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Showing Collections: 31 - 40 of 458

Desi Arnaz Papers

Identifier: MS-0069
Scope and Contents The Desi Arnaz Collection consists of Arnaz’s personal notes and materials for his autobiography, A Book, and production materials from both “Desilu Productions” and “Desi Arnaz Productions, Inc.” (DAPI). The Desilu Production items include films and related documents from 1951 to 1962.The bulk of the collection consists of materials from Desi Arnaz Productions Inc., from 1966 to 1974. This includes extensive production materials for the “The...
Dates: 1947-1976; Majority of material found in 1966-1974

Art Department Records

Identifier: MS-0416
Scope and Contents

This collection documents the activities of the Department of Art's Art Council, Galleries, faculty, students, and alumni from 1964-1989.  These records are organized in chronological order.  This material was compiled by the Art Department, and descriptions and headings were left as originally devised.  These are in boxes 1 through 3.  All loose archival material, including exhibits catalogs, is located in box 4 of the collection.

Dates: 1964-2000

Artist's Sketchbook

Identifier: MS-0536
Scope and Contents This artist's sketchbook documents an unidentified English artist’s tour of Europe in 1857 and contains watercolors and pencil sketches accompanied by descriptions of the scenes depicted. The spine of the sketchbook has partially disintegrated, causing some of the pages to come loose. According to the hand-lettered title page, in which the artist identifies himself only as “Our Own Correspondent,” this sketchbook comprises part one of three parts, covering the first leg of his tour from...
Dates: 1857

Asian American Student Alliance Collection

Identifier: MS-0332
Scope and Contents The Asian American Student Alliance Collection dates from 1981-1992, with the bulk of materials dated 1981-83.  It consists solely of paper records.  The collection documents the association's meetings, budget, elections, and activities.  Included are: activity flyers promoting the AASA's many events such as dances, trips, and programs they sponsored; flyers and maps from the group's trip to Manzanar; and programs from the First Annual Indo-Chinese High...
Dates: 1981-1992; Majority of material found in 1981-1983

Associated Students Records

Identifier: MS-0380
Scope and Contents The Associated Students Records (1926-1997) document the development, operation, and administration of Associated Students.  The collection includes correspondence, reports, memorandums, newspaper clippings, resolutions, meeting minutes, and agendas.  The collection is divided into sixteen series: Constitution, By-laws, Resolutions (1935-1978), Election Files (1959-1992), ...
Dates: 1926-2009

Associated Women Students (AWS) Collection

Identifier: MS-0449
Scope and Contents The Associated Women Students Collection documents the growth and development of AWS at San Diego State, as well as many of the activities and lectures it organized on campus.  Also documented are some of the controversies involving women on campus in the early 1970s.  The collection includes two scrapbooks, correspondence, meeting minutes, flyers, and budget information, as well as copies of the ever-changing AWS constitution. The scrapbooks in the...
Dates: 1936-1977; Majority of material found in 1961-1973

Association for Retarded Citizens (ARC) of San Diego Records

Identifier: MS-0032
Scope and Contents

The collection documents higher education, special education, government and politics within the city and county of San Diego, as well as the state of California, health services, recreation, and social service agencies.  It consists of meeting minutes from the ARC's executive board and of city and county councils, correspondence, financial and membership records, committee reports, public relations files, and legislative materials.

Dates: 1958-1977

Association of Chicana Activists (AChA) Records

Identifier: MS-0460
Scope and Contents The Association of Chicana Activists (AChA) Records document the history of AChA at SDSU. Highlights include a copy of the 1993 newsletter for the organization's first annual high school conference, as well as original transparencies and positives of AChA's logo. In particular, the records highlight the group's formation, high school conferences and other events and activities. The collection is filed chronologically with the majority of the materials dating...
Dates: 1993-2011

Audubon Society, San Diego Chapter Records

Identifier: MS-0385
Scope and Contents

The Audubon Society, San Diego Chapter Records document the organization's organizations activities from the early 1950s through the 1980. The collection is comprised of a variety of records, including minutes, agendas, financial records, correspondence, committee files, files on the Chapter’s Silverwood Wildlife Sanctuary in Lakeside, CA, membership files, general office files, and the Chapter’s “Sketches” newsletters.

Dates: 1919-2004; Majority of material found within 1950-1990

Autograph Collection

Identifier: MS-0070
Scope and Contents

This is an artificial collection consisting of manuscript autographs clipped from letters and other sources. The fragments have been mounted on white paper, and sometimes feature annotations or biographical information about the signer. There is one miscellaneous folder, which contains signatures that are unreadable.

Dates: 1775-1941

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  • Language: English X

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Personal Papers 170
Organizational Records 100
Photographs 87
Jews--California--San Diego 64
Jews--California--San Diego--Societies, etc 35
∨ more
Institutional Archives 27
Audio Recordings 16
Video Recordings 16
Artifacts 13
Slides 10
San Diego (Calif.)--Social life and customs--Sources 9
Chicano movement--California--San Diego 7
Photograph albums 7
San Diego (Calif.)--Pictorial works 7
African Americans--California--San Diego 6
Jews--California--San Diego--Social conditions--19th century 6
San Diego (Calif.)--History 6
San Diego State University--Faculty--Biography 6
San Diego State University. Chicana and Chicano Studies 6
Women--California--San Diego 6
World War, 1939-1945--Sources 6
B'nai B'rith Women 5
Corporate Records 5
Digital Records 5
Feminism 5
Peoples Temple--History--Sources 5
San Diego County (Calif.)--History--Sources 5
San Diego County (Calif.)--Pictorial works 5
Comic books, strips, etc. 4
Environmentalism--California, Southern 4
Ephemera 4
Holocaust survivors 4
Jonestown Mass Suicide, Jonestown, Guyana, 1978--Sources 4
Microforms 4
San Diego State University--Faculty 4
Scrapbooks--Specimens 4
Theater--California--San Diego--History--20th century--Sources 4
Theaters--California--San Diego 4
Theaters--California--San Diego--History 4
Women, Services for--California--San Diego 4
Women--California--San Diego--Social conditions--Sources 4
Chicano movement--California 3
College presidents--California--San Diego--Biography--Sources 3
Conservation of natural resources--California--San Diego--Sources 3
Entertainers--United States--Biography--Sources 3
Environmental protection--California--San Diego--Sources 3
Environmentalism 3
Feminism--California--San Diego 3
Jewish religious education 3
Lemon Grove (Calif.)--History--20th century--Sources 3
Lemon Grove (Calif.)--History--Sources 3
Mexican American education--California--San Diego 3
Nonprofit organizations--California 3
Race discrimination--California--San Diego--History--20th century--Sources 3
San Diego (Calif.)--Economic conditions--Sources 3
San Diego (Calif.)--History--Sources 3
San Diego (Calif.)--Politics and government--Sources 3
San Diego County (Calif.)--Social conditions--Sources 3
San Diego County (Calif.)--Social life and customs 3
San Diego County (Calif.)--Social life and customs--Sources 3
United States--History--Civil War, 1861-1865--Sources 3
Wilderness areas--Environmental aspects--California--History--20th century--Sources 3
Women's rights--United States 3
Women--California--San Diego--History--Sources 3
Women--Legal status, laws, etc 3
World War, 1914-1918--Sources 3
African American civic leaders--California--San Diego--Biography--Sources 2
African American clergy--California--San Diego--Biography 2
African American college graduates--California--San Diego--Societies, etc.--History--Sources 2
African American social reformers--California--San Diego--Biography--Sources 2
American Indian studies 2
American Western Life 2
American literature--20th century 2
American literature--20th century--Sources 2
American poetry--20th century 2
Art, American--20th century 2
Associations, Institutions, etc.--California--San Diego 2
Astronomy--History--Sources 2
Authors, American--20th century--Biography--Sources 2
Balboa Park (San Diego, Calif.)--History--Sources 2
Bilingual education and bilingualism 2
Businessmen--California--Lemon Grove--Biography--Sources 2
Christianity and other religions--Judaism--History--20th century--Sources 2
City planning--California--San Diego--History--20th century--Sources 2
City planning--California--San Diego--Sources 2
Civil rights movements--California--San Diego--History--20th century--Sources 2
Civil rights--California--San Diego 2
Coastal ecology--California--History--20th century--Sources 2
Coastal zone management--California--Citizen participation--History--20th century--Sources 2
College presidents' spouses--California--San Diego--Biography--Sources 2
College presidents--California--San Diego 2
Comic books, strips, etc.--Collectors and collecting 2
Community development--California--San Diego 2
Correspondence--20th century 2
De facto school segregation 2
Draft--History--20th century--Sources 2
Education--Study and teaching (Higher)--California--San Diego--History--20th century 2
Environmental impact analysis--California, Southern 2
Environmental impact analysis--California--San Diego 2
Environmental impact analysis--California--San Diego County 2
+ ∧ less
Spanish; Castilian 20
Chinese 1
French 1
Japanese 1
Russian 1
Jewish Historical Society of San Diego 64
San Diego State University--Faculty--Biography--Sources 13
San Diego State University 9
Independent Order of B’nai B’rith 8
San Diego State University--History--20th century--Sources 8
∨ more
San Diego State University--History--Sources 7
Adams, Jane Ford--Art collections 6
Adams, John R., 1900-1994--Art collections 6
Jones, Jim, 1931-1978 5
San Diego State University--Archives 5
Old Globe Theatre (San Diego, Calif.) 4
San Diego State College 4
San Diego State University--Curricula 4
San Diego State University--Employees 4
San Diego State University--Students 4
San Diego State University. Library. Deptartment of Special Collections 4
Chicano Federation of San Diego County 3
Congregation Beth Israel (San Diego, Calif.) 3
Greek letter societies--California--San Diego--History--20th century--Sources 3
San Diego State College--Faculty--History--20th century--Sources 3
San Diego State University--Administration--History--20th century--Sources 3
San Diego State University--Finance--History--20th century--Sources 3
San Diego State University--Students--Societies, etc 3
Tifereth Israel Synagogue (San Diego, Calif.) 3
Adams Postcard Collection 2
B'nai B'rith. Anti-defamation League 2
Bohmer, Peter 2
Center for Regional History 2
Davies, Lowell, 1895-1983 2
Gaines, Gilbert, 1926-2010 2
Lasker Lodge 2
Lemon Grove Chamber of Commerce 2
Mexican American Women’s National Association 2
Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlan de U.C.S.B. 2
National Organization for Women. San Diego County Chapter--Archives 2
Noel, Craig 2
Post, Lauren Chester 2
Rose, Louis, 1807-1888 2
San Diego Chamber of Commerce 2
San Diego State University--Administration--History--Sources 2
San Diego State University--Alumni and alumnae--Biography--Sources 2
San Diego State University--Students--Biography--Sources 2
San Diego State University--Students--Social life and customs--20th century--Sources 2
San Diego State University. Library. Department of Special Collections--History--Sources 2
San Diego State University. School of Social Work--History--Sources 2
San Diego State University. Women's Studies Department--History--Sources 2
Society of Friends--California--San Diego--History--20th century--Sources 2
Sonka, Anthony F., 1885-1974--Archives 2
United Farm Workers of America 2
United States. Marine Corps--History--20th century--Sources 2
Young Women's Christian Association--California--San Diego 2
Abbe Wolfsheimer-Stutz, 1938-2014 1
Abele, Barbara 1
Abele, Barbara, d. 1998--Archives 1
Adams Autograph Album Collection 1
Adams Ephemera Collection (John and Jane Adams Ephemera Collection) 1
Adams Photograph Collection 1
Adams Recipe and Menu Collection 1
Adams Trade Card Collection 1
Adams, Jane Ford--Correspondence 1
Adams, John 1
Adams, John R., 1900-1994--Archives 1
Adams, John R., 1900-1994--Correspondence 1
Adat Ami Synagogue (San Diego, Calif.) 1
Advisory Board on Women 1
African American clergy--California--San Diego--Biography--Sources 1
Ahern, James Thomas 1
Alberti family--Archives 1
Alberti, Clark, 1841-1931--Archives 1
Alberti, Nellie Hilligros--Archives 1
Alf, Richard 1
Allen Dairy 1
Allen, John D 1
Allen, Seveno 1
Allen, Vera 1
Allen, William 1
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority 1
Alpha Pi Boulé 1
Alumni Association 1
American Association of University Women. San Diego Branch 1
American Federation of Television and Radio Artists, San Diego Chapter 1
American Federation of Television and Radio Artists--History--Sources 1
American Federation of Television and Radio Artists. San Diego Chapter--Archives 1
American National Red Cross--Biography--Sources 1
American Society for Aesthetics 1
American Society for Aesthetics--Archives 1
American Society for Aesthetics--History--Sources 1
American Society of Bookplate Collectors and Designers--Archives 1
American Society of Civil Engineers 1
American Society of Civil Engineers, San Diego Chapter 1
American Society of Civil Engineers. San Diego Section--Archives 1
Amphion Club 1
Amsden, Georgia C. 1
Amsden, Georgia C., 1883-1968--Archives 1
Amsden, Georgia C., 1883-1968--Travel--France 1
Anderson, Allan W. 1
Anti-Defamation League of San Diego 1
Armando M. Rodriguez 1
Arnaz family--Archives 1
Arnaz, Desi (Desiderio Alberto Arnaz de Archa III) 1
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