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Showing Collections: 11 - 20 of 42

Dr. Sue Earnest Papers

Identifier: MS-0454
Scope and Contents The Dr. Sue Earnest Papers document the career and personal interests of Dr. Sue Earnest at San Diego State University and in the greater San Diego community. The collection highlights in particular Earnest's dissertation research, her career as a professor of speech pathology at San Diego State, her community work following her retirement, as well as her great personal interest in foreign travel. It dates from 1848 to 2007, with the majority of materials dating from 1925-2007, and consists...
Dates: 1848-2007; Majority of material found in 1925-2007

Lester Earnest Papers

Identifier: MS-0467
Scope and Contents

The Lester Earnest papers document the fraternal organization Phi Lamba Xi, of which earnest was a member during his time at San Diego state.  Highlights include the fraternity's newsletter, a group photograph, and the spring 1954 handbook of the Delta Xi chapter of Sigma Chi. The collection consists of meeting minutes, newsletters, rosters, a handbook, a photograph and some negatives. It dates from 1925 to 1954, and materials are filed chronologically.

Dates: 1925-1954

William H. Egle Collection

Identifier: MS-0389
Scope and Contents The William H. Egle Collection (1817-1967) provides light documentation for Egle’s genealogical research and historical research interests. Filed alphabetically, the collection consists of correspondence, genealogical material, publications about Pennsylvania history, scrapbooks, and a small number of photographs. The collection also includes materials from William Egle's wife and daughter, including several maps and publications. The majority of materials date from the 1890s to the early...
Dates: 1817-1967; Majority of material found in 1896-1900

Ellis Family Theater Memorabilia Collection

Identifier: MS-0106
Scope and Contents

The Ellis Family Collection consists of theater and movie scripts by Edith and Edward Ellis, playbills, programs, reviews, photographs, and information about the Ellis family, specifically Edith Ellis. Also included are movie house ledgers, movie production picture magazines, posters, and promotional photographs from the Bijou Theater in St. Paul, Minnesota.  Its connection with the Ellis Family is unclear; possibly the theater was operated by the Ellis Family.

Dates: 1887-1959

Leonard Fierro Papers

Identifier: MS-0439
Scope and Contents The Leonard Fierro Papers (1927-1995) document Fierro's work as an educator, activist and advocate for bilingual education. The majority of the material dates from the early 1960's through 1970's, with very sparse documentation of the 1950's. These files illustrate Fierro's development of bilingual education teaching materials for San Diego County. His papers include reports, correspondence, teaching supplements, newspaper clippings, and audio cassettes....
Dates: 1927-1995; Majority of material found in 1966-1995

Mark Freeman Papers

Identifier: MS-0113
Scope and Contents The Freeman papers document the production of four documentary films produced, directed, written, filmed, and / or edited by Mark Freeman while he was on the faculty at San Diego State University. The papers date from 1997-2005, with the bulk of documents created in 2003 for Families and Flowers and 2005 for Talking Peace. The collection consists of production files, published materials, and film in varying formats. While the records in this collection were created during Freeman’s time at...
Dates: 1997-2005; Majority of material found in 2003-2005

Gove Family Papers

Identifier: MS-0021
Scope and Contents

The collection consists of the financial and legal records of Gove's estate, as well as some personal papers. The collection includes correspondence, inventories of estate, titles/patents, deeds, photographs, a map, and miscellaneous materials relating to Lakeside and the water rights agreement of San Pasqual Valley.

Dates: 1888-1948

Myrtle Elizabeth Johnson Papers

Identifier: MS-0347
Scope and Contents The collection consists of manuscript drafts for the book Seashore Animals of the Pacific Coast, photographs, and scrapbooks. The scrapbooks are particularly noteworthy, and contain images of the 1915-1916 San Diego Exposition and other scenes of life in the early city. The photograph albums document Johnson's frequent participation in the annual Sierra Club outings to Yosemite and other national parks between 1914 and 1928, and include photographs of...
Dates: 1904-1928

Louis A. Kenney Papers

Identifier: MS-0393
Scope and Contents The Louis A. Kenney Papers document Kenney's years as University Librarian at San Diego State University. The collection dates from 1914-1992, and has been divided into four series: Correspondence, Professional Files, Printing Ephemera, and Scrapbooks.The Correspondence series includes Kenney's ingoing and outgoing correspondence from 1960 to 1980, as...
Dates: 1914-1992; Majority of material found in 1950-1992

Orrin Edgar Klapp Papers

Identifier: MS-0341
Scope and Contents The Orrin Edgar Klapp Papers documents the Klapp's career as a naval officer and professor of sociology at San Diego State College from 1949 to 1969. The collection is comprised of information pertaining to the history of the Hydrographic Office during WWII, correspondence to and from Klapp, newspaper clippings, and a handwritten manuscript of Klapp's work A Materialist Metaphysics. Other highlights include manuscripts from...
Dates: 1942 - 1998

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  • Language: English X
  • Subject: Personal Papers X
  • Subject: Photographs X

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Jews--California--San Diego 8
Audio Recordings 6
Artifacts 5
Jews--California--San Diego--Societies, etc 5
Video Recordings 4
∨ more
African Americans--California--San Diego 3
Organizational Records 3
African American social reformers--California--San Diego--Biography--Sources 2
B'nai B'rith Women 2
Chicano movement--California 2
San Diego (Calif.)--History--Sources 2
San Diego State University. Chicana and Chicano Studies 2
Slides 2
Theaters--California--San Diego--History 2
Academic librarians--California--San Diego--Biography--Sources 1
Academic librarians--California--San Diego--Correspondence 1
Actresses--United States--Biography 1
African American civic leaders 1
African American civic leaders--California--San Diego--Biography--Sources 1
African American clergy--California--San Diego--Biography 1
African American educators 1
African American educators--California--San Diego--Biography--Sources 1
African American neighborhoods--California--San Diego--History--Sources 1
African American political activists--California--San Diego--Biography--Sources 1
African Americans--California--San Diego--Biography--Sources 1
American drama 1
American drama (Comedy) 1
Arab-Israeli conflict 1
Astronomy--History--Sources 1
Bijou Theater (St. Paul, Minn.) 1
Bonsall (Calif.)--History--Sources 1
Businessmen--California--Lemon Grove--Biography--Sources 1
California history 1
California. Superior Court (San Diego County) 1
Censorship--Netherlands--Early works to 1800 1
Censorship--Netherlands--History--16th century 1
Civil rights movements--California--San Diego--History--20th century--Sources 1
Civil rights--California--San Diego 1
College presidents--California--San Diego--Biography--Sources 1
Community development--California--San Diego 1
Concrete ships--United States 1
Coronado journal 1
Documentary films 1
Documentary films--Production and direction 1
Edmund's Island (Motion picture) 1
Education--Study and teaching (Higher)--California--San Diego--History--20th century 1
Educational psychology--Study and teaching (Higher)--California--San Diego--History--20th 1
Encinitas (Calif.) 1
Encinitas (Calif.)--Social life and customs 1
Entertainers--United States--Biography--Sources 1
Environment (Art) 1
Families and flowers (Motion picture) 1
Feminists--United States 1
Floriculturists--California--Encinitas 1
Flowers--California 1
Homeless persons--California--San Diego 1
Homeless veterans--California--Encinitas 1
Horse racing--California--San Diego County--History--Sources 1
Jews Palestine social conditions. 1
Judges--California--San Diego County--Biography--Sources 1
Lakeside (Calif.)--History 1
Lemon Grove (Calif.)--History--20th century--Sources 1
Lemon Grove (Calif.)--History--Sources 1
Lemon Grove (Calif.)--Social conditions--Sources 1
Lemon Grove (Calif.)--Social life and customs--Sources 1
Lines in the sand (Motion picture) 1
Marine animals--Pacific Coast (America) 1
Merchant ships--United States 1
Motion picture plays, American 1
Music--Czechoslovakia--Sources 1
Newspaper publishing--California--Coronado 1
Newspaper publishing--California--San Diego 1
Newspaper vendors--California--Encinitas 1
Nurses--California--San Diego--Biography--Sources 1
Nurses--California--San Diego--Correspondence 1
Nursing--California--San Diego County 1
Nursing--California--San Diego--History--Sources 1
Nursing--Study and teaching 1
Older Women’s League (U.S.) 1
Older women--United States 1
Palestinian Arabs--California--San Diego 1
Pennsylvania--History 1
Pennsylvania--History--Sources 1
Performing arts--California--History--20th century--Sources 1
Photograph albums--Specimens 1
Playbills--Specimens 1
Postcards--California--San Diego 1
Radio programs--United States 1
Real estate agents--California--San Bernardino County--Biography--Sources 1
San Diego (Calif.)--Biography--Sources 1
San Diego (Calif.)--Church history--20th century--Sources 1
San Diego (Calif.)--Civilization--Sources 1
San Diego (Calif.)--Description and travel 1
San Diego (Calif.)--Race relations--History--20th century--Sources 1
San Diego (Calif.)--Race relations--History--Sources 1
San Diego (Calif.)--Social life and customs--Sources 1
San Diego County (Calif.)--Civilization--Sources 1
San Diego County (Calif.)--History--Sources 1
+ ∧ less
Spanish; Castilian 4
Jewish Historical Society of San Diego 7
San Diego State University--Faculty--Biography--Sources 4
Independent Order of B’nai B’rith 2
Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlan de U.C.S.B. 2
African American clergy--California--San Diego--Biography--Sources 1
∨ more
Alberti family--Archives 1
Alberti, Clark, 1841-1931--Archives 1
Alberti, Nellie Hilligros--Archives 1
American National Red Cross--Biography--Sources 1
Amphion Club 1
Amsden, Georgia C. 1
Amsden, Georgia C., 1883-1968--Archives 1
Amsden, Georgia C., 1883-1968--Travel--France 1
Baker, Ellis, actress 1
Berman, Ralph 1
Betaque, H. A. (Harry Andrew Betaque) 1
Black, Pauline T.--Diaries 1
Black, Pauline T.--Travel 1
Black, Samuel Thorburn 1
Black, Samuel Thorburn, 1846-1917--Archives 1
Black, Samuel Thorburn, 1846-1917--Travel 1
Briggs, Robert M. 1
Brown, Harold K. 1
Cable, John Rufus--Mental health 1
Casares, Arturo 1
Cassius Carter Centre Stage (San Diego, Calif.) 1
Christ United Presbyterian Church 1
Christ United Presbyterian Church (San Diego, Calif.)--History--20th century--Sources 1
Clark and Nellie Alberti 1
Clayton, Merle 1
Congress of Racial Equality 1
Cooper, Charles E. 1
Cooper, Charles E.--Archives 1
Davies, Lowell (Robert Lowell Davies) 1
Davies, Lowell, 1895-1983 1
Eagle family 1
Earnest, Lester 1
Earnest, Sue (Sue Wolfer Earnest) 1
Egle, William Henry 1
Egle, William Henry, 1830-1901 1
El Cajon Valley Company 1
Ellis Family 1
Ellis family--Archives 1
Ellis, Edith, 1876-1961--Archives 1
Ellis, Edward Charles, b. 1845--Archives 1
Ellis, Edward, 1870-1952--Archives 1
Fierro, Leonard 1
Fisher family 1
Freeman, Mark 1
Freeman, Mark, producer--Archives 1
Golden Hill United Presbyterian Church 1
Golden Hill United Presbyterian Church (San Diego, Calif.)--History--20th century--Sources 1
Gove, Charles G. 1
Gove, Charles G.--Archives 1
Gove, Charles G.--Estate 1
Gowen family--Archives 1
Johnson, Myrtle Elizabeth 1
Johnson, Myrtle Elizabeth, 1881-1967--Archives 1
Johnson, Myrtle Elizabeth, 1881-1967--Travel 1
Kelly, George, 1887-1974. Showoff 1
Kenney, Louis A. 1
Kenney, Louis A., 1917--Archives 1
Kenney, Louis A., 1917--Correspondence 1
Klapp, Orrin Edgar 1
Klapp, Orrin Edgar, 1915--Archives 1
Kotler, Edith 1
Linkletter, Art (Arthur Gordon Linkletter) 1
Linkletter, Art, 1912--Archives 1
Love, Malcolm A. 1
Love, Malcolm Andrews, 1904--Archives 1
Love, Malcolm Andrews, 1904--Correspondence 1
Lowenbach, Jan 1
Lowenbach, Jan, 1880-1972 1
Nasatir, Abraham 1
Nasatir, Ida 1
Noel, Craig 1
Nuñez, Rene 1
Okmin, Seymour 1
Old Globe Theatre (San Diego, Calif.) 1
Paisin, Alice H. 1
Power, Effie May--Archives 1
Power, Effie May--Correspondence 1
Power, Euphinnia May 1
Prouty, Helen Lucia 1
Prouty, Helen, 1908-2005--Archives 1
Rancho San Luis Rey (Calif.)--Archives 1
Richards, Al 1
Richards, Al--Archives 1
Richards, Al--Travel--Sources 1
Roberta Wagner Berman 1
San Diego County General Hospital 1
San Diego Normal School--Administration--History--Sources 1
San Diego State University 1
San Diego State University--Administration--History--20th century--Sources 1
San Diego State University--Alumni and alumnae--Biography--Sources 1
San Diego State University. Library. Department of Special Collections--History--Sources 1
San Diego State University. School of Education--History--20th century--Sources 1
Showel, Morris 1
Smetana, Bedřich, 1824-1884 1
Smith, George Walker 1
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