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San Diego Zoo, 1956-1971

 File — Box: 383, Folder: 8
Identifier: Folder 8

Scope and Contents

A large collection of letters, memos, memorandums, news clippings, government and private publications, photographs & other items. Examples are: Stapled copy of corresp. from Robert E. Lee (Travelog Producer) & Congress-man Wilson (12/71) re/ Mr. Lee’s interest in obtaining employment for his son at the S.D. Zoo; stapled packet of corresp. from Congressman Wilson, E. Jeremy Hutton (Leg. Attorney, Library of Congress), Charles R. Schoeder (DVM, S.D. Zoo) & Dr. & Mrs. S.C. Plotkin (July-Nov. 1971) re/ “the legality of wearing a flag patch in a disparaging way;” large, stapled packet of corresp. (July-Oct. 1971) from Congressman Wilson, Patrick O’Reiley (Personnel Dir., S.D. Zoo), J. Stanley Pottinger (Dir., Office of Civil Rights, HEW), Dr. Charles R. Schroeder (Dir., S.D. Zoo) & photocopies of news clippings from The San Diego Union & the Los Angeles Times (June 13 & 16 , 1971), copy of  “Zoological Society of San Diego Affirmative Action Plan, Jan. 1971,” & copy of HEW’s “Minimum Essentials of Contractor Written Affirmative Action Compliance Program under Executive Orders 11246 and 11375” re/ extensive coverage of the problems the S.D. Zoo had in meeting HEW’s equal employment regulations; “MEMO TO THE BOSS” (7/27/71) re/ concern over bids for main village structure in new wild animal park (est. $2 & 1/2 million) & “availability of materials due to the strike;” stapled packet of corresp. from Congressman Wilson, Dr. Charles Schroeder (S.D. Zoo), Paul Tsompanas (Adm. Asst. to Wilson), E.E. Saulmon (Dep.Adm., U.S. Dept. of Agriculture) & Dr. Leonard J. Goss (Dir., Cleveland Zoological Park) (Mar.-Ap. 1971) re/ discussions concerning the inadequacy of the existing animal quarrantine station & prospects for an expanded facility; large, stapled packet of corresp. (Dec. 1969-Jan. 1971) from Congressman Wilson, Jose G. de Rosa (Dep.Dir., Peace Corps Dev.& Training Center), Patrick O’Reiley (S.D. Zoo) & Frank R. Albert, Jr. (Chief, Contract Compliance Branch, HEW) & copy of the Zoological Society’s “Affirmative Action Plan, Jan. 1970” re/ the S.D. Zoo’s difficulties in meeting “an afffirmative action compliance program;” copies of corresp. from Congressman Wilson & Charles R. Schroeder (Ap. 1970) re/ the San Diego Wild Animal Park, the U.S. Post Office Dept. & the request for the special cancellation ‘Nairobi, California;’” loose collection of corresp. (May 1969-Feb.1970), photographs & a copy of the The San Diego Street Journal (Vol. 2, No. 4, Dec. 1969) re/ the concern over “four or five bare and sore-footed, long-haired hippies selling [news materials] at both entrance and exit of the Zoo. There are neither local ordinances nor law, prohibiting the sale. What can be done?;” small, staple packet of corresp. from Charles R. Schroeder & Congressman Wilson (Dec. 1969) re/ building a narrow-guage rail system for the Wild Animal Park; stapled packet of corresp. from Charles R. Schroeder, Congressman Wilson, Mrs. Louise Bundy (Asst. to the Sec. of the Interior), G. Douglas Hofe, Jr. (Dir., Bureau of Outdoor Rec., Dept. of Interior) (Nov. 1969-Dec. 1969) re/ “the conservation project we have in mind for the development in San Diego’s San Pasqual Valley;” stapled packet of corresp. (Oct. 1968-Ap. 1969) from George H. Pournelle (Curator, S.D. Zoological Gardens), Congressman Wilson, Mrs. Margaret W. Schwartz (Dir., Treasury Dept.). James E. Smith (Sp. Asst., Office of the Sec. of Treasury)  & William B. Macomber, Jr.(Asst. Sec. for Cong. Rel., Dept of State) re/ “importation of a pair of giant pandas from China;” small, stapled packet of corresp. (Sept.-Oct. 1968) from Congressman Wilson, William Macomber, Jr. (Dept. of State) & Clyde A. Hill (Assoc. Curator, S.D. Zoological Garden) re/ information on travel to Nepal, Bhutan & Sikkim; small, stapled packet of  corresp. (May-June 1968) from Kenton C. Lint (Curator, S.D. Zoological Garden), Congressman Wilson, Albert E. Schreck (Acting Editor-in-Chief, Mineral Yearbook, Bureau of Mines, Dept of Interior) re/ Wilson’s receiving a copy of Vol. I-II, “Metals, Minerals, and Fuels,” Minerals Yearbook, 1966; copies of Wilson office notes and letter from Charles R. Schroeder (Ap.-May 1968) re/ the problem of certificates of origin for birds & mamals imported from Hong Kong but “native to Red China;” stapled copies of corresp. (Jan.-Ap. 1968) from Congessman Wilson, William B. Macomber, Jr. (Dept. of State) & George H. Pournelle (Curator, S.D. Zoological Garden) re/ “the acquisition of animals for the San Diego Zoo direct from sources in the Republic of Congo;” stapled packet of corresp. from Clyde A. Hill (Assoc. Curator, S.D. Zoological Garden), Congressman Wilson & Mrs. Margaret W. Schwartz (Dir., Treasury Dept.) re/ the “desire [of Mr. Hill] to obtain a subcription to Korean Nature published in North Korea;” copies of corresp. (1/67) from Clyde A. Hill, Paul Tsompanas, Norman E. Watts, Jr. (Asst. to the Gen. Consul, Sears, Roebuck & Co.) & Wilson office notes re/ “The Commerce and Treasury Departments have advised us that the embargo does not restrict the importing of wild animals from Rhodesia;” copy of corresp. from George H. Pournelle & Catherine Parham (Wilson’s Sec.) (11/66) re/ “a world map which measures 54 x 80, which we obtained free of charge from the Geological Survey’ for the Zoo’s curatorial office; stapled copy of corresp. (Oct.-Nov. 1966) from Congressman Wilson & Sheldon Campbell (Chairman, Citizens’ Golden Jubilee Com.-S.D. Zoo’s 50th Year) & copy of the International Life Conservation Conference on the Role of Zoos in the Conservation of Wild Animals RESOLUTION (Oct. 4-6, 1966); corresp. of Clyde A. Hill (Assoc. Curator) (6/6/66) re/ “We are happy to learn that the ban still exists and trade is still not allowed [with Cuba];” small, stapled packet of corresp. (Mar-May 1966) from Congressman Wilson, Douglas MacArthur II (Asst., Sec. for Cong. Rel., Dept. of State), Clyde A. Hill (Assoc. Curator) & Dr. Abelardo Moreno (Nat. Dir., Jardin Zoologico De La Habana) re/ exchanges of zoological information & animals with Cuba; small, stapled packet of corresp. (July-Aug. 1965) from George H. Pournelle (Curator), Congressman Wilson, Douglas MacArthur II (Dept. of State) & Clyde A. Hill (Assoc. Curator) re/ interest in travel restrictions for U.S. tourists to “eastern Germany, Poland, Rumania, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia, Russia and Egypt;” stapled packet of corresp. (Jan.-Mar. 1965) from George H. Pournelle (Curator), Congressman Wilson, Mrs. Margaret W. Schwartz (Dir. Treasury Dept.), Robert E. Lee (Act. Asst. Sec. for Cong. Rel., Dept of State), Elting Arnold (Act. Dir., Foreign Assets Control, Treasury Dept.) & Brooks Hays (Asst. Sec. Dept. of State) re/ “the possibility of importing the Giant Panda...into this country for exhibit in the San Diego Zoo;” letter from Congressman Wilson (2/25/65) to S.D. Zoological Society re/ appreciation for the renewal of the complementary memberships in the society; large packet of corresp. (Feb.-Nov. 1964) from George H. Pournelle (Curator), Congressman Wilson, Laurence G. Pickering (Dept. of State), Carl F. Salans (Dept. of State), Clyde A. Hill (Asst. Curator), David K. Edminister (Commercial Officer, Am. Embassy, Bangkok, Thailand) & Dr. Boonsong Lekagull (Assoc. for the Preservation of Wildlife, Thailand) re/ obtaining a permit to import a female serow from Thailand; copies of corresp. from Clyde A. Hill (Assoc. Curator) & Congressman Wilson’s reply (6/64) re/ the status of “S. Con. Res. 60 (October 3, 1963),” a “concurrent resolution for the purpose of initiating cooperative action to further conservation of wild animals on a world-wide basis;” copies of corresp. (6/64) from George H. Pournelle (Curator) & Jacob Walkin (Dep. Principal Officer, Am. Consulate, Surabaya, Indonesia) re/ “giraffe exhange that we have tried to negotiate for over a year;” copies of corresp. (May-June 1964) from George H. Pournelle (Curator) & Jose Puntriano Romero (Dir., Barranco Zoologico, Lima, Peru) re/ exchange of animals with Peru, such as, “Spectacled bears, 6 Humbolt penguins, Horned owls, Jabiru storks and rare tortorises, and we have shipped dingos, a hippo and black leopards;” small, stapled packet of corresp. (Feb.-Ap. 1963) from George H. Pournelle (Curator), Congressman Wilson, Sidney H. Woolner (Commissioner, Housing & Home Finance Agency), Paul Southwick (Dep. Adm., Public Works Accel., Dept of Commerce), Wilson office notes & copy of “Preliminary Proposal: To Establish a Self-Sustaining Back Country Exotic Animal Farm, June 5, 1961” re/ Curator Pournelle’s proposal for a wild animal park & the Zoological Society’s interest in “obtaining Federal assistance for the back County Zoo annex;” small, stapled packet of corresp. (Aug.-Oct. 1962) from George H. Pournelle (Curator of Mammals), Congressman Wilson, “Memo for Mr. Wilson,” Charles R. Schroeder (Dir., S.D. Zoological Garden) & G. Howard Matson (Copley Productions) re/ importation of a pair of Indian Rhinos for $11,000 each & discussion of wild animal film production; small, stapled packet of corresp. (Feb.-Mar. 1962) from Congressman Wilson, Frederick G. Dutton (Asst. Sec., Dept of State), Kenton C. Lint (Curator of Birds) & George H. Pournelle (Curator of Mammals) & news clippings from the Indonesian Daily News (2/24/62) re/ animal & bird exchanges between the San Diego & the Surabaja Zoos; stapled packet of corresp. (Nov. 1961-Ap. 1962) from Congressman Wilson, Frederick G. Dutton (Asst. Sec., Dept. of State), Charles R. Schroeder (Dir., S.D. Zoological Gardens), Prof. Dr. Ulbrich (Zoological Garden, Dresden) & Herr Prof. H. Dathe (Dir., East Berlin Zoo) re/ “visa information and possible Government financial assistance for citizens of several foreign countries invited to attend a meeting of the International Union of Directors of Zoological Gardens and travel in Southern California in October. 1962;” copy of letter (20.1.1962) from Dr. Heinz - Georg Klos (Dir., Zoologischen Gartens Zu Berlin); copies of corresp. from Wallace B. Wade (Dir. P.R., S.D. Zoo), Congressman Wilson & Carlos S. Whiting (Nat. Park Service) (Dec. 1961-Feb. 1962) re/ obtaining copies of booklets on the National Parks for distribution to participants at the International Union of Zoo Directors meeting in S.D. in Oct. 1962; copy of Vol. VIII, No. 6 (June 1961) of the Zoo Bell & copy of corresp. from Cecil D. Hardesty (S.D. County Supt. of Schools) & Ralph Dailard (S.D. City Schools, Supt.) re/ recognition of “San Diego Zoo Week (May 28 to June 3);” copy of Western Union Telegram to K.C. Lint (Curator of Birds) from Hilme Oesman (Surabaja Zoo) (6/7/61) re/ Mr. Lint’s visit to the Surabaja Zoo; copy of letter from Charles R. Schroeder to Howard P. Jones (Am. Ambassador,  Dijakarta, Indonesia) (6/7/61) re/ positive relationship with the Surabaja Zoo for over 30 years & portended visit to Indonesia of Kenton Lint (S.D. Zoo Curator of Birds); stapled copies of corresp. (Mar.-Ap. 1961) from George H. Pournelle, Congress-man Wilson & Brooks Hays (Dept. of State) re/ Pournelle’s request for assis-tance from Congressman Wilson in obtaining a Gaint Panda from communist China; copy of letter (3/7/61) from Charles R. Schroeder to Congressman Wilson re/ labor relations, thanks for assistance on “Zoo Week” & attached copy of “Smithsonian Institution Operation of Zoological Parks Survey” as completed by the S.D. Zoological Society, 1961; stapled copies of corresp. (2/61) from James S. Murlin (Dir. of Personnel, S.D. Zoological Garden) re/ labor relationship with the Teamsters Union at the Zoo; stapled copies of corresp. (Oct.-Nov. 1959) from Charles R. Schroeder, Congressman Wilson & Florence Kirlin (Act. Asst. Sec. for Cong. Rel., Dept of State) re/ the International Union of Directors of Zoological Parks meeting to be held in 1962, which “includes zoo directors from behind the iron curtain;” large, stapled packet of corresp. (Mar.1956-Sept. 1959) from Leon W. Parma (Adm. Asst. to Wilson), William B. Maccomber, Jr. (Asst. Sec., Dept of State), Charles R. Schroeder, Dr. Harold J. Coolidge (Chairman, Am. Committee for International Wild Life Protection), E.F. Terrar, Jr. (Adm. Asst. to Wilson) & Howard Chernoff (S.D. Zoological Society)  & copy of UPI newsclipping (n.d.) “YANK TO HUNT TIBET SNOWMAN” re/ negative evaluations of George Wyman Carroll; small, stapled packet of corresp. (May-June 1956) from Charles R. Schroeder, E.F. Terrar, Jr., & Francis G. Knight (Dir., Passport Office, Dept. of State) re/ concern about the reliability of George Wyman Carroll in representing the S.D. Zoological Society in the collection of animals abroad.


  • created: 1956-1971


Conditions Governing Access

Access to some records is restricted, please consult with Special Collections & University Archives staff for details. Patrons wishing to use the Robert C. Wilson Papers must sign a "Researcher's Agreement," a copy of which can be obtained from Special Collections & University Archives staff.


From the Collection: 0.00 Linear Feet

Language of Materials

From the Collection: English

Repository Details

Part of the Special Collections & University Archives Repository

5500 Campanile Dr. MC 8050
San Diego CA 92182-8050 US