Federal Government: Loans, 1960-1961
Scope and Contents
A large collection of letters, telegrams, periodicals, reports, a large foldout architectural map & notes. These are filed chronologically. Examples are: letters (Mar.-May 1961) from Lakeside constituent Margaret L. Watkins (Watkins Bake-Sweet Shop), Congressman Wilson & Donald McLarnan (Regional Dir., Small Business Administration) re/ failure to qualify for SBA loan; telegram & letters (June 1961) from El Cajon constituent Mrs. Decena... J. Floren (Floren Paper Co,), Congressman Wilson and Donald McLarnan (SBA) re/ failure to qualify for SBA loan; letters (Jan. 1961) from Coronado constituent Mrs. Cynthia Laird, Wilson & Donald McLarnan (SBA) re/ loan inquiry for tuna boat Far-Famed; letters (Dec. 1960-Mar. 1961) from John M. Hopkins (Sec.-Trea. American Tuna Canning Co.), Senators Clair Engle, Senator Thomas H. Kuchel & Congressman Wilson re/ a negative finding for the loan application of the American Tuna Canning Co.; letters (June 1961) from constituent W.R. Dean, Wilson and Neal J. Hardy (Commissioner, FHA) re/ Mr. Dean's interest in a remodeling loan for a six-unit building in Linda Vista; letters (May-Aug 1961) from M. A. Monteverdi (President, International House and World Trade Mart, Broadway Pier) , Congressman Wilson, John E. Horne (Administrator, SBA) & attached copy of The SouthwestTrader (Third Issue – 1960-61) re/ request for Wilson's assistance in obtaining loans; other topics in this folder are: a La Mesa constituent seeks Wilson's assistance in obtaining a loan sought by the Institute Nacional de Prevision for low income housing in Ecuador; William F. Anderson (General Contractor) requests information regarding a Small Business loan; Mr. Ewart W. Goodwin, President of San Diegans, Inc., & Wilson request HHFA information regarding applications for planning assistance for public buildings; National City grocery store owners receive negative results in SBA loan potential; San Diego apartment owner does not qualify for SBA loan; the Town and Ranch Realty company seeks Wilson's assistance regarding loans from the Area Redevelopment Act; inquiry regarding prospects for obtaining electric service for a proposed Veteran Village near San Vicente Oaks, adjacent to the Barona Indian reservation; correspondence regarding Richie's drive-in restaurant in Linda Vista & loan application for improvements with the SBA from Mr. & Mrs. Arnold and attached architectural map (12/60); Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce and "Reconveyance to former owners of certain properties which have been declared surplus to the needs of the United States Government" – Cheli Air Force Depot, Los Angeles; constituent seeks Wilson's assistance re/ inquiry for NASA grant to study at FOM Laboratories in Amsterdam; subdivision proposal and FHA information re/ Fitch Estates in El Cajon; Campo Lakes Resort proposal and small business loan; Sauter-Sutton Service, Inc. develops water saving system for armed services but gets the "run around" from the SBA; "pan american finance, s.a." files application with Development Loan Fund for housing in Latin America; Nobe Takashima truck farm in Chula Vista seeks Dept. of Agriculture information and potential for loan; consultant for rocket-propelled vehicles & a Pine Valley constituent seeks Wilson's assistance in obtaining financial loan for establishing a working laboratory at his ranch house; El Cajon constituent and veteran needs G.I. loan for business purposes; "good friend and constituent" of Wilson seeks loan possibilities for a small shopping center in Alpine; & an inquiry re/ "Federal funds to assist the Boys and Girls Aid Society of San Diego" has negative results.
See moreDates
- created: 1960-1961
- From the Collection: Wilson, Robert (Wilson, Robert Carlton) (1916-) (Person)
Conditions Governing Access
Access to some records is restricted, please consult with Special Collections & University Archives staff for details. Patrons wishing to use the Robert C. Wilson Papers must sign a "Researcher's Agreement," a copy of which can be obtained from Special Collections & University Archives staff.
From the Collection: 0.00 Linear Feet
Language of Materials
From the Collection: English
Repository Details
Part of the Special Collections & University Archives Repository
Collection organization
Cite Item
Federal Government: Loans, 1960-1961, Folder 6, Box: 69, Folder: 6. Robert "Bob" Carlton Wilson Papers, MS-0044. Special Collections & University Archives.
Cite Item Description
Federal Government: Loans, 1960-1961, Folder 6, Box: 69, Folder: 6. Robert "Bob" Carlton Wilson Papers, MS-0044. Special Collections & University Archives. https://archives.sdsu.edu/repositories/2/archival_objects/4857 Accessed March 13, 2025.