Box 27
Contains 21 Results:
Associations: Nat. Assoc. of P.O., 1962
One issue of San Diego POSTAL NEWS with an emphasis on telegrams, including Wilson's, in support of the Morrison Bill, H. R. 9531, which would provide pay increases for postal employees.
Associations: National Rivers & Harbors, 1956, 1964, 1965
A collection of 7 stapled packets of letters and other items from William Webb (Ex. V.P. National Rivers & Harbors Congress), Wilson's replies and other items indicating membership, appointments & plans for their 52nd National Convention in Washington, D.C. in June, 1965.
Associations: Navy League, 1959
Letters from Glenn C. Erickson (President. San Diego Council of the Navy League of the United States), E. Robert Anderson (Union-Trlbune Publishing Co.), Congressman Wilson's replies and a news clipping "San Diegan Gets Navy League Post," S.D. UNION (5-12-59).
Associations: Optimist Club, 1957
1 letter from Leroy N. Jones (Boys' Work Director, Optimist International, Zone 4, District 14) & Congressman Wilson's reply regarding "Youth Appreciation Week" to offset the stereotype of "juvenile delinquent" to describe teenagers.
Associations: PAN AM League, 1957
1 copy of 1 page letter from Congressman Wilson to Mrs. Albert Tramonti of San Diego re/ Wilson's acceptance to serve on the League's Advisory Board during the current fiscal year.
Associations: Peace Info. Center, 1949-1963
A large file of information collected from various sources such as the House of Representatives Committee on Un-American Activities, the "Special Report - Seditious Activities Investigation Commission," State of Illinois, on the University of Chicago and Roosevelt College (1949), photocopies of news items and from other sources. The focus of this folder reflects the continuous fears among political conservatives as to "alleged" communist influence among prominent Americans.
Associations: Postal Employees, gen., 1959-1961
Several letters from the National Federation of Post Office Clerks (Local 197), the National Transportation Assn. (8th Division), the National Postal Transport Assn. & replies from Congressman Wilson & his Admin. Asst. Leon Parma.
Associations: Propeller Club, 1958, 1959, 1961
A small collection of letters from members of the Propeller Club, Wilson's replies, a note from Marge & a copy of "Resolutions Adopted by the Thirty Second Annual Convention . . . and American Merchant Marine Conference, San Francisco, California October 15-17, 1958." Constituent interest in the organization and Wilson was awarded an honorary membership.
Associations: Proposed, 1957
1 letter from constituent Harry K. Kellett (VFW) & 3 letters from Congressman Wilson re/ project "40 Plus," efforts to increase unemployment for older citizens in San Diego.
Associations: Red Cross, 1963 January-April
A collection of letters, reports, telegrams, memos & other items regarding Wilson's help in obtaining San Diego as the site for the 1966 American National Red Cross Convention.