San Diego Chamber of Commerce, 1959-1960
Scope and Contents
A collection of letters, memos, telegrams, news clippings, Bureau of Budget information, Census data and other materials. Examples are: One letter (1/15/59) from Thomas A. Clarkson (Pres., S.D. Chamber of Commerce) to Representative Wilbur D. Mills inviting him to be “our speaker on the November 18, 1959” at the Third Annual Businessman’s Tax Planning Conference; 2 letters (12/15/58 & 1/15/59) from Charles E. Porter (Dir., Mil. Affairs Dept.,... S.D. Chamber of Commerce) & Wilson’s reply (1/27/59) re/ the invitation to Congressman Mills for the Tax Planning Conference & support for Wilson—“splendid job you have done, and are doing in Washington . . . . [&] the significance of the Navy to San Diego’s economy;” small, stapled packet containing corresp. (Mar.-Ap. 1959) from Congressman Wilson, Mrs. Lucille Mortimer (Dir., Research & Information Dept., S.D. Chamber of Commerce), Capt. P. Corradi (CEC, USN, Deputy Chief of Bureau) & Commander R.D. Chamberlain (Cong. Liaison Div., Dept. of the Navy) re/ “inventory of Navy Facilities” in San Diego—as of 1 July 1958—5,012 bldgs. & 38,319 acres of land—cost of land = $11,764,724 based on acquisition over decades; 1 U.S. Navy brochure (7/31/59) from RADM R. L. Swart (Vice Chief of Naval Material) re/ invitation “to participate in the Southeast Exhibit of Business Opportunities, December 7-9, 1959 at the Muncipal Auditorium, Birmingham, Alabama, as either a business exhibitor or visitor. The Navy is coordinating Department of Defense cooperation with the sponsors” (6 pp.); 1 Western Union telegram (8/3/59) from Thomas A. Clarkson (Pres., S.D. Chamber of Commerce) & Wilson’s reply (8/4/59) re/ requested delay in Congressional hearings on eliminating Pacific Coast’s 6% shipbuilding differential—competition from Mississippi firms; 1 letter (9/4/59) from Harold V. Pederson (Manager, Industrial Dept., S.D. Chamber of Commerce) & Wilson’s reply (9/14/59) re/ “industrial promotion program;” 1 news clipping—“C of C Aide Seeks Navy Harbor Plan,” The San Diego Union (11/12/59) re/ Charles Porter’s activities to boost “San Diego’s place in Navy planning for submarines and super carriers;” 1 copy of U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Bureau of Census, “Household Questionaire for the 1960 Census of Population and Housing” Form 60PH-8; 1 letter (1/11/60) from Charles E. Porter (Ex. Asst. to the General Manager, S.D. Chamber of Commerce) & attached copy of unsigned letter (12/16/59) re/ political gossip about Porter & his thanks to Wilson for his “efforts on behalf of our military economy” in S.D.; packet containing corresp. (Jan. 1960) from Congressman Wilson & Peyton Stapp (Chairman, Fed. Committee on Standard Met. Statistical Areas, Ex. Office of the President) & 1 copy of Bureau of the Budget, Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas, Govt. Printing Office, 1959 (12 pp.) re/ communication with Mrs. Mortimer (Dir. of Research & Info. Dept., S.D. Chamber of Commerce) & Bureau of the Budget on S.D.’s metropolitan status; 1 letter (2/2/60) from John F. Borchers (Gen. Manager, S.D. Chamber of Commerce), attached copy of “Business Outlook Conference” brochure & “Outline of Panel Discussions” (2 pp.)—Congressman Wilson participated in Panel #1 re/ the topic of “Federal Expenditures in the San Diego Area;” 1 letter (2/17/60) from S.F. Nielsen (Pres., S.D. Chamber of Commerce) & Wilson’s reply (2/27/60) re/ Mr. Nielsen’s thanks to Wilson for his “well chosen and well documented remarks” at the conference on February 16th; 1 letter (2/26/60) from Charles E. Porter (Ex. Asst. to the Gen. Manager, S.D. Chamber of Commerce), Wilson’s reply (3/11/60) & office notes re/ visit of Porter & Norm Foster to Washington, D.C. & scheduled meetings with “Chiefs of the different Navy Bureaus, Secretary Franks, Admiral Grenfell, and General Don Hittle, Asstistant to Secretary Gates;” 1 letter (rec’d 4/5/60) from Capt. Ralph E. Styles (Joint Chiefs of Staff) to Wilson thanking him “and the Military Affairs Committee (Bud Porter and Norman Foster) for a most delightful evening last Thursday. . . . If I can, at anytime, be of any assistance with the Submarine Pier project, please call on me;” 1 packet containing an announcement of the “San Diego Chamber of Commerce Reception—Thursday, March 31, 1960—Tamerlane Room, Shoreham Hotel—Washington, D.C., Wilson office notes & 1 letter (3/15/60) from Charles E. Porter to Leon Parma (Admin. Asst. to Wilson) re/ the Chamber of Commerce reception in Washington & suggestions for the names of civilian and military attendees; 1 letter (4/8/60) from Charles Porter & Wilson’s reply (4/21/60) thanking Wilson, “Leon, Maggie, and the other gals in your office” for all the help last week in Washingon; copies of corresp. (Ap.-May 1960) from Wilson, Albert L. McDermott (Sp. Asst. to the Sec. of Labor), Congressman Graham A. Barden (Chairman, Committee on Education and Labor) & S. F. Nielsen (Pres., S.D. Chamber of Commerce) re/ support for extending “Mexican national farm labor program, Public Law 78” but criticism of attempts to use Wagner-Peyser Act of 1933 to set minimum wages, housing and transport needs for agricultural laborers & also caveat by Congress-man Barden that the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 does not include farming, that “office workers, maintenance and watchmen may, under certain circum-stances, fall within the scope of the exemptions;” 1 letter (5/18/60) from S. Falack Nielson (Pres., S.D. Chamber of Commerce) to George A. Pope, Jr. (Pres., Pope & Tabot Line) re/ the Chamber’s concern over Pope’s “decision to discontinue intercoastal service at San Diego;” copies of a letter (5/16/60) from Charles E. Porter & Wilson’s response (5/31/60) & attached copy (2 pp.) of S.D. Chamber of Commerce, “Why A San Diego Submarine Shore Facility Is Essential” re/ Wilson’s positive response to the Chamber’s recommendations that a Point Loma Facility be developed to replace the present inner harbor anchorage of two tenders & units of Submarine Flotilla One; 1 letter (6/21/60) from Congressman Wilson & Mrs. Lucille Mortimer’s reply (6/23/60)—questions regarding an estimated 18,300 people unemployed in San Diego as of May 1960; 1 letter (6/29/60) from Margaret M. Young (Sec. to Wilson) & attached letter from Bud Porter re/ payment for reception invitation engraving last month—“Dear Bud: You are an honest man!;” 1 letter (6/16/60) from E. J. Langhofer (Manager, Transp. & World Trade, S.D. Chamber of Commerce) & Wilson’s reply (6/29/60) re/ possible “ceiling on expenditures for mail pay and other financial supports [and] . . .alleged . . . loss of the financial assistance to local airlines carriers serving San Diego” thus possible impairment of services and question regarding use of term “subsidy” to describe federal economic aid to airlines; 1 copy (2 pp.) of the San Diego Chamber of Commerce’s “Military Affairs Department Activity Letter July 1, 1960” from Norman B. Foster to Wilson—items noted include: decision of Interior Dept. to “construct a non-nuclear sea water conversion plant on Point Loma,” “a $100 million Air Force appropriation . . . to purchase some 50 additional San Diego Convair-built F-106 Interceptors,” a $9 million, 1961 Military Const. Appro. Bill for San Diego which included “Ballest Point nuclear submarine pier, a harbor dredge,” Camp Matthew Rifle Range (U.S.M.C.) relocation to Camp Pendelton & many other projects; 1 letter (8 July 1960) from Capt. A.R. Gallaher, U.S.N. (Commander Submarine Flotilla One, U.S. Pacific Fleet) to S. Falck Nielsen (Pres., S.D. Chamber of Commerce) expressing the Flotilla’s “appreciation . . . for the outstanding contribution your organization has made to the Navy and to the Submarine Force in pursuing the Submarine Pier Project;” 1 large packet containing corresp. (9/19/59 – 7/60) from Charles E. Porter, Margaret M. Young, Adm. Arleigh Burke (Chief of Naval Operations), Congressman Wilson & Thomas A. Clarkson (Pres. S.D. Chamber of Commerce) re/ plans commencing in 1959 to invite Adm. Burke to a Navy Day reception in October, he accepted for 1960; copies of letters (Aug.-Sept. 1960) from Congressman Wilson, Robert W. Burgess (Dir., U.S. Bureau of Census), & Mrs. Lucille Mortimer (Dir., Research & Info. Dept., S.D. Chamber of Commerce) re/ problem over “omission of the military population in the local census” – at this time motor vehicle and gas tax rebates to cities amounted to $7.50 per person; 1 letter (10/6/60) from Charles E. Porter to Wilson thanking him for his “personal efforts, as well as the super service provided by your office staff, during our recent Washington visit. Your gals are unbeatable;” 1 copy of S.D. Chamber of Commerce Committee Action Report (12/13/60) re/ “New Terminus for Interstate & Defense Route 15” to I-8.
See moreDates
- created: 1959-1960
- From the Collection: Wilson, Robert (Wilson, Robert Carlton) (1916-) (Person)
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From the Collection: 0.00 Linear Feet
Language of Materials
From the Collection: English
Repository Details
Part of the Special Collections & University Archives Repository