Peoples Temple Collection; Box 25, Virtual Item 01, Q921- Faith healing, California
- Digitized: Undated
- Jones, Jim (Jones, James Warren) (Person)
- Peoples Temple (Organization)
Summary Note
This is a faith-healing service inside a church. The tape is undated, so the location is unknown, but there are enough California-sounding addresses that the presumption is, it is from San Francisco or Los Angeles. Jim Jones conducts several healings. He calls out a name, establishes that there is no connection between the person called and himself, and reveals a piece of personal information about them before discussing the illness, or goes directly... to the illness or condition troubling them. Then, with prayer, or a touch, or the use of a cloth, he says the person is cured. An organ plays in the background, starting softly (or not played at all) when each healing starts, and then builds as the healing continues. Several end with a solo woman singing, with Jones joining in one or two hymns. An announcer periodically interjects descriptions, as though the service is being broadcast by radio. Full summary of the recording available at Alternative Considerations of Jonestown website, along with the tape transcript.
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See morePhysical Description Note
Original audiocassette tape recording digitized and made available as .mp3 audio file.
Publisher Note
Publisher: The Jonestown Institute
- Jones, Jim, 1931-1978 (Person)
Repository Details
Part of the Special Collections & University Archives Repository