending a biographical sketch; letters (Feb.) re/ inquiry about cigarette smoking in Eastland, Texas; letters (Jan.) & biographical sketch of Walter Hahn, Jr. “Man of the Year” – Hahn will become assistant City Manager of San Diego – also comments from his son on how the Mr. Rousselot and the John Birch Society was trying to dominate the local Republican Party in Duarte, California; letters (Jan.-Feb.) re/ American Legion and WWI veteran from Brooklyn expresses concern over the speeches of George Lincoln Rockwell as does Wilson; memo & letter (Feb.) re/ personal & comment on Young Republicans in California; letters (Jan.-Feb.) re/ Wilson helps former La Mesa resident Richard H. Threw – now a political science student at Eastern Oregon College – obtain materials from the NRCC & the Congressional Record; letter (Feb.) re/ “Enclosed is a copy of HR 9903 as per your recent request “ – E.G. Stubbs, Santa Fe Railway Co.); letters & packet of information on Spain (Feb.) re/ Wilson’s response to request from Daniel Alvarez of Natick, Massachusetts; letter (12/26/63) re/ request to Wilson for “assistance in obtaining glossy photos of the 16 standing committee chairmen of the Senate, and also the 20 standing committee chairmen of the House” from Fred Jefferis, Editor News Meter, San Diego Gas & Electric Company.

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  • created: 1964


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Access to some records is restricted, please consult with Special Collections & University Archives staff for details. Patrons wishing to use the Robert C. Wilson Papers must sign a "Researcher's Agreement," a copy of which can be obtained from Special Collections & University Archives staff.


From the Collection: 0.00 Linear Feet

Language of Materials

From the Collection: English

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Repository Details

Part of the Special Collections & University Archives Repository

5500 Campanile Dr. MC 8050
San Diego CA 92182-8050 US