Public Relations: Thank You Letters, 1964
Scope and Contents
A large collection of letters, pamphlet, fact sheet, cards & a resolution that are filed from June back to January. Examples for June are: letters (22 & 26) re/ Clermont, Florida resident Elmer C. Jost sends Wilson a copy of None Dare Call It Freedom & pontificates its extremist conservative ideology; letter (6/11) from Wilson to Edward W. Kuhn (American Bar Assn.) thanking Kuhn for sending the book on Presidential Inability and Vice Presidential Vacancy; letters (5/28 & 6/5) re/ the Civic Affairs Associates sent Wilson a copy of Ogily, Confessions of an Advertising Man; letters (3 & 8) re/ “the excellent photographs taken during the XB-70 roll-out Palmdale” as received from R. J. Watson of North American Aviation; letters (5/6 & 6/8) re/ Trains Magazine sent a 6-months subscription to Trains; letters (1 & 6) re/ the National Lumber Manufacturers Assn. sent Wilson a copy of their Spring Meeting Report; letters (1 & 5) re/ The Sierra Club sent a copy of The Last Redwoods – Wilson termed it a “beautiful book” and indicated “Please be assured of my full cognizance of the necessity for saving our unique redwoods;” other June topics or persons are: the Annual Report of the Aerospace Industries Assn.; receiving a copy of 1964 Travel USA Handbook; the 1963-64 Annual Report of the National Association of Mutual Savings Banks; an “advertisement dealing with national defense placed by General Telephone and Electronics; a Shoe Shine Kit from Mrs. Patricia Hitt of Orange, CA; to Mr. H. L. Henson of S.D. re/ “your thoughtfulness in sending Ed and me the wonderful canned Marlin;” a publication from William Hinkley (President, National Aerospace Education Council) and the 1964 issue of U.S. Aircraft, Missiles and Spacecraft; Examples for May are: letters (15 & 21) & pamphlet re/ “Thank you for the article entitled ‘Our Destiny at Stake’ by Frank McLaughlin” – “who is a stalwart Republican;” letters (4/28 & 5/14) re/ receiving a copy of General Electric’s 1963 Annual Report; letters (5 & 13) receiving a record album of “The Great Songs of America;” letters (5 & 13) re/ David Brower (Executive Dir., Sierra Club) sent Wilson a copy of Tomorrow’s Wilderness; Examples for April are: letter (4/30) from Wilson to Leon Parma re/ cute little elephant sent for birthday & political commentary; letter (4/28) from Wilson to Don Dilday re/ “Jean and I . . . appreciate your generosity in allowing us the use of your car while we were in San Diego;” letters (17 & 27) re/ F.E. Compton & Company sent Wilson a copy of their 1964 Compton Yearbook; letter (4/21) from Robert L. Gordon (V.P. Bank of America) to Wilson re/ “Lunching with you yesterday in San Diego was a pleasurable experience for me;” letters (20 & 24) re/ praise for Wilson, his defeat of Van Deerlin and criticism of “Bob Kennedy” from constituent C. H. Rutherford (Warner Guest Ranch stationary); letter & business card (4/23) thanking V.P James Mayer (Producers Cotton Oil Co.) for sending the box of wonderful avocados. “My staff told me they enjoyed a delicious avocado salad for dinner last night;” letters (14 & 15) re/ Congressman Frank Thompson, Jr. (4th Dist. New Jersey) sent Wilson a bottle of Bayer Aspirin Tablets celebrating the Sterling Drug company’s one hundred billion Bayer Aspirin tablet; letter (4/13) from Wilson’s Office to Ted Jardine, Jr. (Sales Mg. Pacific Outdoor Advertising Co.) re/ sending an area photograph for Father McManus and commentary on the crash visit to San Diego; letter & pamphlet – “The Case of the Elegant Onion” (4/14) re/ “We are all enjoying the South Sweet ‘n Mild Onions” sent by Congressman Joe Kilgore; letters (3/11 & 4/8) re/ “Thank you for your thoughtfulness in forwarding me a copy of Richard Nixon’s recent statement entitled ‘Presidential Succession and Disability;’” Examples for March: letters (3/30) re/ receiving a 1964 Wilson Line Pass for Potomac River Cruises; letter (3/9) re/ “the box of Westgate Products” from Milton F. Fillius, Jr. (Ex. V.P. Westgate-California Corp.); letter & business card (3/9) re/ Glen C. Hobart (Acme Pipe Co., S.D.) sent lemons and limes – they “were so big they looked as though they had been grown in Texas, but I am sure you wouldn’t import any from that Democratic wasteland;” letter (3/9) re/ “Dear Governor Read . . . “the sea chest of Maine products has arrived and we are thoroughly enjoying the delightful samples of your Maine waters;” letters (2/13 & 3/5) re/ receiving a copy of Bruce Beard’s special report “Aerospace in Perspective;” letters (2/27 & 3/3) re/ receiving a copy of “The Negro Revolution in America” from Benjamin Bradlee (Newsweek); letter, note & business card (3/4) re/ Prentice-Hall, Inc. sending Wilson “a copy of Lloyd Mallan’s book entitled ‘Peace Is A Three-Edged Sword;’” letter (3/4) re/ Ray J. Taylor (W. W. Communications, Inc.) sent Wilson their new publication A Primer: United States Government. Wilson praised it for high schools, colleges and “Every home should have a copy;” Examples for February: letter (2/28) re/ receiving “delicious Sunkist Oranges” from Paul Ecke; letters (1/21 & 2/26) re/ receiving “the January 25th issue of the Saturday Evening Post “containing the fine article ‘How the Republicans Can Win’ by Arthur Larson;” letters (2/5 & 2/17) re/ an anti-Kennedy rant from Lakeside constituent from Mrs. Hale Whitaker; letters (1/31 & 2/20) re/ brief comments from George Brada (Munich) and enclosing a copy of the Czech newspaper Ceske Listy; letters (2/12 & 2/14) re/ receiving a Norcross Blue Book for 1964; letters (2/6 & 2/13) re/ receiving a copy of the Proceedings of the 1963 Annual Conference of the Surgeon General . . . . from Dr. Malcom H. Merrill, Dir., Dept. of Public Health, Berkeley, CA; letters (1/15 & 2/11) re/ “Thank you for extending the honorary membership to the Congressional Secretaries Club;” letters (1/15 & 2/11) re/ “Thank you for extending the privileges of the Bolling Air Force Base to us;” a letter (2/10) to CNO Admiral McDonald re/an “appreciation for the impressive luncheon hosted for Mayor Curran and myself;” card from Mr. & Mrs. George Koch & letter (2/7) re/ Wilson’s “belated thanks for your beautiful remembrance at Christmas time;” greeting card & letter (2/7) re/ “the beautiful box of Sunkist Oranges which all of us here have enjoyed;” letters (1/31 & 2/5) re/ thanking Major General Fred C. Weyand (Chief of Legislative Liaison, Dept. of the Army) for sending a copy of the brochure, U.S. Army Progress 1964; letters (1/27 & 2/5) re/ receiving the book, Financing American Enterprise – a history of Commercial Banking from 1863 to 1963; letters (1/16 & 2/5) re/ receiving a copy of the 1963 Fish and Game Code;” card & letter (2/4) re/ George H. Foster’s “generous gift of a Century Club Four Year YMCA Membership” for Wilson; letter (2/3) re/ thanking Mr. Armstrong and Mr. Henson for bringing “us the box of delicious candy;” letters (1/20, 1/22 & 2/4) re/ extended comments from Edward Cooper (V.P., Motion Picture Assn. of America) on the comments of Mr. A. T. Dennison’s letters and thoughts. Mr. Dennison condemned film production abroad, was strongly anti-communist and was an advocate of the Federal censorship of motion pictures - especially a film called The Victors; Examples of letters for January: 1/24 &1/28 – six tickets to the Ice Capades; 1/8 & 1/27 -news clippings from San Diego & help from Miss Dorothy Cotner (First Federal Savings); 1/15 &1/21 – Wilson’s appearance before the Clipper Club last fall; 1/21 – Arnholt Smith sending Wilson a copy of Neil Morgan’s new book; 1/10 & 1/21 –a copy of a report published by the San Francisco Examiner; 12/16 & 1/20 re/ Leon Parma: “transforming that plain old’ Bonito that Charlie Halleck and I caught into cans of delicious Albacore make Houdini look like an amateur; 1/15 & 1/20 re/ receiving an autographed copy of Erik Bergaust’s The Next Fifty Years in Space; 1/17 – receiving a LFE Electronics Appointment Book; 1/7 & 1/16 re/ copies of Bank of America’s California Profiles; 1/16 re/ delicious cheese from James George (Challenge Cream & Butter Assn.); 1/16 re/ Christmas time gift of glassware from the Bonanza Air Lines; 1/17 to Frank Sundstrom: “Christmastime with spirits and glass ware. Our bar is now well-stocked;” 1/6 & 1/16 - receiving a booklet containing the texts of the “Resolutions” adopted by the Association of the United States Army from Lt. Gen. James M. Gavin; 1/15 receiving “the handsome calendar” from Capt. Bardshar, Commanding Officer, USS Constellation; 1/3 & 1/14 re/ a certified copy of National City’s Resolution No. 8541 honoring past presidents of the United States; 12/27 & 1/14 re/ receiving a copy of Educational Perspectives from William Boyer, College of Education, University of Hawaii; 1/14 & New Year card re/ “full color prints of historic battles . . . . I’ve given them to Bryant for his history class;” 1/14 re/ “Christmastime” remembrance of liquor from the Outdoor Advertising Assn.; 12/11, 1/7 & 1/13 re/ an” offer of a box or two of cut poinsettias for Christmas next year” from Paul Ecke; 1/9 re/ “the Fox West Coast Theater Courtesy Pass” from Jesse H. Elliott; 1/7 to Frank Ikard – Thank you for the thoughtful gift of the American Petroleum Industry; 1/7 re/ receiving an autographed copy of Harris B. Stewart, Jr.’s book Global Sea; 1/7 re/ “the thoughtful gift of [Bank of America’s] California Profile;” 1/1 & 1/7 re/ the La Jolla Country Club issued a guest card to Wilson; 1/6 re/ Attorney at Law Edwin L. Thacher sent “attractive Monthly Diaries” to Wilson; and a Dec. 30, 1963 Wilson letter to Dr. C. R. Schroeder re/ “sending us the complimentary passes to the San Diego Zoo.”
- created: 1964
- From the Collection: Wilson, Robert (Wilson, Robert Carlton) (1916-) (Person)
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From the Collection: English
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