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San Diego, National Steel and Shipbuilding, 1961-1963

 File — Box: 143, Folder: 2
Identifier: Folder 2

Scope and Contents

: A collection of letters, news clippings, memos, telegrams & newsletters. Examples are: One copy of a 2 page letter (1/25/61) from John Murphy (Sales Mgr., NASSCO) to Capt. J.W. Dolan, Jr. (Bureau of Ships, Dept. of the Navy) re/ “Re-evaluate of Construction Potential” for NASSCO with emphasis on its ability to construct “combatant vessels of the DDG, DLG, and DE class; 2 letters (2/4 & 2/13/61) from Congressman Wilson & Milton F. Fillius,... Jr. re/ Wilson, “meeting with Jimmy James down at BuShips primarily to discuss the contents of John Murphy’s letter relative to National Steel qualifying to con-struct warships” & Fillius response to all the issues noted by Wilson in his letter; 3 page letter (n.d.) from Congressman John T. Allen, Jr. to President Eisen-hower re/ the H.R. California Delegation’s need “to consult with appropriate officials of the Executive departments concerning the formulation of a national policy which will recognize the necessity from a national defense standpoint of a well-dispersed shipbuilding and ship repair industry” & the need to resolve the West Coast’s rapid increase in unemployment; 2 letters (4/12 & 4/18/61) from Congressman Wilson & Milton F. Fillius, Jr. & attached copies of San Diego Chamber of Commerce, San Diego Industrial Dimensions (Vol. 3, No. 3, Spring 1961) & Western Shipbuilding Assn., Stretching the Defense Dollar (n.d.) re/ information on NASSCO employment, issue of Canadian workers, need for Wilson’s assistance & pro-private sector shipyards vs. Naval shipyards in defense spending; 2 news clippings—Brian Duff, “NASSCO Will Build Its 1st Big Naval Ship Rep. Wilson Bares $18 Million Contract (The San Diego Union, 5/9/61) & “Ship Builder Inks Contract,” Evening Tribune (5/9/61); a small packet of corresp. (Ap.-May, 1961) from Congressman Wilson, Joseph Campbell (Comptroller General of the United States), Milton F. Fillius, Jr., & Frank H. Weitzel (Asst. Comptroller General of U.S.) re/ more details on the GAO report on “the award of the first two ships for American Export Lines to National Steel;” 1 Western Union telegram (8/12/61) from Congressman Wilson to Milton Fillius re/ “Congratulations on another launching of a beautiful new vessel for American Export Lines;” a small packet containing 1 letter (11/14/61) from John M. Murphy (NASSCO), attached “Itinerary Launch of S.S. Export Buyer Nov. 24-25, 1961,” & a collec-tion of invitations, phone messages, etc. re/ Wilson had “accepted American Export Lines’ invitation to be their guest speaker;” a small packet containing letters (Nov.-Dec., 1961) from Wilson, J.B. Letherbury (Dir. of Engineering, NASSCO), Capt. F.A. Reicher (Chief, Merchant Marine Safety Div., U.S. Coast Guard) re/ extensive corresp. related to “the problem National Steel was having with the Coast Guard . . . for construction of two ships for States Steamship Company . . . and the Maritime Administration;” 1 Memorandum (1/17/62) from Cathy re/ “Talked to Capt. Ogle”—BuShips contract award, $16,406,562 to NASSCO “for one Combat Store Ship” & 1 teletype message “JK328PES 1/19 (Washington, AP) . . . Navy award of construction of a Combat Store Ship;” 1 letter (12/11/61) from John M. Murphy (Sales Mgr., NASSCO) & Wilson’s reply (1/11/62) re/ launching of Export Bay & mentions photos for Wilson’s scrapbook collection; a small packet of corresp. (Nov. 1961 - Mar. 1962) from Joseph Campbell (Comptroller General of U.S.), John M. Murphy (NASSCO), “Memo for Leon From: The Boss,” Congressman Wilson, & Frank H. Weitzel (Asst. Comptroller General) re/ extensive corresp. pertaining to “a protest by National Steel . . . against the disregard of its bid submitted under invitation 77-62” & “the protest of Campbell Machine, Inc. . . . . to the award made under Bids SD-3-62, issued by the United States Naval Station, San Diego, California;” 2 letters (2/13/62) from Norman B. Foster (Pres. S.D. Chamber of Commerce) & Wilson’s reply (4/19/62) re/ request to Maritime Commission to give special consideration to NASSCO “the only shipyard located in San Diego area capable of constructing merchant ship” as to “the 6-ship contract for the Moore-McCormack Line;” 1 letter (4/10/62) from John V. Banks (Executive V.P., NASSCO), Wilson’s reply (4/19/62), & attached copy of John Banks’ 3 page letter (4/10/62) to Donald W. Alexander (Maritime Administrator) “in which we request allocation of a contract of six C-4 type freighters for Moore-McCormick Lines, Inc.” re/ “the extreme inequality of construction between East and West Coast and considering our particular area’s 8% unemployment figure, we earnestly request [Wilson’s] . . . support;” 1 letter (4/10/62) from John V. Banks (NASSCO) to Congressman John H. Rousselot & attached copy of Banks 3 page letter (4/10/62) to Maritime Administrator Donald Alexander; 1 letter (4/17/62) from John M. Murphy (NASSCO) to Wilson, & attached “Itinerary Launching of SS M.M. Dant May 5, 1962” re/ invitation to Wilson, including cocktails and dinner at the El Cortez Hotel Sky Room; 1 letter (4/23/62) from Walter T.Phair (Asst. to the V.P., Kaiser Industries, Corp.) to Wilson & attached copies of 2 letters (4/10 & 4/23/62) from NASSCO & Kaiser Industries to Donald W. Alexander (Maritime Administrator) re/ allocation of all or portions of the six C4-S-60a vessels to be built for Moore McCormack; 2 letters (5/1/62) from John V. Banks (NASSCO) to Congressmen Hiestand & Rousselot & copies of his (5/1/62) letter to Maritime Administrator Alexander re/ “our recent request for allocation of the contract to construct six C-4 cargo ships;” 2 letters & 1 Western Union telegram (5/1/62) from John V. Banks (NASSCO) re/ important details contrasting 1962 with 1940-1944 East Coast, Gulf Coast, Great Lakes, & West Coast shipbuilding capacities as a reason why the Mari-time Commission should consider allocation of Moore-McCormack ships under Section 502 (f) of the Merchant Marine Act of 1936; 1 letter (5/21/62) from John V. Banks (NASSCO) to Wilson thanking him “for all the many things you did to assist us in our unsucessful attempt to obtain an allocation of the Moore-McCormack ship contract;” 2 letters (6/27 & 7/3/62) from John V. Banks (NASSCO) & attached news clipping—“Kuchel Urges Pacific Coast Ship Funds,” (The San Diego Union, 8/9/62, b9) re/ continuing problem of under used West Coast ship building industry in allocation of ships by Maritime Administration & DOD; a small packet of corresp. (Sept.-Oct. 1962) from Congressman Wilson, Kenneth E. Belieu (Asst. Sec. of the Navy, Installation & Logistics) & J.B. Letherbury (Dir. of Engineering, NASSCO) re/ “dollar value of funds used to rebuild or repair European shipyards,” & “U.S. govt. cost-sharing with these nations in these endeavors;” 1 letter (1/9/63) from John M. Murphy (NASSCO), Congressman Wilson’s reply, & his draft copy (1/16/63) re/ re/ projected work to be done on USNS Shoup, USNS Range Tracker & NASSCO’s interest in this work; medium-sized packet containing corresp. (Jan.-Feb.1963) from Congressman Wilson, Lt. Col. Robert H. Simpson (Special Asst., Office of the Asst. Sec. of Defense), J. B. Letherbury (NASSCO), & attached copy of “Europe AID’s Predecessor Agencies Assistance For Construction, Modernization and Maintenance of Shipyards” and “A Serious Problem—And A Solution” (n.d., n.s.) re/ inqueries as to “foreign aid money allocated to European shipyards,” & commentary on RAdm. Ralph K. James (BuShips) report in Maritime Reporter, “Engineering News” (11/15/62 ); 1 “Memorandum To: Boss From: Cathy—RE – your conversation yesterday with Mr. Guill” (5/2/63) re/ “shipbuilding subsidies;” 1 letter (6/14/63) from John V. Banks (NASSCO) & Wilson’s reply (6/19/63) re/ “present 65-35% allocation ratio of Navy ship repair, conversion, and alteration work for fiscal 1964;” 1 letter (6/17/63) from Walter T. Phair (Asst. to the V.P., Kaiser Industries, Corp.) & Wilson’s reply (6/19/63) re/ support for ratio of allocation of Naval ship repair, etc. to private yards for fiscal 1964 of remaining at 35%; small packet containing corresp. (Aug.-Sept. 1963) from Congressman Wilson, RAdm. William A. Brockett (Chief, BuShips), R.P. Nolan, Jr. (Contracts Administrator, NASSCO), & attached news clipping—“Navy Stores Ship Will Be Launched” (n.d., n.s.) re/ “conduct of Builders Trials and Acceptance Trials for John B. Mladinich Licensed Master” of the new “Navy Combat Ship Sylvania in Sept.;” 1 letter (11/20/63) from John M. Murphy (NASSCO) to Wilson & enclosed copies of “two recent articles regarding critical state of the U.S. Merchant Marine”—an editorial, “Russian Tonnage Grows U.S. Merchant Fleet Shrinking,” The San Diego Union, 11/18/63, b-2 & “Seeks Ship Building Orders From Foreign Aid Recipients,” a News Release from the Shipbuilders Council of America, 11/13/63.

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  • created: 1961-1963


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From the Collection: English

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Part of the Special Collections & University Archives Repository

5500 Campanile Dr. MC 8050
San Diego CA 92182-8050 US