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Federal Government: Depts. -- Justice, 1960-1964

 File — Box: 60, Folder: 7
Identifier: Folder 7

Scope and Contents

A collection of letters, telegrams, news clippings & office notes. Examples are: letters (May-June 1960) from constituent Commander Anderson Offutt, Congressman Wilson & Asst. U.S. Attorney General J. Walter Yeagley re/ a suggestion of retrial of Rudolf Abel concurrently with a Soviet trial of Francis Powers; a letter (5/22/61) from Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy to Wilson and enclosed copy of Kennedy's telegram to Governor Patterson of... Alabama (Saturday, May 20, 1961) re/ necessity of sending "United States deputy marshals to Montgomery to maintain peace and order and protect interstate travel and commerce;" a small packet of corresp. (Mar.-Apr. 1961) from constituent R.A. Williams, Sr. (El Cajon Oil Co.), Congressman Wilson, Attorney General Robert Kennedy & Asst. Attorney General Lee Loevinger (Antitrust Div.) re/ complaints about the lowering of gasoline prices in the San Diego area brought about by Shell Oil Co. and other large companies; corresp. (Jan.-Feb. 1961) from constituent G.L. Keller, Congressman Wilson & W. Wallace Kirkpatrick (Acting Asst. Attorney General, Antitrust Div.) re/ Mr. Keller's complaints about unworkable anti-trust laws and other conservative points of view supporting the petroleum industry; a news clipping from the S.D. Union (8/13/61) re/ "Robert Kennedy Influence Seen Irking Key Officials;" letters (Sept. - Oct. 1961) from constituent Miss Valentine Walter, Wilson & J. Walter Yeagley (Asst. Attorney General) re/ the erroneous rumor that the Justice Dept. had ceased having the F.B.I. investigate communism; letters (Oct.-Nov. 1961) from La Jolla constituent Mrs. Fred Norris, Congressman Wilson and F.B.I. Director J. Edgar Hoover re/ the unfounded rumor that the department's printing budget had been "severly cut;" two small packets of letters for 1961 & 1962 regarding concerns about relaxation of progaganda material ban, President Kennedy & investments in the General Aniline and Film Corporation; constituent letter (9/21/63) from four politically conservative San Diegans and Wilson's reply (10/18/63) re/ their opposition to replacing J. Edgar Hoover, the Test Ban Treaty and the Civil Rights Bill; small packet of letters (Oct.-Dec. 1964) from constituent Louis S. Katz (Attorney at Law), Catherine Parham, Congressman Wilson & RAdm. Robert H. Hare (Acting Judge Advocate General) re/ interest in amending Public Law 87-693 as to "Recovery From Tortiously Liable Third Persons of the Cost of Hospital and Medical Care and Treatment Furnished by the United States;" several letters & telegrams from constituents (1964) re/ concerns that President Johnson may replace J. Edgar Hoover as Director of the F.B.I.; and a large packet of letters, notes & news clippings (1964) re/ the Duda Family (1962 emigrees from Poland) and concerns with excessive F.B.I. and Justice Dept. investigations of the Dudas.

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  • created: 1960-1964


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Access to some records is restricted, please consult with Special Collections & University Archives staff for details. Patrons wishing to use the Robert C. Wilson Papers must sign a "Researcher's Agreement," a copy of which can be obtained from Special Collections & University Archives staff.


From the Collection: 0.00 Linear Feet

Language of Materials

From the Collection: English

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Repository Details

Part of the Special Collections & University Archives Repository

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