San Diego Federal Youth Correctional Facility, 5, 1971-1975
Scope and Contents
Collection of news articles, court briefs, brochures, pamphlets and corresp. Examples are: Stapled copy of news article (S.D. Union, 6/6/75) & “Civil Action No. 73-317-G),” U.S. District Court for the So. Dist. of CA.; copy of “Frank L. Hope & Assoc. Newsletter -- Pleasanton Youth Center Model for the Future;” copies of letter from Congressman Wilson to Arthur F. Sampson (GSA), 3/18/75, re/ other potential sites be explored prior to proceeding... with the Tierrasanta site; corresp. from Michael Hagen & Congressman Wilson’s responses (Mar.-June 1975) re/ possibility of alternative sites & requesting President Ford to take action on this; stapled copies of S.D. Mayor’s Office “News Release” (4/16/75) & letter from Mayor Wilson to President Nixon (4/16/75) re/ alternative sites for the correctional facility; copy of “Statement by Clair W. Burgner, M.C. Before the General Services Administration’s Public Meeting...August 3, 1973” re/ excellent idea but wrong location in San Diego; copy of news clipping (Evening Tribune, 2/22/75) “Final okay reported on Camp Elliott site;” stapled packet containing copies of corresp. from J. Michael Bollman (Attorney at Law) (6/26/74) & Howard A. Busby, copy of news clipping (S.D. Union, 6/3/74), maps of federal sites, parcel maps of Camp Elliott & Tierrasanta Community & copy of San Diego Uptown examiner article (6/20/74) “13-Star Flag to Wave Again!;” stapled copies of news clipping Evening Tribune (5/2/74), “Memo To Boss” (5/2/74) & office notes re/ sale of federal land in Camp Elliott; copy of “Statement of Congressman Bob Wilson for Otto Bos Re: Federal Government construction vs. community master plan” (5/14/74); photocopy of article by Nancy Ray, “Land Sought for Federal Youth Center,” (S.D. Union, 6/3/74)); stapled photocopies of City of S.D., “Report to the Honorable Mayor and City Council” (4/1/74) & “City of San Diego Responses to the Draft Environmental Impact Statement....” re/ proposed Federal Youth Correctional Center; stapled copy of Navajo Community Planners, Inc. to James H. Webster (Bureau of Prisons) (1/22/74) & copy of news article (Evening Tribune, 1/17/74) “GSA mails rough draft of prison impact statement;” copy of “Memo to Boss from Paul (11/13/74) re/ “your meeting today with Jack Walsh;” stapled copies of corresp. from Ninth District, Inc., PTA & Congressman Wilson’s reply (9/73) re/ concern over establishing a minimum-security youth facility in the Terrasanta area; stapled packet containing corresp. from Paul Tsompanas (Adm. Asst. to Wilson), Supervisor Jack Walsh, Mrs. Gordon E. Ranney & Prentice & Beverly Duell (Tierrasanta residents) & news clipping from The Sentinal (8/8/73) re/ critiques of using Camp Elliott land for the youth facility; copies of corresp. from Tierrasanta residents & Wilson’s acknowledgements (8/73) re/ opposition to the youth facility location; copy of telegram from Jim Ellis (S.D. City council candidate) & comments by Congressman Wilson & Paul Tsompanas (7/73) re/ Tierrasanta location for the youth facility; stapled packet containing corresp. (Dec. 1972-July 1973) from Congressman Wilson, office note to Wilson from Paul, Tierrasanta resident Alan N. Fenton, Dorothy J. Leonard (corres. sec., Navajo Community Planners, Inc.) & copies of project summary & map re/ critiques of proposal for youth facility location; copy of letter from Donald W. Detisch (Dep., Office of the City Attorney, S.D.) to E.W. Baughman (GSA) (7/12/73) re/ public hearing for the proposed youth facility; photocopy of news article “Bid To Halt U.S. Prison Here Balked,” (S.D. Union, 7/14/73); copies of corresp. from Navajo Community Planners, Inc. (5/23 & 5/14/73) re/ public hearing on Federal Correctional Facility; stapled packet containing “Memo for File,” letter from Congressman Clair W. Burgner, Parkridge-Vista Del Cerro Community Assoc. & photocopies of news articles (S.D. Evening Tribune & Union, 6/18/73) re/ prison plans upset Tierra-santa residents; stapled packet containing corresp. from Daniel R. Leonard (Tierrasanta resi-dent), Congressman Wilson, Louise S. Dyer (Pres., S.D. Bd. of Education), Navajo Community Planners, Inc., “Memo to Boss from Paul” & office notes (Ap.-June, 1973) re/ requests for public hearing for the “proposed youth correctional facility at Camp Elliott” & reactions to the May 31 meeting with federal planners; copies of corresp. related to too many federal agencies, cancellation of Youth Facility site & interest of local architectural firm in bidding for the job (10/73); collection of seven letters from critics of the youth facility site in the Camp Elliott area & Congressman Wilson’s replies to these letters (11/72); “Memo for the File” (3/22/73) re/ OMB “approved the proposed transfer of 144 acres of Camp Elliott property from GSA to the Bureau of Prisons;” corresp. from Congressman Wilson to Dr. H.E. Kirkby (6/6/72) with enclosurer of copy of Wilson’s news release (9/30/71) re/ “that the U.S. Bureau of Prisons is considering San Diego area as a possible site for a West Coast Youth Facility;” copy of news clipping (Evening Tribune, 10/27/71) re/ “Correctional Sites Detailed, Penal Chief Plans model facility here;” copy of corresp. from Jon Douglas Page & Congressman Wilson’ reply (10/71) re/ query concerning plans for federal correctional center in San Ysidro; stapled copies of corresp. from Congressman Wilson (8/71) re/ “proposed San Diego Federal Prisoner Detention Center...[as] discussed with the House-Senate Conference on the Justice Department Appropriations Bill;” copy of letter from Congressman John J. Rooney to Congressman Wilson (7/21/71) re/ $1.9 million for site selection and planning for a Federal Prison Detention Center in San Diego;” copy of news clipping from The San Diego Union (6/18/71) re/ “U.S. Plans Young Offenders Facility.”
See moreDates
- created: 1971-1975
- From the Collection: Wilson, Robert (Wilson, Robert Carlton) (1916-) (Person)
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Access to some records is restricted, please consult with Special Collections & University Archives staff for details. Patrons wishing to use the Robert C. Wilson Papers must sign a "Researcher's Agreement," a copy of which can be obtained from Special Collections & University Archives staff.
From the Collection: 0.00 Linear Feet
Language of Materials
From the Collection: English
Repository Details
Part of the Special Collections & University Archives Repository
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San Diego Federal Youth Correctional Facility, 5, 1971-1975, Folder 4, Box: 284, Folder: 4. Robert "Bob" Carlton Wilson Papers, MS-0044. Special Collections & University Archives.
Cite Item Description
San Diego Federal Youth Correctional Facility, 5, 1971-1975, Folder 4, Box: 284, Folder: 4. Robert "Bob" Carlton Wilson Papers, MS-0044. Special Collections & University Archives. Accessed March 14, 2025.