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San Diego: Tuna, 1968-1969

 File — Box: 349, Folder: 1-2
Identifier: Folder 1-2

Scope and Contents

A large collection of letters, telegrams, memos, memorandums, news articles & reports. Examples are: 2 letters (2/10/69) from August Felando (Gen. Mgr., American Tunaboat Assn.) re/ extensive description of “Age Analyis – Wood Hull Purse Seiners and Bait Boats (Excluding vessels entering fleet since 1960)” – As of January 31, 1969, there were 53 wood-hull tuna purse seiners & nine wood-hull bait boats of 100 tons or more frozen tuna capacity.... There average ages were between 22 & 25 years. As to steel-hull seiners and bait boats since 1960, there were 39 with an average age between 17 & 20 years; 1 large packet of letters, telegrams, news releases & news clippings (Dec. 1968-Feb. 1969) from August Felando (ATA), Fish & Wildlife Service, Rules & Regs from Federal Register (Vol. 34, No. 18, Jan. 28, 1969), Congressman Wilson, Evening Tribune (12/13/68), Congressman Edward A. Garmatz (Chairman, Committee on Merchant Marine & Fisheries), Chas. R. Carry (Ex. Dir., Tuna Research Foundations), William B. Macomber, Jr. (Asst. Sec. for Congressional Relations, Dept. of State), Paul Tsompanas (Wilson’s Admin. Asst.), Clarence F. Pautzke (Asst. Sec. of the Interior) & Sec. of the Interior Russell Train re/ continued controversy over Fishermen’s Protective Act & proposed regulation imposing 2/3ds fee on U.S. craft seized in waters outside the 12-mile limit off certain Latin American countries; a small collection of letters, telegrams & federal documents (Mar. 1968-Feb. 1969) from Congressman Wilson, Barefoot Sanders (Legislative Counsel to the President, The White House), Walter T. Phair (Kaiser Industries, Corp.), William B. Macomber, Jr. (Asst. Sec. for Congressional Relations, Dept. of State), Bryce N. Harlow (Asst. to the President, The White House) & copy of “An Act To authorize the extension of certain naval vessels loans. . . .,” Public Law 90-224, 81STAT.729, “Calendar No. 717,” Report No. 734 – “Extension of Naval Loans,” 90th Cong., 1st Sess., & Report No. 169 “Authorizing the Continued Loan of Certain Vessels and a New Loan,” 90th Cong., 1st Sess. re/ extensive coverage of seizure of tuna vessels & continued debate over action and inaction by U.S. government in response to these developments in both Johnson’s and Nixon’s administrations; 3 Western Union telegrams (2/14 & 2/17/69) from August Felando & Charles & Mary Beeson re/ urgently requesting Navy protection for vessels fishing off the coasts of Peru & Ecuador—Peruvian warship #23 damaged U.S. tuna vessel Mariner; 1 letter (2/15/69) from Bryce N. Harlow (Asst. to the President, The White House) & attached news article by Jeremiah O’Leary, “Tuna Boat Reported Fleeing Peru, Ecuador Navy Vessels,” Washington Star (2/17/69) re/ “Dear Bob: The President shares your concern over the serious incident yesterday” involving the San Juan damaged by gun fire & the seizing of the Mariner; 1 Western Union telegram (2/18/69) & photocopy of letter from City Desk, Los Angeles Herald Examiner to Bob Wilson re/ unconfirmed story that 2 guided missile destroyers on 8-hour alert in San Diego to go to Peruvian water; small packet containing “Special Notice – [State Dept.] Briefing Today On U.S. – Peru Situation” (2/18/69), press release (2/18/69) from Senator George Murphy & “Memorandum to Executive Committee from August Felando (Gen. Mgr., ATA) (9 pp.) re/ U.S. gov. responses, suggestions by Murphy to have OAS investigate incidents & Mr. Felando’s extensive coverage of the “Shooting of M/V San Juan – off Peru” & “Seizure of M/V Mariner by Republic of Peru;” 1 letter (2/28/69) from Patricia Gilham (Sec. to August Felando, ATA), enclosed “telephone communication with Dick Knoth” (2/19/69), “Analysis & Cost Estimate, titled ‘Press Conference’ provided by Knoth and Meads Company” & one “Knoth and Meads Co. – Advertising & Public Relations” brochure re/ a bipartisan affair under the joint auspices of Congressmen Wilson and Van Deerlin & Senators Cranston and Murphy with participation from tuna industry persons to better inform the public of the current crisis; letters (2/18 & 2/19/69) from San Diego Mayor Frank Curran & constituent Philip L. Gildred & Western Union telegram (2/19/69) from Leslie E. Gehres (Gen. Mgr., National Marine Terminal) re/ “unprovoked attack on United States tuna vessels located on the high seas off Ecuador and Peru,” concept of “piracy by officials and vessels of these countries” stressed, & Mr. Gildred’s warning about “Hickenlopper Resolutions” & the danger of “taking harsh measures that may look justified yet they could be even more hurtful if applied;” 1 copy of a 3 page letter sent to President Nixon (2/19/69) from John J. Royal (Executive Sec/Trea., Fishermen & Allied Workers’ Union, Local 33) re/ “gravity and seriousness of the situation . . . due to the shooting at American tuna boats and fishermen by armed vessels of Peru;” 1 letter (2/19/69) from Lakeside constituent Mrs. Russell Gantz, Wilson’s reply (3/3/69), copy of Editorial – “Peruvian perils” & James Nelson Goodsell, “U.S. stung Peru boat seizure and Soviet pact torpedo American relations,” The Christian Science Monitor (2/19/69) & 3 page photocopy of Dept. of State telegram (2/17/69) re/ Mrs. Gantz’s question as to “are we the ones provoking anger?” Wilson’s negative response to this query, international relations issues & the Dept. of State’s detailed analysis of damage done to the U.S. tuna boat, San Juan; 1 office note (2/20/69) re/ update on PR firm press conference planning with Wilson, Van Deerlin, Murphy & Cranston; 1 Western Union telegram (2/17/69) from Carl C. Marino (Sec./Trea., Cannery Worker’s & Fishermen’s Union) & Wilson’s reply (2/20/69) re/ attack on San Juan, strong reaction necessary since diplomatic verbage shows no result – Wilson responded with a call for patience in this crisis; 1 Memo from Congressman Wilson to Undersecretary of State Elliott Richardson (2/24/69) & attached photocopy of August Felando’s nine page “Memorandum” (2/18/69) on the San Juan & Mariner incidents; 3 copies of Congressman Wilson’s letters (2/26/69) to August Felando, Adm. Gehres & Mayor Curran re/ matters pertaining to recent fishing crisis; 1 letter (1/28/69) from Miss Patricia Gilham (Sec. to Gen. Mgr., ATA) & 2 replies (2/5 & 2/26/69) from Margaret M. Young (Wilson’s Washington Office Secretary) re/ copies of Congressional bills needed by Mr. Felando; a small collection of constituent corresp. (2/69) & Wilson’s replies (3/69) re/ a SDSC senior was supporting Wilson & worried about Latin American countries’ treatment of American fishing vessels, a physician was frustrated by the lack of protection for U.S. citizens & a young lady was being sent material from the Wilson files on “the tuna vessel seizure problem.” Also attached was a photo-copy of a satire by Steve Gruber in the Point Loma [High School] Pointer (11/8/68) – “‘Star of India” Grabbed by Reds;” copy of a Western Union telegram (3/21/69) to President Nixon from tuna industry reps, unions & others re/ seizure of tuna clippers San Juan & Cape Ann; 1 news clipping – “Nixon Names Lawyer Emissary to Peru,” The Evening Star (3/11/69, A-3); 1 letter (3/12/69) from John J. Royal (Sec./Trea., Fishermen & Allied Workers’ Union, Local 33, I.L.W.U.) to Wilson espressing “our entire membership and their families, our very deep appreciation for the great concern that you have had over the years for the problems facing American fishermen. . . .;” 1 photocopy of a Western Union telegram (3/19/69) from Senators Cranston & Murphy & Congressmen Wilson & Van Deerlin, a letter in response (3/20/69) from Bryce N. Harlow (Asst. to the President, The White House) & Van Deerlin’s letter to Harlow (3/25/69) re/ the seizure on the 19th of two tuna boats from San Diego, 23 miles off the Peruvian Coast & Harlow’s response that “Ambassador Jones requested the release of the vessels – Peru complied with his request. . . . There was no violence connected with this incident.” Van Deerlin thanked Harlow “for responding so promptly. . . . [but indicated that] Your letter makes no reference to a painful fact . . . that captains of the two vessels had to buy their freedom by paying $25,000 in fines and license fees;” 1 “Confidential Memorandum To: Boss  From: Paul” (3/27/69) re/ “Vessel seizure problem” & proposal for mitigating same; 1 letter (4/2/69) from August Felando (ATA) to Wilsonre/ “appreciation for your assistance in arranging the meeting with Undersecretary of State, Elliott Richard-son on March 3, 1969; 1 letter (3/30/69) from Thomas Wolff (Phd., Assist. Professor, Univ. of Arizona) & Wilson’s reply (4/3/69) re/ Professor Wolff’s request for more information on San Diego and San Pedro tuna fishermen’s experiences with Latin American countries; 1 petition (3/24/69) from 30 San Diego constituents to Wilson & his reply (4/3/69) re/ “the ever increasing threat of unprovoked attacks upon our American vessels; a small collection of letters & resolutions (1968-1969) from the Pacific Marine Fisheries Commission (Portland, Oregon) as send to Congressman Wilson & President Nixon & a photocopy of an editorial—“Asotin Dam No Bargain,” The Sunday Oregonian (3/23/69) re/ opposing the construction of additional dams on the Snake & Columbia Rivers & a request (11/68) that “State and Federal Insti-tutions use only domestically produced fishery products;” 1 letter (4/23/69) from Leslie Gehres (National Marine Terminal, Inc.) & attach-ed copy of The American Fishermen and Cannery Worker, Vol. VI, No. 2, February 1969 re/ former admiral Gehres gets in some Republican criticism of Democratic Congressman Van Deerlin & suggests using “a U.S. destroyer escort or a Coast Guard cutter to patrol” the Ecuadorian & Peruvian Coasts. The Fishermen and Cannery Worker stressed “Peru Machine Guns, Seizes Siuna Tuna Boat,” & “Proposed Coast Guard Regulations Threaten Domestic Fishing Industry;” 1 letter (4/25/69) from constituent Dr. Norman M. O’Farrell, Wilson’s reply & attached copy of “Memorandum” (4/30/69) from the American Tunaboat Assn. re/ a 200 mile limit for nations’ off shore fishing rights, threat of Russian & Japanese fishing interests & ATA’s “Need for Effective Enforcement of Tuna Regulations;” 1 letter (4/28/69) from William G. Saletic (Congress of American Fishermen), Wilson’s reply (5/14/69) & photocopy of Fish Business (Vol. 4, No. 12, March 31, 1969) re/ “Petitions from your state requesting Congress to halt federal over-regulation of the fish industry.” The total for CA., OR., WA. & AK. was 7,282 signatures; 1 note (4/23/69) from Sec./Trea. John Royal (Local 33, I. L. W. U.) & attached copy of Resolution #39, Ap. 7-11, 1969, condemning “Fishing Boat Seizures” by Chile, Peru & Ecuador; a small packet containing a letter (5/13/69) from August Felando (Gen. Mgr., ATA) & his 3 page “Memorandum” (5/13/69), Wilson’s replies (5/19, 24 & 6/18/69) to Mr. Felando & a copy of a State Dept. “Suggestions Arising out of Seizures of Vessels in International Waters, December 2, 1968” re/ “Claims of the tuna clippers Mariner, San Juan and Cape Ann under the Fishermen’s Protective Act of 1967;” 5 letters (6/69) from constituent Henry B. Cramer, Congressman Wilson, Congresswoman Catherine May (R. WA) & 1 photocopy of a news article by Ellen Shulte, “Better Consumer Education Called Key to Wise Buying,” Los Angeles Times (6/2/69) re/ packing tuna in oil or water & comments by Catherine May on over regulation of consumer protectionism; office note(6/23/69) from Paul to Bob, draft copy of EDA “Report Recommends Distribution Center for Tuna in San Diego” (6/13/69) & final copy of this “Report” re/ Asst. Admin. Tsompanas clears release of report to the media from Congress & EDA; 3 letters (6/69) from Russell A. Guildenstein (St. Clair, MI.), J.H. Peters (Leavenworth, KA), John G. Mehlis (Corona del Mar, CA), 1 Western Union telegram (6/69) from Carl C. Marino (Sec./Trea. Cannery Workers & Fisher-men’s Union) & Wilson’s reponses (6/26/69) re/ outrage against seizure of tuna boats by Latin American countries & retaliatory action needed, anti-Democrat  pro Republican opinions & questions as to whether Gov. Rockefeller is the best choice to send as a special envoy; 1 letter (rec’d 6/9/69) & 2 small color photos from Peter Groesbeck (a 16-year old Point Loma High School junior), Wilson’s replies (6/10 & 7/2/69) & 2 letters from H.E. Crowther (Acting Dir., Bureau of Commercial Fisheries, Fish & Wild-life Services, Dept. of the Interior) re/ As a Marlin fisherman, Groesbeck was seriously alarmed by the extended operations of Japanese using longline fishing for Marlin catches off San Diego & Baja Calif. & threats to this species; 1 letter (7/8/69) from Congressman Wilson to Harold Cary (Westgate Foods) & attached copy of “Report Recommends Distribution Center For Tuna In San Diego;” letters (7/18/69) from John J. Royal (Sec./Trea., Fishermen & Allied Workers, Local 33) to Mrs. Margaret Young (Washington Office Secretary for Wilson) & to Congressman Wilson re/ thanking Mrs. Young “for the many, many acts of cooperation and assistance you have rendered to myself as well as to the representatives of the tuna industry” when in Washington, D.C. & thanking Bob Wilson “for all of the hard work you put into the bringing about of the four-nation conference . . . [in] Buenos Aires;” office note (n.d.) & copy of a letter (7/23/69) from Paul Tsompanas to David Loring re/ a bill that “weighed heavily in the United States successful efforts to arrange for the forthcoming four-nation conference on this controversy;” 1 photocopy of J.M. Marinac Shipbuilding Corp. to Pacific King, Inc., August 14, 1969 re/ “three (3) 165’-5” Steel Tuna Seiners;” 1 letter (9/9/69) from Patricia Kinsey (Member, CA Western Univ. Law Review) & Wilson’s reply (9/12/69) re/ preparing article concerning the Law of Fisheries, the Latin American tunaboat seizures & H.R. 10607; a small collection of letters (Aug.-Sept. 1969) from Edward P. Silva (V.P., ATA), Margaret Young (Washington Office Sec. for Wilson), H.E. Crowther (Dir., Office of the Secretary, Dept. of Interior), Anzella Williams (Office of the Dir.), William M. Terry (Acting Dir., Office of the Secretary, Dept. of the Interior) & enclosed photocopy of “Market News Service,” Bureau of Commercial Fisheries, San Pedro, CA, Aug. 14, 1969, p. 3 re/ concerns over South Korea building & exporting 11 tuna vessels to El Salvador for longline fishing & competition for ATA in their attempt to sell excess purse seiners to El Salvador; “Response to phone call from Dee Morse (of National EducationalTelevision)” by Paul Tsompanas re/ potential program on fishing rights controversy between U.S. & several South American nations; 1 “Memo from Paul to Bob” (n.d.) & attached copy of a 3 page letter (9/30/69) from John J. Royal (Sec./Trea., Local 33, ILWU) to Secretary of the Interior Walter J. Hickel (cc to Wilson & others) re/ “I am writing you at this time to find out just what the hell is going on.” The tuna industry was upset that H. E. “Crow-ther [was] getting the ax” at Interior.  If Crowther, as “a classified civil service” person, can’t be kept on, “that his successor be a non-political well informed on problems of the tuna industry as Crowther is now;” 1 copy of “Statement of the American Tunaboat Association Before the Committee of Commerce, 91st Congress, 1st Session, United States Fishing Vessel Improvement Act, As Amended” submitted by August Felando (Gen. Mgr., ATA) Oct. 23, 1969, 20 pages; 1 “Memo For File” (n.d.), 1 letter (10/9/69) from Anthony V. Nizetich (Dir., Govt. & Industry Relations, Star-Kist Foods, Inc.) & enclosed copies of 1969 corresp. from Mr. Nizetich, E. Scott Dillon (Acting Chief, Office of Ship Construction, Maritime Admin., Dept. of Commerce) & C.E. Peterson (Div. of Financial Assistance, Bureau of Commercial Fisheries, Fish & Wildlife Service, Dept. of the Interior) re/an appeal for restoration of  govt. subsidy funds “being denied . . . for a flume stabilization system aboard those vessels being contstructed at Martinac Shipyard;” 4 letters (Aug.-Oct. 1969) from Margaret Young (Washington Secretary for Wilson), Capt. William Kesler, Jr. (Chief, Legislative Affairs Div., U.S. Coast Guard) & Congressman Wilson re/ a medical emergency aboard the fishing vessel Hustler in Cabo San Lucas Bay necessitated commercial air evacuation to La Paz – an 80 mile flight, instead of Coast Guard aircraft being sent from San Diego, an 800 mile flight; 1 “URGENT” memo (10/24/69) from Congressman Charles S. Gubser (10th Dist., CA) re/ “the future of the vital canning industry on the West Coast is in imminent danger” with processes to restrict cyclametes in canned fruit;” 1 “Memo For File” (11/4/69) re/ “a call from Augie Felando . . . that a San Diego tunaboat, the INVADER, had been seized by Ecuador. . . .” but intercession by Ambassador resulted in in the vessel’s release without penalty; 1 letter (11/9/69) from constituent David Martin & Wilson’s reply (11/19/69) re/ a thank you to Wilson for his efforts to secure legislative protection for tuna fishermen & a request for information on conference on territorial waters; 1 large packet of corresp. (letters, telegrams & memos – Aug.-Nov. 1969) from several Tuna Industry persons, Ray Arnett (CA Dept. of Fish and Game), CA Governor Ronald Reagan, H.G. Torbert, Jr. (Acting Asst. Secretary for Congressional Relations, Dept. of State), Congressman Wilson, Leon A. Verhoenven (Executive Dir., Pacific Marine Fisheries Commission & their Resolutions No. 10 & No. 15) re/ a good example of lobbying to retain “fishing attache posts” in key areas in Latin America & other nations inorder to protect U.S. fishing interests. The Nixon State Dept. had proposed cut backs for several of these posts.

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  • created: 1968-1969


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