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University Senate Records

Identifier: MS-0338

Scope and Contents

This collection has been divided into two series: the General Files consist of items of Senate-wide concern (e.g., constitution and by-laws, established procedures, special rules, resolutions, and chronologically-arranged correspondence as received in the Senate office from the President of the University, Vice President for Academic Affairs, and as sent by the Secretary and Chair of the Senate.  The Committee Files consist of Committee, Subcommittee,... and Ad-Hoc Committee correspondence, minutes of meetings, and policies and resolutions.

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  • Creation: 1959-


Conditions Governing Access

This collection is open for research.

Conditions Governing Use

The copyright interests in these materials belong to San Diego State University. Requests for permission to publish must be submitted to the University Archivist, San Diego State University Library.

Historical Note

The SDSU Senate is a delegate assembly of the faculty through which the faculty normally exercises its powers. It has the power to act for the faculty on all matters within the scope of the faculty except the graduation of students.

Duties of the Senate :
The Senate shall consider policies with respect to the general welfare of the University. It shall review established policies, consider new policies, and sturdy matters of concern to the students or faculty members.

It shall be responsible for the formulation of educational policy, including admissions, curricula, and criteria for the granting of degrees. It shall analyze established and proposed policies of instruction and consider variations in policy in exceptional cases.

It shall advise the President in the selection of administrative personnel.

It shall be responsible for the maintenance of adequate communication between the faculty and the administration. Any member of the faculty may request any member of the Senate to transmit to the Senate for discussion and possible action, topics coming under the jurisdiction of the Senate.

It shall be responsible for the appointment of Senate committees. It shall establish rules and procedures for its standing committees and establish procedures for the appointment of general faculty standing committees and special committees.


33.75 Linear Feet

Language of Materials


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Accruals and Additions

9999-099, 1994

Related Materials

Additional copies of Senate Minutes are located in the Basement Files, boxes B-362 to B-463.  Additional copies of Faculty Senate Executive Committee Minutes are in the Basement Files, boxes B-365 to B-369.

University Senate Records
Description rules
Describing Archives: A Content Standard
Language of description
Script of description
Language of description note

Repository Details

Part of the Special Collections & University Archives Repository

5500 Campanile Dr. MC 8050
San Diego CA 92182-8050 US