Public Relations: Recommendations (folder 1 of 2), 1961
Scope and Contents
A collection of letters, resumes, memorandum, office notes, memos & news clippings. These are not filed in chronological order from December back to January. Examples are: a letter (12/22) from Congressman Richard H. Poff & a reply (12/28) from Wilson’s Admin. Asst. Leon Parma re/ “Henry L. Clarkson, who is interested in the Pair Clerk position;” a Resume of Robert E. Bauman (Minority Telephone Clerk, House Republican Cloakroom) & a copy... of “House That Bilked Jack --Extension of Remarks of Hon. Bob Wilson . . . Wednesday, September 27, 1961,” Congressional Record re/ Wilson’s praise for the author of the essay cited, Robert Bauman, and his application for the post of Minority Pair Clerk; letters (Jan.-Apr.) & resume re/ Dick Smith’s attempt to find employment with the International Cooperation Administration; letters & memo (Mar.) re/ “It is a pleasure for me to write to commend one of my most distinguished constituents, Kenneth Adolphe Johns, who I understand, has made application to register his Family Arms with your organization;” letters, memorandum & resume (Mar.) re/ Wilson endorses Nyle M. Jackson for appointment to the Civil Service Commission; letters (Apr.-May) & resume re/ Brigham Young University Political Science Dept. Instructor David K. Hart seeks assistance from Congressmen Wilson & J. Arthur Younger to do more research on the House Un-American Activities Committee – Hart, active in the Republican Party, discusses several party issues and supporters in his letter; letters (May) re/ San Diego Zoo curator of birds K.C. Lint’s collecting trip to Indonesia; letters (June & July) re/ promotion of KFMB-TV 8’s Bob Mills & his Sun Up program; letters (Mar.-May) re/ Congressmen Wilbur Mills and Bob Wilson try to help Othro O’Neal obtain work at both Caliente and Del Mar race tracks; letters (Jan.-May) re/ Wilson helps constituent & businessman Richard A. Grihalva attend a Global Strategy Discussion at the Naval War College; letters (July) re/ investments in a hotel in Tahiti and complications for constituents of Wilson; letters (July) re/ Project Hope and volunteer work by doctors – Ed Terrar, former admin. asst. to Wilson, was currently the General Mgr. for Project Hope; letters (June) re/ praise for David Koch (Census Bureau, Dept. of Commerce) for his work in 1960 in San Diego; letters (July) re/ Air Force Association’s Man of the Year Award for Jim Snapp; several resumes of John Harkey Reiter to Deputy Director of Information, Federal Housing Admini-stration; letters (Jan.-Sept.) re/ S.D. County Assessor John McQuilken being assigned to the Philippines as a tax consultant; letters (June & Sept.) re/ Univ. of Maryland student Miss Kathryn Murphy’s trip to Europe; letters (Aug.-Sept.) re/ Wilson was helping James Flowers (Associate Editor, King Feature Syndicate) obtain employment with Air Force or Intelligence Agencies; letters (Sept.-Oct.) re/ attempt, but failure, to obtain appointment of Lloyd A. Menveg to the Federal Maritime Commission; letters (9/19 & 9/25) re/ Wilson sends student Miss Carol Lancaster (Chula Vista High School) pamphlets for her project on the House Un-American Activities Committee; letters (Oct-Nov.) re/ Navy League, paying tribute to “San Diego’s Navy Conscience,” Capt. E. Robert Anderson, USNR (Ret.), & celebrating Navy Day; letters (9/27 & 10/18) re/ Mrs. Margaret Williams Radcliffe (San Diego City Schools, Education Center) asks Wilson for help in obtain recommendations to serve on the Board of Directors of the San Diego Hearing Society. Wilson recommended Vice Adm. George Henderson (Ret.), as well as Rear Adm. C.C. Hartman (Ret.); letters (Aug.-Dec.) re/ “Dear Mr. Shiver: I am pleased to respond to your Questionaire Number 012818, relative to Mr. Ivan Adelger Wood III, who has made application to the Peace Corps.” Mr. Wood’s father had written Wilson that as “good Republicans, both my son and I are opposed to the Peace Corps. Yet, with the ‘service’ to be considered, it is our opinion that his training and education might prove of more value to his Country and to himself, if he were to be place in a position where he can apply himself in this chosen field of endeavor “ – Ivan was Cal Poly graduate in animal husbandry, dairying, and agricultural business management; note, post card & letters (July) re/ Mrs. West Kennerly (Chairman, New Citizens’ Committee, Republican Central Committee) asks Wilson to write recommendations for her son, Paul S. Kennerly (a SDSC graduate) to enroll at one of 3 colleges to study law; a letter (3/12) & attached resume re/ Walter P. Kennedy indicates his pleasure of having the “opportunity of talking” with Wilson and his interest “after serving 12 years or more on Capitol Hill,” he was anxious to continue to serve Republican members.
See moreDates
- created: 1961
- From the Collection: Wilson, Robert (Wilson, Robert Carlton) (1916-) (Person)
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Access to some records is restricted, please consult with Special Collections & University Archives staff for details. Patrons wishing to use the Robert C. Wilson Papers must sign a "Researcher's Agreement," a copy of which can be obtained from Special Collections & University Archives staff.
From the Collection: 0.00 Linear Feet
Language of Materials
From the Collection: English
Repository Details
Part of the Special Collections & University Archives Repository