Box 4
Contains 41 Results:
Financial Documents - Congregation Beth Israel, 1950s-1960s
Documents and correspondence regarding financial income and expenditure statements and reports.
Rosters, Correspondence, Board of Directors Meeting Minutes - Congregation Beth Israel, 1950s-1960s
Rosters, Correspondence, Board of Directors Meeting Minutes - Congregation Beth Israel
Jewish Associations and Councils - California and National, 1950s-1960s
Minutes, reports, and documents from: San Diego Rabbinical Association; Jewish Community Relations Council; Board of Rabbi's of Sourthern California; Jewish National Fund.
Jewish Education in San Diego, 1947-1972
Brochures, pamphlets, bulletins and programs relating to: Bureau of Jewish Education; Jewish Community Relations Council; San Diego City Schools; San Diego State College.
Jewish Education and Philosophy, 1950s-1960s
Brochures, pamphlets, and programs relating to: Jewish Peace Fellowship; American Jewish Education; Intermarriage; birth control; Arabs in Palestine; dealing with enemies. Spiritual Education Week program, March 1960, with Rabbi Cohn listed as a speaker.
Reform Judaism Definitions and Campaigns, 1950s
Brochures, booklets, sermons, correspondence and other documents defining and discussing advancement and financial support of Reform Judaism. Correspondence includes Temple Judea of West Fernando Valley, Congregation Beth Israel, Union of American Hebrew Congregations (UAHC).
Anti-Defamation League, 1960s
Anti-Defamation League (ADL): Quarterly reports, magazine article, and other documents regarding minorites, bigotry, intergration, and other issues of prejudice.
United Jewish Fund of San Diego, 1948-1958
Items pertaining to United Jewish Fund (UJF) of San Diego: Articles of Incorporation, Constitution and By-laws; reports and prospectus; minutes; memberships; correspondence.
The American Council for Judaism and America-Israel Cultural Foundation, 1950s - 1960s
Brochures, articles, and reports discussing: Israel and Jordan; refugees; Zionism; "What We Believe"; Jewish Nationalism. Communications and flyer regarding cultural exchange between America and Israel. America-Israel Cultural Foundation (AICF) newsletter, proposed budget allocations, and correspondence.
Jewish Community Center - San Diego
Brochures, correspondence, minutes and reports discussing United Jewish Fund of San Diego and operation of Jewish Community Center Association of San Diego; Haddagah for Jewish Community Center Passover Seder. Includes material re El Cajon Blvd and 54th Street locations.