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San Diego - Tuna Industry, 1972

 File — Box: 739, Folder: 4
Identifier: Folder 4

Scope and Contents

Extensive collection of corresp., memos, news clippings & reports. Examples are: Stapled packet containing corresp. (June 1971-Dec. 1972) from Congressman Wilson, Casper Weinberger (OMB), August Felando (Am. Tunaboat Assoc.), “Memo For File,” Wilson Office Notes, photocopy of Public Law 92-569, 92nd Cong., H.R.. 717, Oct. 26, 2972 (2 p.) & news clipping (Evening Tribune, 11/16/72) re/ seizure of tunaboats, Fishermen’s Protective Act & “Eight Tunaboats Freed After Paying Pines;” photocopy of August Felando, “Problems of Fisheries Appear Pivotal Issue in Law of the Sea Conference,” The San Diego Union, 12/10/72; stapled copies of corresp. from Congressman Wilson, David M. Abshire (Asst. Sec. for Cong. Rel., State Dept.) & R.B. Cotton (Rec. Sec., Local Union No. 333) (Nov.-Dec. 1972) re/ “concern over the provision of the recently enacted Mexican fishery law which would require that non Mexican licensee carry at least 50 percent Mexican nationals in their crew;” copies of corresp. from Mrs. Virginia Mendez & Congressman Wilson’s response (11/72) re/ “the tuna fishing industry in San Diego, the killing of marine mammals, and ecology [, such as preserving the least tern in S.D.];” one copy of “Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972,” Public Law 92-522, 92nd., Cong., H.R. 10420, Oct. 21, 1972 (19 p.), 86 Stat. 1027; loose collection of stapled copies of corresp. from constituents Joe Codinka, Wayne Knight, Miss Kathleen M. Casey, Bill Sink, Stanley M. Shipway & Mrs. Rivers O. Burnett & Congressman Wilson’s replies (Oct.-Dec. 1972) re/ seizure of American tunaboats & the Protective Fisherman’s Act; a large stapled packet containing extensive corresp. (Nov. 1971-Oct. 1972) re/ Law of the Sea position of the Dept. of State, concerns of the American Tunaboat Assoc., Governor of Puerto Rico, National Fisheries Policy Conference & others, also includes copy of an 8 page “Statement by the Honorable Donald L. McKern, Alternate, United States Representative to the Committee on the Peaceful Uses of the Seabed and the Ocean Floor Beyond the Limits of National Jurisdiction Subcommittee II, March 29, 1972;” small stapled packet containing corresp. (Aug.-Sept. 1972) from Congressman Wilson, Leonard Lehman (Asst. Commissioner of Customs, Treasury Dept.), Paul A. Peterson (White, Price, Peterson & Robinson, Attorneys at Law, S.D.), Rebecca F. Ledford (Bureau of Customs) & photocopy of Sections 4.95-4.97 of section 251, Title 46, United States Code re/ controversy over the unloading of fish in San Diego by a Costa Rica boat, the Beverly Lynn, on or about July 24, 1972; two copies of White House photos of August Felando (Am. Tunaboat Assoc.) & John Nidecker & Congressman Wilson (9/72) re/ Cabrillo anniversary proclamation; small stapled packet containing corresp. (1972) from William L. Gifford (Sp. Asst. to the President), Congressman Wilson., George E. Steele, Jr. (Steele & Utz, Attorneys at Law, Washington, D.C.) & “Memo For File” re/ “10 tunaboat claims [a little less than 1/2 million dollars]...that President Nixon is to sign off on a letter of transmittal...asking Congress to include these claims in the Supplemental Appropriation Bill....;” small stapled packet containing corresp. (Aug.-Sept. 1972) from constituents Mr. & Mrs. Charles Kenyon, Congressman Wilson’s reply, photocopy of letter from August Felando (Am. Tunaboat Assoc.) & news clipping (The San Diego Union, 9/12/72) “U.S. Drafts coastwaters fishing plan” & Western Outdoor News (8/29/72) re/ “Seiners Kill Albacore Counts” & “Albacore Catch Hurt by Seiners;” small stapled packet containing corresp. from Congressman Wilson, William I. Greener (Asst. Dir. for Cong. & Public Affairs, Cost of Living Council) & 1 page photocopy of Federal Register, Vol. 37, No. 140, July 20, 1972 re/ “Raw Seafood Products Exemption Cost of Living Council Ruling...Approved: July 18, 1972;” small, stapled packet containing corresp. (July-Aug. 1972) from constituent Mrs. Anne Rahe, Congressman Wilson’s reply & news clippings (n.d.) from The San Diego Union & the Evening Tribune re/ “Friends Fear Extinction of Sea Mammals” & an excerpt from Dr. Barbour’s column on dolphins; photocopy of letter from A.N. Feliciano to S.D. County Supervisor William A. Craven & Congressman Wilson’s response to Mr. Feliciano (July-Aug. 1972) re/ “seizure of American tunaboats operating off Ecuador;” copy of July 18, 1972 memo to “Boss” from “Paul” re/ training “the poor or jobless as tuna fishermen;” copy of letter from Ms Kristine L. Schaufelberger to Congressman Wilson & his responses (7/72) re/ “the governments of Peru and Equador...impounding our tuna boats...I can’t understand why we have put up with this nonsense so long;” 1 copy of Am. Tunaboat Assoc. “Press Release” (Issue 72/8 - 7/6/72) re/ “extraordinary number of lawsuits filed by crew members against owners of tuna vessels;” small, stapled packet of corresp. from Marshall Wright (Acct. Asst., Sec. for Cong. Rel., Dept. of State) & from Congressman Wilson (June-July 1972) re/ copies forwarded to Dept. of State of telegrams from Am. Tunaboat Assoc. & Local Union No. 33 “on the subject of the licensing provisions of Mexico’s new fishery law;” 1 copy of Calendar No. 824, 92d Cong., 2d Sess., Senate Report No. 92-863 “Report of the Senate Committee on Commerce on S. 2871, June 15, 1972 [61 pp.];” stapled copies of corresp. from Philip M. Roedel (Dir., Nat. Marine Fisheries Ser., NOAA), Hoyt A. Wheeland (Chief, Statistics & Market News Div., NOAA) & Congressman Wilson (5/72) re/ commentary “on tuna landed by U.S. flag vessels in American Samoa and Puerto Rico;” stapled packet containing corresp. from August Felando (ATA), Charles L. Ill (Asst. Sec. of Navy for Installations & Logistics), Congressman Wilson & Congressman Barry M. Goldwater, Jr. (Mar.-May, 1972) re/ “the efforts to keep the Hawaiian Omega Station on the air” because of the benefits this navigational system gives to U.S. flag tuna vessels; stapled packet containing corresp. (5/72) from Congressman Wilson & Leslie E. Gehres (V.P., Ind. Rel., Westgate-Calif. Corp.), Wilson office notes & 1 copy of Public Law 89-658, 89th Cong., S. 2218, 10/14/66, “An Act To establish a contiguous fishery zone beyond the territorial sea of the United States,” 80 STAT. 908, 1 copy of H.R. 14026, 92d Cong., 2d Sess., 3/22,72, “A Bill To amend the Act entitled ‘An Act to establish a contiguous fishery zone...’ approved October 14, 1966” & 1 copy of H.R. 14019, 92d Cong., 2d Sess., 3/22/72, “A Bill To establish a contiguous fishery zone beyond the territorial limits of the United States [to the outer limits of the Continental Shelf] re/ potential “adverse effects such legislation would have on the U.S. tuna industry” and note from Gehres to Wilson (5/16/72 re/ fund raiser in Senate with assistance from Mrs. Eisenhower & Senator Barry Goldwater; copy of corresp. from Philip M. Roedel (NOAA) & Congressman Wilson (3/72) re/ the Nat. Marine Fisheries Service publication, Our Changing Fisheries; copies of corresp. (4/72) from Congressman Wilson, Leslie E. Gehres (Westgate-Calif. Corp.) & photocopy of news article, “Ocean Mammal Protection Wanted, Senate panel seek rigid tuna control” (Evening Tribune, 3/3/72) re/ utilizing San Diego’s KOGO, TV Channel 10’s “half-hour documentary on this tuna-porpoise problem;” stapled packet of corresp. from Congressman Wilson, David M. Abshire (Asst. Sec. for Cong. Rel., Dept. of State), John W. Townsend, Jr. (Assoc. Admin., NOAA), Frederick L. Weber (Sp. Asst. for Leg. Aff., Dept. of Labor) & G. Gordon Hurlburt (Wilson consituent) (Feb.-Mar. 1972) re/ the projected 200 mile fishery limit (proposed in H.R. 14026) & a recent $1.00 per ton tax on containerized cargo; stapled copy of letter from Paul Tsompanas (Adm. Asst. to Wilson) to August Felando (3/28/72) & photocopy of “ADVOCATES” news release (3/15/72) re/ a PBS sponored debate on 2/15/72, “Should the U.S. Claim Jurisdiction Over Fishing to a limit of 200 miles From Its Shores? Viewers Strongly Favor Fishing Rights Extension To 200 Miles off U.S. Coast;” small stapled packet containing corresp. (3/72) from William E. Timmons (Asst. to the President), Congressman Wilson, “Memo To Boss From Paul,” “Draft” of a letter to “My dear Mr. President” & copy of editorial from The Fishermnan’s News (2/72) re/ recom-mending Congressman Tom Pelly for appointment as a voting member of the U.S. Delegation to the Geneva Law of the Sea Conference in 1973; stapled packet containing corresp. (Dec. 1971-Mar. 1972) from Paul Tsompanas, Edwin F. Rains (Commissioner of Customs), Charles C. Dorsch (Pres., Shreve & Hays, Inc.), Henry E. Sweet (Chief, Div. of Marine Adm., Bureau of Customs) & photocopies of “Notice of Penalty and/or Forfiture, 11/19/71” & “Notice of Penalty or Liquidated Damages Incurred and Demand for Payment, 11/19/71” re/ the seizure of the fishing vessel Blue Pacific by the Bureau of Customs in Jacksonville, Florida; stapled copies of corresp. from Congressman Wilson, David M. Abshire (Asst. Sec. for Cong. Rel., State Dept.) & Robert V. Alvarez, Jr. (Jan.-Feb. 1972) re/ Mr. Alvarez’s inquiry to Wilson requesting info. on the seizure of Am. fishing boats by Ecuador; “Memo For File” (2/14/72) & office notes re/ “Justice Department’s seizure of another tuna clipper, the OCEAN QUEEN;” stapled packet containing corresp. from Joseph E. Stubbs, Congress-man Wilson, John W. Townsend, Jr. (Assoc. Adm., NOAA) & David M. Abshire (State Dept.) (Jan.-Feb. 1972) re/ Mr. Stubbs’ interest in the economic impact on the tuna industry of Ecuadorian seizures of Am. tuna boats; copies of corresp. from constituent Mark Arbesu & Wilson’s reply (1/72) re/ Mr. Arbesu’s critique of U.S. taxpayers paying for the release of tuna boat seizures & Congressman Wilson’s defense of the Fishermen’s Protective Act--[In 1971, “American tuna boats...paid more than $2.5 million in license fees & fines.”]; photocopy of Lewis Regenstein, “Dolphins and Porpoises Face Threat of Extinction,” The Washington Post (n.d.); stapled copies of corresp. from constituent Joseph J. Pentek & Congressman Wilson’s reply (Dec. 1971-Jan. 1972) & photocopy of news article, “Van Deerlin Spurs House action over seizure of U.S. tunaboats” (Don Lund, Copley News Service, n.d.) re/ Mr. Pentek’s frustration with the lack of forceful actions by the U.S. in relation to the “seizing of Am. tunaboats in international waters;” 2 copies of constituent corresp. with Congressman Wilson (1/72) re/ frustration with the issue of tunaboat seizures & U.S. taxpayer costs; “Memo For File” (12/23/71) & office notes re/ “Justice Department’s seizure of the Tuna Clipper POLARIS.”


  • created: 1972


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From the Collection: 0.00 Linear Feet

Language of Materials

From the Collection: English

Repository Details

Part of the Special Collections & University Archives Repository

5500 Campanile Dr. MC 8050
San Diego CA 92182-8050 US