Public Relations: Agricultural Yearbooks, 1960
Scope and Contents
A collection of letters, postal cards, several copies of Wilson’s “inventory of our supply of Agricultural Yearbooks” sent to constituents and returned with titles and dates circled & a copy of the Dept. of Agriculture’s “List of Publications Available for Distribution by Members of Congress.” The contents of this folder are not filed in consecutive order, but most seem to cover the dates from November back to January. Selected examples are: a... large packet containing the lists of available Yearbooks Wilson sent constituents, their responses & other comments – most of these are stamped “Received” in November. Years range from 1942 to 1960 and titles cover “Keeping Livestock Healthy, Grass, Crops in Peace and War, Plant Diseases, Marketing, Water, Animal Diseases, Soil, Land, Food & Power to Produce” – For political commentary see comments from Borrego Springs constituent R. E. Thomason indicating “Best of Luck in the coming election – you will be receiving my support. We are very interested in the continuance of Public Law 78 – Mex. National Program – and very much concerned at the following the AWOC – (Norman Smith) (AFL) is gaining in California;” a letter & attached listing of Yearbooks available (11/7) from Mrs. Geraldine Haynes (Supervisor of Technical Processes, SDSC Library) indicating a need for Yearbooks for the off-campus center library in Imperial Valley; letters (11/3 &11/10) re/ request form Miss Francis Anna Hahn (County Librarian, S.D. County Library) for a copy of the Yearbook entitled “POWER TO PRODUCE;” letters (9/23 & 9/28) re/ the Paradise Valley Sanitarium and Hospital, National City, will receive a copy of the Yearbook ANIMAL DISEASES as requested; a small number of letters & a postal card (3/60-10/60) re/ listing various yearbooks & political commentary; 12 letters (12/59-1/60) re/ constituents, the City of San Diego & Cal Poly request various Yearbooks; postal card & letter (3/24 & 4/7) re/ Bill Self (Boy Scout Troop 83, La Jolla) requests Yearbooks on Soil, Farmers & Science in Farming, as well as a listing of all books dealing with such topics as Engineering, Oceanography, Mathematics and many others; letters (4/2 & 4/11) re/ Wilson replied to Rex Barker that his “free supply of this Yearbook [INSECT] has been exhausted for some time; however, in view of the fact that you are majoring in Agriculture, I have purchased a copy for you from the Government Printing Office and have forwarded it under separate cover;” letters (4/11 & 4/26) re/ La Mesa constituent Jay E. Howell is sent 11 Agricultural Yearbooks covering various topics and selected Yearbooks from 1940-1959; 13 letters, 1 postal card & Wilson’s replies (Apr.-June) re/ similar requests from various La Jolla, San Diego, Lakeside & Chula Vista constituents, as well as requests from the University of Minnesota Institute of Agriculture, the Dept. of Agricultures’ Agricultural Research Service (Mexico Plant Pest Control Region) & John E. Kyle, Jr. (Atlanta, Georgia).
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- created: 1960
- From the Collection: Wilson, Robert (Wilson, Robert Carlton) (1916-) (Person)
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From the Collection: 0.00 Linear Feet
Language of Materials
From the Collection: English
Repository Details
Part of the Special Collections & University Archives Repository