San Diego - Hospitals, 1973-1979
Scope and Contents
A collection of letters, memos, news clippings, directories, printed reports & other information. Examples are: 1 copy of Federation of American Hospitals, 1979-1980 Directory Investor-Owned Hospitals and Hospital Management Companies, 1979 (118 pp.); stapled packet containing copies of corresp. (6/78-10/79) from Congressman Wilson, Edson J. Rood (V.P., Finance & Admin. Ser., Scripps Memorial Hospital), Lauren W. Blagg (Senior V.P., Scripps... Memorial Hospital), Joelle Hall (Asst. to Wilson) & Ms Lynn Tolle-Clark (friend & former constituent of Wilson) re/ complications in billing payments, etc. with the hospital; 1 copy of City of Hope National Medical Center, “A Tribute to John S. Lyons Proceeds of this Testimonial Dinner will establish the John S. Lyons Research Fellowship at the City of Hope -- A Pilot Medical Center -- Hotel del Coronado, July 13, 1979” (29 pp.); stapled photocopy of Rita Gillman, “U.S. Intrusions Worry Catholic Health Aides,” The San Diego Union (n.d.) & 1 copy of Alert (Vol. 5, No. 22) featuring “Chamber issue report: hospital cost containment” & items on “Post-Prop. 13 financing plan” & other topics (8 pp.); stapled packet containing office note, letter (6/25/79) from Congressman Paul N. McCloskey, Jr. to Wilson (to be sent to “Hospital Administrators in your District”) & attached photocopy of letter (6/20/79) to Joseph A. Califano, Jr. (Sec., HEW), & signed by 36 Congressmen, re/ “serious flaws [in HCFA’s proposal] which cause an inequitable bias against California hospitals and certain teaching hospitals;” stapled packet containing 1 letter (11/17/78) from Ruth E. Messing (Dir. of Info. Serv., Grossmont Hospital), Congressman Wilson’s reply (12/29/78) & attached copies of Grossmont Hospital Capsule (Vol. XVII, No. 10, Oct. 1978) & The Grossmont Physician (Vol. IV, No. 11, Nov. 1978); stapled copies of corresp. (July-Sept. 1976) from Congressman Wilson, Ruth Fremont (Dir., Vol. Serv. Dept., Sharp Memorial Hospital) & “Memorandum” (9/21/76) re/ “special tribute to the volunteers” at Sharp & request for a thank you message to them from Congressman Wilson; 1 “Memorandum To: Boss From: Arlene” (5/17/76) & attached letters (5/14/76 & 5/12/76) from Ken Jackman (Biomedical Engr. Consultant) & Richard L. Johnson (Exc.Dir., Children’s Hospital & Health Center) re/ a controversy over volunterism & other management issues at the Center; stapled copy of letters (7/19 & 7/23/75) from Anderson Borthwick (Chairman, Rees-Stealy Clinic Research Foundation) & Homer D. Peabody, Jr. M.D. & attached copy of Rees-Stealy Clinic brochure re/ Wilson’s “visit with us last Friday...[and] our funding problems--Anything you may do to help us would be appreciated;” stapled copies of Memorandum (6/11/75) from Arlene Carsten (Acting Dir., National Burn Federation) re/ “Progress Report” & “Minutes of Preliminary Organizational Meeting...Friday, May 16, 1975” (4 pp.); 1 letter (6/9/75) from Arlene Carsten (Exc. Dir., Institute for Burn Medicine for S.D. & Imperial Counties) to Ms Marge O’Donnell (Wilson’s Asst.) thanking her “for all your help when we were at our preliminary organizational Cleveland;” stapled copy of Memorandum (5/12/75) from Exc. Dir. Institute for Burn Medicine & attached copy of “Minutes--Board of Directors Meeting, April 30, 1975” (3 pp. & 1 page “NOTICE BURN VICTIMS NEED BLOOD....;” 1 letter (4/1/74) from Alan H. Toppal (Exc. Dir., Commission of Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities) to Wilson informing him that Donald N. Sharp Rehabilitation Center had “been accredited by the Commission;” 1 letter (3/26/74) from Ms Carol Louise Reid & Wilson’s reply (3/28/74) re/ complaints about Mercy Hospital’s care in terms of the religious designations of patients; 1 copy of a “News Release” (n.d.) from Community Hospital of San Diego re/ “John R. Ford, M.D. Named the Chief of Surgery;” 1 copy of a KGTV 10 Editorial Rebuttal (aired early & late newscasts of 9/3/73) from S.D. County Supervisor Dick Brown re/ Edgemoor Geriatic Hospital & critiquing the taxpayer costs to sustain patient care at Edgemoor; 1 Notice (8/28/73) from HEW (Nat. Cancer Inst.) of research grant to Univ. Hospital of S.D. for “Hormonal Dependence of Prostate Cancer-Amount-$75,510;” 1 letter (8/24/73) from Supervisor Dick Brown to Congressman Wilson re/ reduce patient capcity at Edgemoor, change it to a “concentrated rehabilitation facility” & efforts by Brown to increase private sector care for senior patients in S.D. County “with a probable tax increase to support” such a level of activity; stapled copies of corresp. (8/73) from Paul Tsompanas (Adm. Asst. to Wilson) & George A. Scott (Pres., Bd. of Dir., Sharp Memorial Hospital) re/ Congress-man Wilson’s interest in the community service provided by the hospital; stapled copies of corresp. (July-Aug. 1973) from Paul Tsompanas, Peter R. Goldschmidt (Sp. Asst. to the President, Univ. of California, Washington Office), Connee Pence (Assoc. Dir., UCSD Hospital) & Congressmen Wilson & Charles E. Bennett concerning Florida constituent of Bennett, the death of the constituent’s mother-in-law, & her medical record as a patient at the UCSD Hospital in S.D.; stapled photocopies of corresp. (8/73) from Virginia Lounsbury (RN) to S.D. County Supervisor Richard Brown & to “Elected Board of San Diego County Supervisors” re/ Edgemoor & other convalescent hospitals & a critical response to the controversy over so-called “select” care and saving tax dollars by closing Edgemoor; stapled packet containing corresp. (July-Aug. 1973) from Supervisor Jack Walsh (Chairman, Bd. of Supervisors), Congressman Wilson, constituent H.C. Orcutt, William J. Nevins (Gen. Manager, S.D. County Employees’ Assn., constituent Ralph R. Bell, photocopy of “News Release” (7/11/73) from the S.D. County Employees’ Assn. & news clipping-- Peter Brown, “Rehabilitation Hospital Aids Elderly, Edgemoor Faces Threat to Its Life,” The San Diego Union (7/29/73) re/ the controversy over “the closing of Edgemoor Geriatric Hospital” & the inability of private facilities to offer commensurate care.
See moreDates
- created: 1973-1979
- From the Collection: Wilson, Robert (Wilson, Robert Carlton) (1916-) (Person)
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Access to some records is restricted, please consult with Special Collections & University Archives staff for details. Patrons wishing to use the Robert C. Wilson Papers must sign a "Researcher's Agreement," a copy of which can be obtained from Special Collections & University Archives staff.
From the Collection: 0.00 Linear Feet
Language of Materials
From the Collection: English
Repository Details
Part of the Special Collections & University Archives Repository