San Diego Gas and Electric Company, 1977-1979
Scope and Contents
A collection of letters, memos, news clippings, FERC reports, news letters, reports and congressional materials. Examples are: Stapled copy of United States Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, “Opinion No. 36-A, Project Nos. 176 & 559, Docket Nos. E-7562 & E-7655,” issued Nov. 26, 1979, (59 pp.), re/ litigents include Escondido Mutual Water Co., Vista Irrigation Dist., S.D.G.& E, & the Sec. of Interior Acting In His Capacity As Trustee... for the Rincon, La Jolla & San Pasqual Bands of Mission Indians; 1 photocopy a letter (11/20/79) from John W. Witt (S.D. City Attorney) to Robert E. Morris (Pres., S.D.G.& E.) re/ Heber Binary Geothermal Project (CPUC Resolution No. M-4709); photocopies of Public Notice N. 79-113 (9/13/79) from Lt. Col. James W. Keys (Dep. Dist., Engineer, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers) re/ application of Mission Bay Marina “to install 77 yacht mooring slips, 98 guide piles...and dredge about 5,000 cubic yards of clean sand” in ‘Quivira Basin; stapled photocopy of TWX (7/14/79) from the Arizona Public Service Co. re/ “APS Announces It Will Not Proceed With Palo Verde Units 4 and 5;” 1 note from Ron Fuller (Washington Rep., S.D.G.& E.) to Congressman Wilson & attached copy of S.D.G. & E., “Impacts of Delay or Cancellation of San Onofre 2 & 3 and shutdown of San Onofre 1” (impacts of Three Mile Island Incident); stapled packet containing corresp. (May-Ap. 1979) from Norman Arno (Chief, Engineering Div., U.S. Army Corps of Engineers) re/ “General Design Memorandum San Diego (Sunset Cliffs-Segment A).... beach erosion control projects, 13 April 1979,” 15 pages including vicinity map, shoreline ownership & alternatives considered; 2 copies of Public Notice No. 79-71 (4/23/79) from Lt. Col James W. Keys (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers) with attached map & drawings re/ application of De Anza, Inc., Campland proposed rock groin approx. 150 ft. long at the mouth of the Rose Creek & to dredge approx. 2,000 cubic yards of sand from the mouth of Rose Creek; 2 copies of Public Notice No. 79-2 (4/20/79) from Lt. Col. James W. Keys (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers) re/ application of the City of San Diego “to reestab-lish beaches and slopes in five (5) locations within Mission Bay Park as shown in attached drawings. Construction involves a total volume of approximately 80,000 cubic yards of sand to be dredged;” 1 photocopy of a letter (5/8/79) from L.C. Longanecker (Dir. the Neptune Society) to Robert E. Morris (Pres., S.D.G. & E.) re/ “Electrical Service to 14065 Olde Highway 80, El Cajon, CA” and resultant critique of the “high-handed dealing of the Utility companies with the public;” 1 news clipping--Mark Stadler, “Campus nuclear protest,” La Jolla Light... (4/12/79) re/ UCSD rally stressing earthquake danger to San Onofre Nuclear Plant; copies of corresp. (Jan. & Feb. 1979) from Ron Fuller (S.D.G.&E.) & Donald E. Sain (D.O.E.) & attached U.S. Uranium Enrichment Service Pocket Calendar for 1979 re/ concern over cancelled uranium enrichment services contracts by S.D.G. & E. and market conditions; small, stapled packet containing corresp. (Oct.-Dec. 1978) from Congressman Wilson, John F. O’Leary (Dep., Sec., D.O.E.) & F.W. DeVore (V.P., Govt. Affairs, S.D.G.&E.) re/ the electric company’s termination of the uranium enrichment services contract with D.O.E., resultant fines & D.O.E.’s explanations why these charges were necessary; photocopy of letter (9/6/78) from F.W. DeVore (S.D.G.&E.) to Francis B. Roche (Dir., Real Property & Nat. Resources, Office of the Asst. Sec. of Defense) re/ “participation by the military in the California Desert Conservation Area Advisory Committee on September 29;” 1 copy of a letter (4/3/78) from Ron Fuller thanking Congressman Wilson for his remarks in the March 22nd Congressional Record “for once again coming out on the side of nuclear energy;” 1 photocopy of The News-Post (Laguna Hills, CA, 2/15/78) re/ “Our Editorial Views: ‘Speculative Fog’ Shrouds Project” -- favorable comments on the proposed Sundesert nuclear plant; 1 copy of S.D.G.&E., News Bureau, SLD230, “For Immediate Release,” 5 pages, 1/30/78 re/ their reaffirmation of funding for “the Sundesert nuclear project until approximately May 1 to give the legislature and Governor Brown sufficient time to exempt the plant from what it called the ‘nuclear moritorium” in California;” 1 photocopy of pages E82-E84, Congressional Record-Extension of Remarks, January 23, 1978 re/ Congressmen Wilson speaking about “the meandering mind of California’s Governor Brown...with respect to the obvious need for more energy sources in the future of America’s fastest growing State” & including reprint in the Record of “How Brown Built His Case Against Sundesert,” The San Diego Union (1/22/78); stapled packet containing 1 letter (1/10/78) from Frank W. DeVore (V.P., S.D.G.&E.) and attached copy of “the Geothermal Alternative to the Sundesert Project,” ERCDC, State of CA, Jan. 1968 (13 pp); 1 letter from constituent Ms Stephanie Sheltz & Congressman Wilson’s reply (12/5/77 & 1/4/78) re/ “Dear Congressman Wilson--The building of nuclear power plants must be stopped!!!” -- Wilson responded that neither he or Congress “are involved in the processes of granting permits for the construction and operation of this facility;” stapled packet containing corresp. (Dec. 1977-Jan. 1978) from John F. O’Leary (Dep., Sec., D.O.E.) & Congressman Wilson, “Memorandum to Wilson from Staff” (12/15.77), S.D.G.&E., News Bureau “Memorandum To Editors” & News Bureau SLD 230 “For Immediate Release,” (12/2/77) re/ Sundesert Nuclear Plant, CA Energy Commission & “Fact Sheet for Silver Gate Unit Two Repowering;” stapled packet containing photocopies of corresp. (6/28/77) from Ron Fuller (S.D.G.&E., Washington Rep.) to Congressman Lionel Van Deerlin and attached copies of S.D.G.&E. information pages plus photocopies of news articles on “Gas Price Deregulation,” The San Diego Union (6/13/77) & “The energy market,” Evening Tribune (6/16/77); 1 copy of S.D.G.&E., News Bureau, SLD 230, NSA 720, “For Immediate Release,” (9/23/77) promoting “proposed Sundesert Nuclear Plant” -- a $2.3 billion project; copies of corresp. (Mar.-Ap. 1977) from Congressman Wilson, David M. Abshire (Chairman, The Center for Strategic and International Studies) & Charles E. Swanson (Office of the President, Encyclopaedia Britannica) re/ new studies recently published, Energy: A National Issue & the Britannica Research Report on natural gas; 1 copy of S.D.G.&E., News Bureau, SLD 230, NSA 72 “For Immediate Release” (5/26/77) re/ “The Los Angeles Department of Water and Powere today was authorized to join San Diego Gas & Electric Company and other participants in a planning and feasibility study for the Sundesert Nuclear Power Plant.”
See moreDates
- created: 1977-1979
- From the Collection: Wilson, Robert (Wilson, Robert Carlton) (1916-) (Person)
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From the Collection: 0.00 Linear Feet
Language of Materials
From the Collection: English
Repository Details
Part of the Special Collections & University Archives Repository