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San Diego, Saline Water, 1957-1958

 File — Box: 144, Folder: 5
Identifier: Folder 5

Scope and Contents

A collection of letters, telegrams, reports & copies of magzine articles & government reports. Examples are: One letter (1/16/57) from Gilbert S. Wright (Wrightland, Del Mar) & Wilson’s response (1/25/57) re/ update to Wilson on State Highway alignment, brief comments on saline water conversion & potential closing of Tijuana border to juveniles; 1 letter (2/12/57) from C.K. Sencebaugh (Regional Professional Engineer), Wilson’s reply... (2/25/57) & attached copy of Sencebaugh, “A Practical Approach To Large Scale Sea-Water De-Mineralization” (3 pp.) re/ Sencebaugh’s continued interest in extraction of minerals as well as potable water from the oceans; 1 letter (2/21/57) from David S. Jenkins (Dir., Office of Saline Water, Dept. of the Interior) & attached copy of U.S. Dept. of Interior, Water Conversion Report For 1956, Jan. 1957, 24 pages; 1 letter (3/7/57) from C.K. Sencebaugh, Wilson’s reply (3/14/57) & a copy of Sencebaugh’s letter (2/19/57) to L.B. Richardson (V.P., General Dynamics Corp.) re/ de-mineralization of sea water & its commercial potentials; 1 letter (3/11/57) from Congressman Wilson, 1 letter (4/11/57) from David S. Jenkins (Office of Saline Water) & 2 copies of Jenkins’ article, “Fresh Water From Salt,” Scientific American (Vol. 196, No. 3, March 1957) pp. 37-46; 2 letters (4/14/57) from Congressman Wilson, 1 letter (n.d.) from constituent Charles Graves, Jr. (D.D.S.), & 1 letter (4/11/57) from David S. Jenkins re/ discussion on potential use of an atomic reactor to make potable water and electric power from the sea; 3 letters (6/22, 6/26, & 7/24/57) from David S. Jenkins, Congressmen Clair Engle & Wilson re/ problems with Mission Bay site for the sea water conversion test site; 1 letter (8/8/57) from Ralph J. Phillips (V.P., San Diego Gas & Electric Co.) & Wilson’s reply (8/14/57) re/ Mr. Phillips’ doubts about the viability of sea water conversion  “in the forseeable future,” & private sector fears of government controlled generation of electric power; 1 letter (11/25/57) from Glenn G. Havens (Chairman of the Bd., Narmco, Inc.), Wilson’s reponse (12/2/57) & enclosed “copy of the report on the symposium on Saline Water held in Washington, D.C. on November 4 through 6” (8 pp.) re/ Mr. Havens’ conclusion that California, rather than the U.S. Government should fund the sea water conversion process—“if one or more million dollars are obtained per year.” Wilson concurred with the “suggestion that the State take steps toward the eventual large-scale production of fresh water from sea water;” 1 letter (1/17/58) from Harold W. Kennedy (County Counsel, Office of the County Counsel, Los Angeles) to U.S. Senator Clinton P. Anderson re/ interest in the economic and technological possibilities of desalting water from the Pacific Ocean, Anderson’s S.J. Resolution 135, & the need for California & Los Angeles County to support these efforts; 1 letter (2/24/58) from Walter A. Folcke (Campbell Chevrolet) to Wilson re/ support for C.E. Sencebaugh’s sea water conversion plans; 1 Wilson office note (2/15/58) re/ David Jenkins, the Saline Water bill & “House appro cut appropriations on salt water . . . . administratively by about 30%;” pages 1 & 2 of Western Water News (Vol. 10, No. 1, January 1958) re/ a brief article on “Saline Water Conversion To Be Studied;” excerpt from Co-op Grain Quarterly (Vol. 15, No. 4, Winter 1957-58, March) re/ “De-Salting the Oceans” (pp. 56-60); 1 office note re/ “Press Release Telephone In By David Jenkins 11:15 – April 22, 1958” – an announcement by Sec. of  the Interior Fred Seaton & CA Governor Goodwin Knight of a “signing of cooperation agreement” related to sea water conversion; 1 letter (4/9/58) from Robert F. Kluge (Operations Mgr., Chemical Separations Program, American Machine & Foundry Co.), Wilson’s reply (4/24/58) & enclosed copy of H.J. Res. 541 . . . February 10, 1958 (2 pp.), 85th Cong., 2nd Sess. re/ Wilson’s “Joint Resolution Providing for the Construction by the Department of the Interior of a full-scale demonstration plant at the San Diego, California for the production, from sea water of water suitable for agriculture, industrial, municipal, and other beneficial consumptive uses” – S.J. Res. 135 was similar to Wilson’s bill; 1 letter (4/358) from C.K. Sencebaugh & Wilson’s reply (4/29/58) re/ a request for “a copy of the latest 1957 report of the ‘Saline Water Program,’ Reclamation Bureau, Department of the Interior” & reference to the SW-706 Process for the recovery of minerals and fresh-water from . . . the sea; a small collection of letters (Feb.-May 1958) from Congressman Wilson, constituent Harold A. Miller, W.A. Dexheimer (Commissioner, Bureau of Reclamation, Dept. of the Interior), & David S. Jenkins (Dir., Office of Saline Water) re/ “Mr. Miller advocates the use of a huge floating plastic bag [“Seabag Water Transport”] for conveyance of fresh water from the water surplus areas of the Pacific North-west to the Southern California area;” 1 letter (5/15/58) from George R. Henderson (Union Tribune Publishing Co.) & Wilson’s reply (5/26/58) re/ Henderson’s search for information on the salt water conversion program & his critique of the “long-haired boys . . . the double domes” who estimate lower costs on such a project; 1 letter (n.d.) from constituent C. Boone Sadler & Wilson’s reply (6/16/58) re/ Mr. Sadler’s doubts on the cost effectiveness of sea water conversion & Wilson’s comment that his bill supports “a demonstration plant in San Diego so that the matter of cost and feasibility many be established by actual experience;” “Memorandum To: Mr. Wilson From: Cathy (7/11/58) re/ H.J. Res. 541 to be considered in Subcommittee on Monday in relation to S.J. Res. 135;” 1 newsclipping—“Dail Preposes Group to Push For Saline Unit,” Evening Tribune (6/17/58); Wilson office note (7/18/58) re/ David Jenkins & mention of “utilizing nuclear heat;” 1 Western Union telegram (7/3/58) from Phillip Acker (City Clerk, San Diego) & Wilson’s reply (7/21/58) re/ notification of “Resolution No. 148496”as passed by the City of San Diego on July 1, 1958 supporting “S.J. Res. 135, providing for the construction by the Department of the Interior of a full-scale demonstration plant for the production, from sea or other saline waters, of water suitable for agricultural, industrial, municipal and other beneficial consumptive uses;” 1 page Wilson office note (8/7/58) re/ Mayor Dail, Glenn Havens, David Jenkins & other sea water conversion information; 2 letters (8/8 & 8/12/58) from C.K. Sencebaugh re/ the “Haydon-Sencebaugh method for extracting sodium chloride and other elements from sea-water;” copies of letters (8/23 & 9/22/58) from Congressman Wilson, 1 letter (n.d.) from S.D. Mayor Charles C. Dail & attached copy of “Suggested Resolution Urging Establishment of Sea Water Conversion Plant in the City of San Diego, California;” a small collection of letters (May-Aug. 1958) from Congressman Wilson, David S. Jenkins (Dir., Office of Saline Water), Walter A. Folcke (Campbell Chevolet)  & C.K. Sencebaugh’s sea water conversion & demineralization processes; 1 copy of “Public Law 85-883, 85th Congress, S.J. Res-135 September 2, 1958 Joint Resolution,” 72 Stat. 1706 (3 pp.); 1 page Wilson office note (9/18/58) re/ David Jenkins & Saline Water Demo Plant; “Memo To: Mr. Parma  From: Cathy” (9/29/58) re/ communication with David Jenkins & Asst. Secretary Aandahl being out of town & San Diego may not get the sea-water conversion test plant; 2 letters (10/3 &10/8/58) from David S. Jenkins to Wilson re/ plant sites in San Diego “high priority in this Department,” & absence from Washington of both Secretary and Asst. Secretary of Interior who are handling decisions about the test plant location; a collection of letters (Ap.-Oct. 1958) from I.E. McDougal (Chairman, Sea Water Conversion Sub-Committee, S.D. Chamber of Commerce), Congressman Wilson & attached copy of a S.D. Chamber of Commerce Resolution requesting the Dept. of the Interior “give favorable consideration to the establishment in San Diego of one of the Sea Water conversion facilities authorized by Congess;” letters (10/8 & 10/20/58) fromAsst. Sec. of the Interior Fred G. Aandahl & Congressman Wilson re/ selection process for the five plants authorized under S.J. Res 135 & Wilson’s encouragement to Mayor Dail to bid for one of these test stations; 1 copy of a resolution, “No. 120 Re The Establishment of a Sea Water Conver-sion Plant in the City of San Diego,” County of San Diego, CA, Oct. 7, 1958; 1 letter (11/14/58) from Franklin W. Lilley (City Mgr., City of Oceanside) to Congressman Wilson & attached copy of “Resolution No. 58-87 [10/22/58] A Resolution By the City Council of the City of Oceanside Requesting the Establishment of a Sea Water Conversion Plant in the City of Oceanside;” 1 letter (11/5/58) from Mayor Charles C. Dail to Congressman Wilson, enclosed copy of “Resolution Re: Sea Water Conversion Plant” as adopted by the General Assembly of the League of California Cities (10/29/58), & a news clipping “Sea Water Plant for S.D. Hinted,” The San Diego Union (11/23/58); 1 letter (11/25/58) from Eugene H. Twarowski (Double Products Co.) & Wilson’s reply (12/9/58) re/ interest of Avalon “in having the Saline Water Demonstration Plant located at Catalina Island;”   1 copy of a letter (12/2/58) from Congressman Wilson to Mayor Charles Dail re/ “jet age airport . . . [&] Brown Field,” “the Navy’s attitude,” & “I am very optimistic about San Diego’s chances for getting the saline water conversion plant authorized by Congress.”

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  • created: 1957-1958


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Part of the Special Collections & University Archives Repository

5500 Campanile Dr. MC 8050
San Diego CA 92182-8050 US