Box 82
Contains 10 Results:
Foreign Relations: Vietnam, 1965
Foreign Relations: Vietnam, 1965
Angkor Wat and the Hague Convention, 1970
Only two items in this folder: a letter (7/20/70) from Congressman Edward I. Koch and his enclosed copy of his statement on the floor of Congress re/ "Ankor Wat and the Hague Convention," Congressional Record House, July 16, 1970.
Health and Welfare, 1953-1956
Health and Welfare, 1958
Only two items in this folder. letters (Mar.-June 1958) from T.M. Heggland (Chief Admin. Officer, County of San Diego), Wilson, Franklin Floeta (Administrator, General Services Admin.) re/ sewer services to the United States Customs House at San Ysidro & federal liability; a letter (9/26/58) from Dr. Jack R. Ewalt (Dir., Joint Commission on Mental Illness and Health) & Wilson's reply (10/9/58) re/ sending Wilson copies of the JCMIH's studies.