Selective Service, 1960-1961
Scope and Contents
A collection of letters concerning Wilson’s San Diego constituents & their draft status. Examples are: Several letters (12/6/60 – 1/19/61) from Joe Clyde Browning, Congressman Wilson, & General Lewis B. Hershey re/ Mr. Browning’s request for deferment based on family responsibilities; a collection of letters & 1 Western Union telegram (Jan. – Feb. 1961) from Congress-man Wilson, Louise E. Yovanovich (Chief Clerk, Local Bd. No. 109, Peoria,... Ill.), Troy Wayne Binkley, & General Lewis B. Hershey re/ Mr. Binkley’s success in having the assistance of Wilson & General Hershey in enlisting in the Air Force instead of being inducted into the U.S. Army; 2 small packets of corresp. (May – July & July – Aug. 1961) concerning “deferred status from the draft” for San Diego residents Mr. Henry R. Wakefield & Mr. Lester Duane Barnes; a small collection of letters (Aug. 1961) from Peter Kuhrt (a reporter for the San Diego Evening Tribune), Congressman Wilson, “Memorandum To: Leon From: Cathy,” & General Lewis B. Hershey re/ Mr. Kuhrt’s success in getting a temporary deferment so his wife and child could emigrate from West Germany to the U.S.; a collection of letters (July-Aug. 1961) from constituent Frank E. Stratton, Congressman Wilson, & Lewis B. Hershey (Dir., Selective Service System) re/ “a senior Civil Engineering student at San Diego State College,” and in the “’Standby Reserves’” after spending several years in the Army’s “’Ready Reserves,’” was concerned about postpon-ing his 1-A draft classification’s potential induction until after he graduated from college; a collection of letters (Aug.-Sept. 1961) from constituent Gerald W. Lacy, Congressman Wilson, & Lewis B. Hershey re/ Mr. Lacy, formerly of El Reno, Oklahoma had been ordered for induction by his Oklahoma draft. Due to family illnesses & other responsibilities he requested deferment & was successful, with Wilson’s assistance, in being reclassified to Class III-A; several letters (Aug. 1961) from Helen E. Watson (Clerk-Local Board No. 140, S.D.), B.E. Reid (Partner, Reid’s Plumbing & Heating Co.), Congressman Wilson, & Lewis B. Hershey re/ the projected late August induction of Richard Lee Hawkins, his crucial supervisorial position for Reid’s Plumbing & Heating on a U.S. Government job at the Marine Air Station in Yuma, & attempts to get a postponement of Mr. Hawkins’ induction; a small packet containing 1 Western Union telegram & several letters (Aug.-Sept. 1961) from constituent James R. Sewell, Congressman Wilson, Lewis B. Hershey, & Margaret M. Young (Wilson’s Secretary) re/ a father’s efforts to obtain a college deferment for a son who had planned a career in the U.S. Air Force; several letters (July-Sept. 1961) from constituent & U.C.S.D. graduate Philip Lusardi, Congressman Wilson, & Lewis B. Hershey re/ Mr. Lusardi’s success, with Wilson’s help, in having his draft classification changed to Class II-S so he could attend Coimba University in Portugal to begin his graduate studies; a collection of letters (Sept.-Oct. 1961) from constituent Mrs. Lorena French, Congressman Wilson, & Lewis B. Hershey re/ a family crisis, a son to be drafted, & attempts to obtain a reclassification from the local draft board; a collection of letters (Sept.-Oct. 1961) from constituent & San Diego State College senior Walter Robson, Jr., Congressman Wilson, & Lewis B. Hershey re/ the Berlin crisis & Mr. Robson’s attempt to defer induction until he graduates in January 1962; several letters (Aug.-Nov. 1961) from Rachel Stein (African-American Institute, N.Y.), Congressman Wilson, & Dolores Collier (Coordinator, Local Bd. No. 141, S.D.) re/ successful reclassification for Daniel Sheldon Schaffer to Class II-A so he could begin a tour of duty teaching at “the Igbobi Secondary School in the Western Region of Nigeria; a small packet of letters (Sept.-Nov. 1961) from Congressman Wilson, Harold B. Starkey (Pres., First Federal Savings and Loan Assn.), & Dolores Collier (Coordinator, Local Bd. 138, S.D.) re/ Wilson’s help in getting the local board to postpone for 3 months the induction of Thomas Graham Morton because of his employment responsibilities at First Federal; a collection of letters (Aug.-Nov. 1961) from constituents Harriet C. Rohlf & Maxine C. Loustalet & Dolores Collier (Coordinator, Local Bd. 138) re/ Wilson’s crucial help in obtaining a reclassification to Class II-S for Ph.d. candidate Frank James Rohlf so he could complete his studies in Entomology at the Univ. of Kansas; a small packet of corresp. (Aug.-Dec. 1961) from Republican constituent Mrs. Harold Kinsey, Congressman Wilson, & Lewis B. Hershey re/ the complications of James Andrew Kinsey’s attempts to defer draft induction so he could start graduate studies at California Western University in pre-dentistry.
See moreDates
- created: 1960-1961
- From the Collection: Wilson, Robert (Wilson, Robert Carlton) (1916-) (Person)
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Access to some records is restricted, please consult with Special Collections & University Archives staff for details. Patrons wishing to use the Robert C. Wilson Papers must sign a "Researcher's Agreement," a copy of which can be obtained from Special Collections & University Archives staff.
From the Collection: 0.00 Linear Feet
Language of Materials
From the Collection: English
Repository Details
Part of the Special Collections & University Archives Repository
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Cite Item
Selective Service, 1960-1961, Folder 5, Box: 149, Folder: 5. Robert "Bob" Carlton Wilson Papers, MS-0044. Special Collections & University Archives.
Cite Item Description
Selective Service, 1960-1961, Folder 5, Box: 149, Folder: 5. Robert "Bob" Carlton Wilson Papers, MS-0044. Special Collections & University Archives. Accessed March 13, 2025.