San Diego: General, 1973
Scope and Contents
A collection of letters, bulletins, reports, memos & telegrams. Examples are: Corresp. from Harney M. Cordua, M.D. (Pres., Comprehensive Health Planning Assoc.) to Congressman Wilson (12/10/73) & copy of the Nov. 20, 1973, Memorandum from the CHPA re/ “Accomplishments;” copy of corresp. from Ms. Cynthia Little & Congressman Wilson’s response (Nov.-Dec. 1973) re/ “proposed University Town Center;” corresp. from Luis Natividad (Ex. Dir.,... Chicano Fed. of S.D. County, Inc.) & Congressman Wilson’s response (12/73) re/ “the construction of the metal warehouse that is going to be located under the San Diego Coronado Toll-Bridge;” copy of telegram (11/23/73) from Jack Walsh (Chairman, S.D. Bd. of Supervisors) to Congressman Wilson re/ the County of S.D. “faces serious fiscal problems & needy aid recipients will suffer;” stapled packet containing corresp. (11/26/73) from J.V. Paffhausen (V.P., The Campana Co.) re/ a strident opposition to a City of S.D. grant appli-cation for $2,400,000 to the Urban Mass Transit Authority to purchase the Santa Fe Depot in San Diego for preservation purposes & includes an attached copy of an Environmental Impact Analysis prepared by Copley Int. Corp., “Appendix A, Historical Survey By Richard Carrico, B.A., M.A. Cand.;” photocopy of telegram (11/15/73) from Congressman Wilson to S.D. Councilman Bob Martinet, thanking Martinet for his “nine year effort, culminated by the acquisition of a Mission Bay Radio Beacon;” a loose collection of letters from constituents, Miss Grace A. Killelea (10/29/73), Hervey Johnson (10/17/73), Mrs. L. Tarafano (9/26/73) & Congressman Wilson’s replies (Nov.-Oct. 1973) re/ better transportation for downtown shoppers, anti-tax critique of city redevelopment projects & compliants about foodstores not opening until 10 a.m.; copies of the S.D. Economic Bulletin for Oct., Sept., Aug., June & May, 1973 (Vol. XXI, Nos. 10, 9, 8, 6, & 5); copy of corresp. from Richard G. Rypinski (Chairman, Bd. of Dir. CPO) (7/27/73) & attached draft copy of the CPO’s “Open Space Study and Plan Summary Report, September 1973;” copies of corresp. from Grant W. McCombs (9/18/73), Edward E. Greene (9/18/73) & Congressman Wilson’s replies (9/73) re/ “please advise me...why San Diego County cannot participate in the Food Stamp program” & “San Diego is on an environmental jag these days;” stapled copy of letter from Richard J. Huff (Ex. Dir., CPO) to Congressman Wilson (8/28/73) and copy of Plan: Existing Trends 1995 (June, 1973); stapled packet containing Memorandum from the City of San Diego, “To: Pete/Bob From: Bill” (8/27/73) & “Draft [copy of] Concept of a New Coalition of State-County-City Elected Officials” (National League of Cities); stapled packet containing letters, memos & notes from James E. Moss (Ex. Dir., S.D. Historical Society), Congressman Wilson & Bea Evenson (Committee of 100) (8/73) re/ “publication entitled Southern California, issued by the Southern California Panama Exposition Commission in 1914;” stapled copies of corresp. (8/73) from Robert J. Phillips, Paul Tsompanas (Adm.Asst. to Wilson) & attached copy of “County of San Diego, Application for Employment” re/ Mr. Phillips critique of the Affirmative Action Program; stapled packet containing copies of corresp. (7/73) from Congressman Wilson, Hubert C. Johnstone (D.V.M., County Veterinarian), Miss Allison Brown & Classmates re/ complaints about dog & cat population control measures; stapled packet containing a letter from Roger F. Honberger (Dep. Adm. Officer, S.D. County) & copies of Inter-Departmental Corresp. Memoran-dum (7/12/73) & Appendices A, B, & C re/ “Mid-Year Report - 1973;” stapled copy of corresp. from John C. Leppert (E.F. Cook & Assoc., Ltd.), “Memo to Boss from Paul,” & Congressman Wilson’s reply to Mr. Leppert (June-July 1973) re/ “this struggle of whether San Diego should have a Council or Manager or Strong Mayor form of Government;” stapled packet containing letter from Arthur F. Sampson (GSA) to Congress-man Wilson (7/5/73) & “Fact Sheet-San Diego Government Information Center,” “Platform Guest List,” & “Seating Chart’ re/ “the June 6 ceremony marking the new intergovernmental agreement for the” Federal Information Center; copies of the City of San Diego Population and Land Use Bulletin (June 1973) & The Union-Tribune Index (Vol. XXIV, No. 5, May 1973); photocopy of letter from Richard J. Huff (Ex. Dir., CPO) to William K. Brussat (Office of Management and Budget) (6/4/73) re/ Mr. Huff’s critique of the County Bd. of Supervisors’ support for the OMB’s proposed revisions which curtailed CPO; 1 copy of the S.D. Chamber of Commerce, San Diego 1973 Business Survey; stapled copy of corresp. from Roger F. Honberger (S.D. County) to Sol Mosher (HUD) (4/30/73) & attached news clipping from The San Diego Union, Ap. 8, 1973 re/ “Some of the demagoguery reported in the press recently about county participation in HUD programs concerns me.”
See moreDates
- created: 1973
- From the Collection: Wilson, Robert (Wilson, Robert Carlton) (1916-) (Person)
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Access to some records is restricted, please consult with Special Collections & University Archives staff for details. Patrons wishing to use the Robert C. Wilson Papers must sign a "Researcher's Agreement," a copy of which can be obtained from Special Collections & University Archives staff.
From the Collection: 0.00 Linear Feet
Language of Materials
From the Collection: English
Repository Details
Part of the Special Collections & University Archives Repository
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San Diego: General, 1973, Folder 3, Box: 281, Folder: 3. Robert "Bob" Carlton Wilson Papers, MS-0044. Special Collections & University Archives.
Cite Item Description
San Diego: General, 1973, Folder 3, Box: 281, Folder: 3. Robert "Bob" Carlton Wilson Papers, MS-0044. Special Collections & University Archives. Accessed March 14, 2025.