San Diego, Mexican Labor Problem, 1953 June-December
Scope and Contents
A collection of letters, telegrams, memos, news clippings & reports. Examples are: One letter (6/3/53) from George H. Wilson (Pres. CA. Farm Bureau Federation) & Congressman Wilson’s reply (6/10/53) re/ H.R. 3203—curtailing the ICC’s “authority to prohibit trip leasing” & interest in “some simple ‘crossing card’ system;” 2 letters (6/10 & 6/17/53) from the S.D. County Farm Bureau & Wilson’s response (6/24/53) re/ Wilson’s “voting... in opposition to the increase in the Agri-cultural Conservation Payments” & commentary on the need for a “crossing card system for farm laborers from the Tijuana area;” 1 letter (7/6/53) from Congressman Wilson & 1 letter (7/1/53) from INS Com-missioner A.R. Mackey re/ Five Star Fish and Cold Storage Manager Mason Case’s interest in the use of Mexican Nationals as fishermen; 2 Western Union telegrams (7/24 & 7/27/53) to Wilson re/ Tijuana Rotarian interest in “additional facilities for customs office at San Ysidro;” 1 letter (7/22/53) from Edward C. Clark (Exec. Sec., S.D. County Farm Bureau) & Wilson’s reply (7/27/53) re/ crossing card system & interest in Farm Credit Bill H.R. 4353; a small packet containing corresp. (8/53) from Edward C. Clark, Ivan A. Wood (S.D. County Farmers, Inc.), & E.F. Terrar, Jr. (Wilson’s Admin. Asst.) re/ arranging a meeting with Attorney General Brownell in San Diego to discuss the crossing card system; 2 Western Union telegrams (8/27 & 8/28/53) from T. Yano & E.F. Terrar, Jr. re/ “no prospect of crossing card system being instituted in the near future;” 1 letter (8/8/53) from rancher Chapman Grant & attached news clippings re/ suggestions for the Mexican labor problem in San Diego; a small packet containing corresp. (June-Aug., 1953) from Mason Case (General Mgr., CA Commercial Fishing Assn.), E.F. Terrar, Jr., & INS Commissioner A.R. Mackey re/ Mr. Case’s letter (6/5/53) & subsequent discussions with INS over “aliens serving upon fishing vessels having ports in the United States;” 1 Western Union telegram (8/29/53) from William W. Miller & E.F. Terrar, Jr.’s reply (9/3/53) re/ Miller’s 100 acre farm successfully using contract nationals and his critque of “chisling employers of wetback labor;” 2 Western Union telegrams (9/53) from E.F. Terrar, Jr. & Cloudio Gonzales re/ unsuccessful negotiations with Attorney General Brownell on “wetback labor problems;” 1 letter (9/5/53) from constituent Frederick Wessack & E.F. Terrar’s reply (9/17/53) re/ Mr. Wessack’s favorable evaluation of the work performed by Mexican nationals in San Diego & references to Point Four assistance to Mexico; 1 four page Western Union telegram (9/16/53) from Robert Conforth, San Vener, William Rodgers, Jr., Charles Butler, Arron Riesland, & Crossing Card Com-mittee of Chula Vista Chamber of Commerce re/ “Declare this county an emergency labor area at once and legalize our Mexican workers by the use of crossing cards;” “Straight Wire” (n.d.) from Congressman Wilson to Attorney General Herbert J. Bownell re/ “Crash emergency exists in San Diego County today because of stepup in apprehension of wetbacks at peak harvest of ten million dollar tomato crop. . . .;” 1 letter (9/14/53) from Leo L. Harelson (Sec., Milk Producers Council of S.D. County) & E.F. Terrar, Jr.’s reply (9/28/53) re/ “possibility of using Mexican Nationals on the diary farms of San Diego County” & reference “to P.L. 78 . . . contracted alien farm labor;” 1 page copy of Wilson Office reference notes re/ “For Possible Solution For Temporary Housing;” 1 letter (9/9/53) from constituent Harold E. Manzy & E.F. Terrar’s reply re/ Mr. Manzy’s congratulations to Congressman Wilson “on your fearless handling of the Wet Back problem;” 1 letter (9/23/53) from James Lance (Recording Sec., Local Union 11, IBEW), Congressman Wilson’s reply (9/26/53) & attached copy of Local Union 11’s letter to President Eisenhower concerning the Union’s disappointment in Secretary of Labor Durkin’s resignation because the administration had failed to correct the union busting aspects of the Taft-Hartly Act; 1 letter (9/14/53) from constituent William E. Ragan & E.F. Terrar’s reply (9/23/53) re/ Mt. Helix area home owners using illegal Mexican labor because of the lack of “high school boys for this work;” 2 Western Union telegrams (9/21/53) from Virginia Camp to E.F. Terrar, Jr. re/ “Sam Vener arriving in Washington to confer with Agricultural Committee;” 1 copy of CA Farm Labor Assn’s “Minutes of Meeting, Sept. 18, 1953” (2 pp.) re/ contract labor items; one 3 page copy of the “National Farm Labor Users Committee Recom-mendations . . . offered by the . . . Committee, meeting in Washington, D.C. on October 5, 1953 re/ such topics as Border Recruitment, Certification, Employer’s Obligations, Contracts, Return of Skips, Furlough, Period Contract & Illegal Residents; a copy of a letter (10/7/53) from E.F. Terrar to Samuel Vener re/ border recruiting of Mexican farm labor; Information note from Donald G. Adams (Admin. Asst. to Congressman John Phillips (Oct. 1953) to E.F. Terrar (Wilson’s Admin. Asst.) re/ attached “Memorandum Re Mexican Labor (2 pp.) & also attached copy of a 6 page letter (9/9/53) from Under Secretary of Labor Lloyd A. Mashburn to the Under Secretary of State Walter Bedell Smith re/ an analysis of “The Migrant Labor Agreement of 1953 between the United States of America and the Republic of Mexico will expire December 31, 1953. Legislation extending Public Law 78 . . . has been enacted by Congress (P.L. 237, 83rd Congress, August 8, 1953.” The proposed alterations of Article 27 by the Mexican government are “unaccept-able;” 1 letter (10/29/53) from R.M. Sexauer (Manager, S.D. Co-operative Poultry, Assn.)& E.F. Terrar’s response (11/5/53) re/ contract labor & the need for revision of the law; 1 letter (10/22/53) from Charles H. Forward (Luce, Forward, Kunzel & Scripps) & E.F. Terrar’s reply (11/10/53) re/ Mr. Forward’s reaction to an Oct. 19th Newsweek article on “‘Wetback Wallop. Here’s Attorney General Brownell’s plan to nip farmers’ use of illegal Mexican “Wetback” labor: amend the tax laws to deny employers’ income-tax deductions for wages paid such workers.’” Mr. Forward commented that “I hope you and Congressman Utt can get a muzzle on Brownell;” 1 letter (11/17/53) from HMcC to Mr. Terrar re/the Dept of Labor called & indicated that the “Mexican Border Recruitment has fallen flat on its face . . . . they do not have adequate personnel to place along the Border for recruitment; which might cause infilitration of ‘COMMIES’;” 1 letter (11/23/53) from Walter P. Davis (Mgr., Chula Vista Chamber of Commerce), E.F. Terrar, Jr.’s reply (11/25/53) & attached copy of a letter (11/23/53) from Morris Sankary, Robert O. Conforth & Walter P. Davis (Chula Vista Chamber of Commerce) to J. Lee Rankin (Asst. Attorney General) (3pp.) re/ S.D. area farmers & temporary Mexican labor needs because of the absence of contract labor, housing needs & other pro-employer suggestions; 1 letter (12/9/53) from E.F. Terrar, Jr. to Walter P. Davis & attached news clipping—“Brownell Wetback Program Is Held Up,” (The S.D. Union Washington Bureau) (n.d.); 1 copy of figures “taken from or based upon original operating statements issued by Iowa cooperatives” (2 pp.).
See moreDates
- created: 1953 June-December
- From the Collection: Wilson, Robert (Wilson, Robert Carlton) (1916-) (Person)
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From the Collection: 0.00 Linear Feet
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From the Collection: English
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