Showing Collections: 91 - 100 of 100
Tau Kappa Epsilon, San Diego State University Chapter Records
This collection includes guides and rush information, logo items, and other miscellany.
Tifereth Israel Synagogue Collection
Travelers Aid Society of San Diego Records
United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW), Local 135 Records
The United Food and Commercial Workers Local 135 Records consist of membership records, minutes of meetings, financial records, Local 135 publications, and miscellany. The collection is divided into series. The collection is organized with oldest material at the back of the box, newest in the front.
University Archives Biographical File
This collection, created by Special Collections and University Archives staff, consists of biographical information about former faculty, staff, and students of San Diego State University. Materials are filed alphabetically by individual's last name.
University Archives Topical File
This collection, created by Special Collections and University Archives staff, consists of topical information documenting San Diego State University History. Materials are filed alphabetically by file name.
Western Jewish Studies Association Collection
The Western Jewish Studies Association Collection contains the association's business records and official documents including correspondence, newsletters, flyers, membership lists, dues receipts, conference materials and proposals from conference speakers. The collection is arranged in chronological order.
Woman's Institute for Continuing Jewish Education Collection
The Woman's Institute for Continuing Jewish Education Collection contains the complete documentation of the institute's programs and publications and includes all of the institute's published books, newsletters, press releases, newspaper clippings, photographs, and a video tape.
Women's Association Collection
The Women's Association Collection dates from 1927-2000. It documents the activities and accomplishments of this important group over several decades. It consists solely of paper records, and includes member directories from 1940-2000, meeting minutes, the group's history and by-laws, and association newsletters. Also included are copies of the four cookbooks published by the group.