Public Relations: Thank You Letters, 1960
Scope and Contents
This is a collection of letters, cards, an excerpt from a quarterly journal, business cards & folders. They represent Wilson’s thank you letters and accompanying information. These are filed from December back to January. Examples are: A Christmas card from Nathan E. Jacobs & Wilson’s reply (12/28) re/ “Jean and I are about to start out on a week’s trip through New England. We are taking your little map-measurer with us. If we don’t get back, it didn’t work;” a business card from Lowell D. Clute ( Investment Construction) & Wilson’s reply (12/28) re/ “Thank you for the Jet-Plumber, I demonstrated it to my daughter at her home, and she talked me out of it. It works like a charm. Good luck in all your endeavors in 1961;” a business card from Fred G. Hussey (Washington Representative, Outdoor Advertising Assn. of America) & Wilson’s reply (12/28) re/ Thanks for the B. and W. It is much appreciated, as your friendship;” letters & invitation (Oct.) re/ the President of California State Polytechnic College, Kellogg Campus, Pomona sent information to Wilson and a pass to the Arabian Horse shows; letters (Sept.) re/ B. B. Turner (President, Ethyl Corp.) sent Wilson a copy of the book entitled “Food for America’s Future” and Wilson looked “forward to reading it with a great deal of interest;” letter (9/12) from Wilson to Robert D. Calkins (President, The Brookings Institution) re/ “your thoughtfulness in sending along a copy of POLITICAL CAMPAIGNING is very much appreciated. I’m looking forward to reading it;” a postal card from Father James Keller M.M. (Dir., The Christophers, N.Y.) & Wilson’s reply (Sept.) re/ “Thank you for sending me the book entitled, “Government is Your Business. I know I will enjoy reading it;” letters (Sept.) re/ Wilson’s replies for receiving “two copies of the Pictorial Directory of the 83rd Congress,” “the first day cover commemorating the opening of the Fifth World Forestry Congress” & “a copy of the NEWSWEEK INDEX for the first six months of 1960;” a business card from Glenn A. Dowdy (Ex. Sec., San Diego County Associated General Contractors of America) & Wilson’s reply (8/3) re/ sending “all of us the lovely note-address cases;” letters (July & Aug.) re/ “We are looking forward to receiving the San Francisco Federal Savings and Loan Associations’ complimentary copy of “Date Line, San Francisco;” a “Hamiltons Fine Foods” business card from W. van der Zyl & Wilson’s reply (7/22) re/ “You were surprisingly thoughtful to feed the meter for me the other day and probably saved me the expense of a parking ticket;” several letters in July & June re/ attractive patio lamps from the Mr. & Mrs. Carroll Thompson, passes to the Del Mar Turf Club, a complimentary copy of LAND FOR THE FUTURE, “personalized golf balls. I hope to put them to good use when Congress adjourns,” “two copies of ‘Dynamic Decade 1960-1970’ recently prepared by the Western Division office of NAM,” a package of STYRA-SOIL to Wilson from Congressman John Bell Williams (4th Dist. Mississippi), a credit card to Wilson from Bob’s Enterprises, Inc. Chula Vista restaurants and coffee shops; a packet of letters & folders (May & June) re/ the Strasburg Jaycees sent Wilson a “Silent Sentry” commemorating Normandy 1944 for his desk and “a folder outlining their ‘Liberty Tree’ project;” items for May are: “an honorary membership card from the Los Angeles College Student Body,” Congressman Hale Boggs appreciated Wilson’s help in passing H. R. 5, a Michigan Rose from Congressman James G. O’Hara, Father Keller’s “thoughtful message that accompanied ‘Three Minutes a Day,’” to Congressman Flynn (1st Dist. Wisconsin) -“Thanks for sending along the RAMBLER. My son was thrilled and has added it to his collection” – this was a model promoting the new 1960 American Motors Rambler, “a very welcomed set of glasses” from John S. Alessio (Turf Club, Agua Caliente Race Track, Tijuana), a souvenir coin from Congressman Daniel K. Inouye commemorating the 50th State, Courtesy Coffee equipment from Charles Brown (Town and Country Hotel), shipping instructions record & thank you letter from Marge O”Donnell; items for March & April: letters (3/28 & 4/14) re/ Bela Kornitzer sent Wilson an advanced copy of his book The Real Nixon and commented on politics and publication problems, letters (4/11 & 6/4) re/ “sending along complementary copies of the Manila Bulletin,” Congressman Ken Hechler (4th Dist., West Virginia) “I am looking forward to reading your book, ‘The Bridges of Remagen,’” General Manager Herbert R. Moller – “You were very thoughtful to send along the La Jolla Country Club guest card,” Robert Lindquist (Howard-Rose Company, Hemet) re/ “Many thanks for your thoughtfulness in sending us your new rose, “Angel Wings,” letter (3/2) Postmaster V. Earl Roberts from Maggie, Cathy, Jane & Dale re/ “It has been unanimously decided that the dates you forwarded were the best we have ever eaten,” Brigadier General Stephen D. McElroy sent two books from the National Headquarters of the Civil Air Patrol – INTRODUCTION TO CIVIL AIR PATROL & THE DAWING OF THE SPACE AGE; items for February: letters (2/29) re/ “Dear Bob [Finch]: The enclosed little gift is a gimmick from two good Republican friends of ours, Dr. and Mrs. George Burkhart of Chula Vista. . . . They sent me one too, and I have a lot of fun with it on my desk, letter (2/29) to Paul Ecke, Jr. from Wilson, Parma, Young & Parham re/ “The three beautiful boxes have arrived, and the whole office is agog because of (1) your generosity and (2) the beauty and taste of the big naval oranges, letter (2/17) re/ Philip C. Brown (Fallbrook, CA) sent Wilson an autographed picture of his San Diego County Fair Exhibit on Flags and a poem on Abraham Lincoln, letters (2/1 & 2/10) re Congressman Robert W. Kastenmeier (2nd Dist., Wisconsin) sent Wilson a paperweight commemorating the 50th Anniversary of FOREST PRODUCTS LABORATORY, letter (2/10) to Mr. & Mrs. J. H. Ondricek (La Jolla) re/ “My wife is simply thrilled over the beautiful Czechoslovakian garnet pin you brought her from Europe,” letter (2/4) to Colonel George Fox Mott re/ “Thank you for the books on San Diego and politics,” letter (2/9) to Helm Buick Company (Chula Vista) re/ “Just a note to thank you for the courtesy to Jean recently. She couldn’t get into the back end of her car and some of your people very courteously and graciously got it open for her,” an item filed in this batch that appears to belong elsewhere: letters (2/3/60) from Edson Johnson, Jr. (Presbyterian Church Board of World Missions, Mision En Mexico, Colonia del Valle) to Wilson re/ “I am enclosing a copy of a letter to the Veterans Administration Director of Claims Service . . . . If there is anything you can do to help in the processing of this claim and letter, I would very much appreciate it” – former Marine Johnson’s disability was reduced from10% to 0%, yet his hearing loss had increased; items for January: card & letter (1/7) re/ The San Diego Club is thanked for sending a greeting card and a 1960 membership card for Wilson, letters (1/5 & 1/11) re/ the Pacific Gas and Electric Company’s press releases on the past decade and forecasts for the future and a booklet entitled “1960 Market Outlet,” letters (1/6 & 1/11) re/ Congresswoman Martha W. Griffiths (17th Dist. Michigan) sent Wilson the new FORD FALCON model, which his son was thoroughly enjoying, letters (12/17/59 & 1/11/60) re/ Masaki Horiuchi (President, Kona County Farm Bureau) sent Wilson a package of Kona coffee – his letter offers details on this Hawaiian product; letter (1/11) re/ business card holders from Charles E. Karpinski (Suite 341, U.S. Grant Hotel, S.D.),letters (1/19 & 1/21) re/ Congressman John Brademas (3rd Dist., Indiana) sent his commentary on a Symposium on “The Problems and Responsibilities of Desegregation” and enclosed “a special issue of the Notre Dame Lawyer which contains the papers read at Symposium,” letters (1/12 &n 1/21) re/ California Fish and Game Director W. T. Shannon sent Wilson a copy of the 1959-61 Fish and Game Code, letter (1/12) re/ thanking Mr. & Mrs. James Banister “for your nice greeting and package. The contents were thoroughly enjoyed by all,” letters (1/13 & 1/19) re/ Senator Thomas J. Dodd (Connec.) commented on Soviet-U.S. relations and sent Wilson an excerpt from Orbus, the Quarterly Journal of World Affairs (Volume III, Winter 1960, Number 4), Senator Dodd’s article “If Coexistence Fails; The Khrushchev Visit Evaluated.”
- created: 1960
- From the Collection: Wilson, Robert (Wilson, Robert Carlton) (1916-) (Person)
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From the Collection: 0.00 Linear Feet
Language of Materials
From the Collection: English
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Part of the Special Collections & University Archives Repository