Public Relations: Congratulations, 1964
Scope and Contents
A collection of letters, memos, notes, telegrams, news clippings, newsletters & other items. These are not filed systematically from January through December. As with previous folders in this box, most are concerned with various examples of Wilson’s congratulatory letters & accompanying news clippings or other explanatory material. Some selected examples are: letters & news clipping (Jan.) re/ congratulations to Harold B. Starkey on his... promotion to Chairman of the Board of Federal Savings and Loan Association; a letter (1/28) from San Francisco Mayor John F. Shelley thanking Wilson for his congratulatory message upon my inauguration as mayor; a letter (1/22) from Wilson to the Honorable Earl B. Gilliam – “Congratulations on your appointment to the Judgeship;” a stapled packet containing 4 letters, a picture postcard & a copy of the Chattanooga, Tenn. Central High School student newspaper (Jan.’64 & June-July’63) re/ the 1963 & 1964 Bellamy Flag Award; 2 letters & a copy of The Skyrocket (Wausau Senior High School, Wisconsin) re/ being named the 23rd recipient of the Bellamy Flag Award; letters (1/28 &2/19) re/ Reverend Frank Gigliotti is appointed to the Human Relations Commission by Governor Pat Brown, who told Gigliotti “on the telephone that he was naming a number of Republicans who he knew would be fair and honest and he did not want to over-balance the commission with Democrats;” letters & announcement (Feb.-Mar.) re/ the selection of Asst. Professor Lester A. Hoel (SDSC) “To conduct research in Civil Engineering at the University of Oslo in Norway; several letters, news clippings & a telegram in March re/ John A. Davis being selected La Mesa’s MAN OF THE YEAR, Dr. Robert S. Prario’s election as President of the Dental Society, a luncheon honoring Mrs. Elly Peterson as Asst. Chairman of the Republican National Committee and Director of Women’s activities for the Party & “my warm congratulations to the San Diego Employers Assn. on their 25th Anniversary;” Wilson letter (4/27) to Miss Glenda Ann Johnson re/ “being crowned Queen of the House of Czechoslovakia in the House of Pacific Relations for 1964;” telegram, letters & news clipping for April re/ testimonial dinner for the Reverend and Mrs. L. K. Johnson, George Hatch’s election as president of Sales and Marketing Executives of San Diego, installation of Gene Turley as “Exalted Ruler of the El Cajon Elks Lodge, Richard I. Van Tassel as “Exalted Ruler of the North Shores Lodge 2150 B.P.O. Elks,” the selection of Ray Booth as public relations manager for Safeway Stores, Inc.; letters for May re/ the selection of the Honorable Carl Vinson (Chairman, Armed Services Committee) to receive the Thomas D. White National Defense Award; letters & State Dept. State Dept. announcement (May) re/ the selection of San Diegan Paul Jeremy Cook to do graduate study in German Literature at the University of Munster, Germany; other letters & news clippings for May include: Dr. Amorita Treganza is “Woman of the Year;” letter, picture postcard & a copy of the “Official Program For The Dedication Herbert C. Bonner Bridge Spanning the Oregon Inlet Dare County, N.C. Cape Hatteras National Seashore Saturday, May 2, 1964;” letter & news release re/ appointment of Milton F. Fillius, Jr. “to the American Fisheries Advisory Committee as Harold Carey’s replacement;” letters & State Dept. announcement re/ selection of La Mesan Professor Sanford H. Stone (SDSC) “To lecture in Civil Engineering” at the University of Costa Rica, letter & State Dept. announcement re/ Associate Professor Charles B. Bell, Jr. (SDSC) lecturing on mathematics and statistics at the University of Madrid on a Fullbright Grant; items for June include: testimonial dinner for Congressman Al Pirnie (32nd Dist. N.Y.), commentary from Virginia Taylor on stressful Republican local politics related to the 79th District, “Thomas Smith, Jr., who served as El Cajon postmaster in 1960-61 has become the first full-time executive director of the Spring Valley Chamber of Commerce, Lester Balinger (Sec.- Treasurer, Cannery Workers & Fishermen’s Union) is elected Chairman of the Legislative Council of the International Seafarer’s Union, Lloyd M. Harmon is elected Commander of the Coronado Post of the American Legion & the selection of San Diegan Miss Hope M. Ulloa (Point Loma High School) to teach in Paraguay on a Fullbright grant; items for July include: 17th Biennial Ecclesiastical Congress in Denver & the 100th Anniversary of the founding of the first Greek Orthodox Church in America, a number of Wilson letters congratulating those elected to the Republican Central Committee, retirement of Asst. Sec. of the Navy for Research and Development James H. Wakelin, Jr., graduation from San Diego State College of old friend Frank C. Johnson & testimonial dinner for Senator Hiram L. Fong; items for August include a number of letters and news clippings: R. F. Bachman as San Diego Manager of the Title Insurance and Trust Company, William Taggart’s election as President of the Pacific Town Council, Doug Owens as President of the Mission Beach Town Council, Richard Fiske’s election as Master Councilor of the Point Loma Chapter of the Order of the DeMolay, William T. Low becomes Municipal Court Judge, Win W. Adams appointed California State Republican Field Dir., Larry Holmberg elected Commander of the 22nd Dist. of the American Legion, Robert A. Horvitz is chosen as Man of the Year of the North Shore’s B’Nai B’rith Lodge 2205, The Most Reverend Charles F. Buddy is congratulated on “the completion of a half century of Christian service,” Neil Morgan receives award from Lake Forest, Richard R. Brown’s election as President of the El Cajon Chamber of Commerce, John Schroeder is installed as President of the Coronado Chapter of the Navy League, City Manager if Coronado Race Witt is “cited as one of the Outstanding Young Men of America;” C. J. Paderewski’s election as First President of the National Council of Architectural Registration Boards, Kenneth Owens’ election as President of the La Mesa Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors, Dr. C. W. Gilman is elected President of Southern California Dental Assn., R. James Fairman is named San Diego’s City Planning Director & Stephen D. Gavin’s selection as State Vice President of the American Life Convention – this organization “is the oldest and largest of the life insurance trade associations;” items for Sept. through Dec. include: Community Welfare Council of San Diego & “the aging population in our county represents about 95,000 persons; Lt. Donald B. Collins becomes Aide to the 11th Naval Dist. Commandant; William C. Smith (Mission Bay High) is “named the nation’s outstanding classroom teacher by the American Industrial Arts Association;” Ernest Witte will become the Dean of San Diego State College’s new Graduate School of Social Work; T.M. Heggland’s election as President of the National Assn. of County Administrators; William G. Dwyer’s election as National Commander of the Disabled American Veterans; Young Republican National Federation letter wishing Wilson “best of luck in your coming Congressional race” under the slogan “Peace, God and Goldwater;” Nov. 4 telegram from Ed Wheeler of Santa Fe to Wilson - “89th Congress will be greatly strengthened by your presence;” Dr. Donald Mitchel’s election as President of the San Diego County Optometric Society; Dr. Sam Peck is named new president elect of the San Diego County Medical Society; celebration of Billy Casper Day & congratulation to Pfc. Raymond W. Avila (Lakeside) as “Honorman of your Battalion at graduation on September 16, 1964” at MCRD.
See moreDates
- created: 1964
- From the Collection: Wilson, Robert (Wilson, Robert Carlton) (1916-) (Person)
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From the Collection: 0.00 Linear Feet
Language of Materials
From the Collection: English
Repository Details
Part of the Special Collections & University Archives Repository