San Diego, Competition of Government with Business, 1957-1958
Scope and Contents
A large collection of letters, memos & news clippings. Examples are: Stapled packet containing letters (Feb.- Mar. 1957) from Congressman Wilson, R.J. Klitgaard (Attorney at Law), & RAdm. C.C. Hartman (Commandant, Eleventh Naval District) re/ “alleged discrimination by the Commissary Store against the Franco Superior Bakery;” copies of letters (Ap.-May 1957) from Congressman Wilson, Lt. Col. Donald T. Kellet (Chief of Legistlative Liaison,... Dept. of the Army) & A.E. Hieshetter (Brothers Foot Comfort Shop) re/ allegations against military post exchanges selling shoes; two letters (5/3 & 5/14/57) from Chester L. Dorman (Tire Dealers & Distributors of San Diego), reply by Catherine Parham (Sec. for Congressman Wilson (5/13/57) & attached copy of pages 9-11 of a speech given by H.E. Humphreys, Jr. (Pres., U.S. Rubber Company) entitled “The Government’s Game of Give & Take” (3/7/57) re/ private sector complaints about competition from military post exchanges; 1 memo (11/13/57) from D. Danforth (Office Manager, S.D. Tavern & Restaurant Assn.) re/ unfair competition with U.S. Navy; a large packet containing office memos, letters & telegrams (July 1957-Jan. 1958) from Major E.S. Hamilton (Officer-in-Charge, USMC Exchange Service), Congressman Wilson, Dr. Calvin Nicholl (Pres., S.D. County Optometric Assn.), Dr. D.D. McElfresh (Sec., Calif. Optometric Assn.), Dr. Gordon Kindy (Immediate Past Pres., Calif. Optometric Assn., & Dr. Roy French Kidd (S.D. County Optometric Assn.) re/ concerns over competition with the Navy & the Marine Corps over optometric services; 1 large packet containing letters (June-Nov. 1958) from Congressman Wilson, Capt. O.D. Finnigan, Jr. (Asst. Chief for Morale Service, BuPers, Dept. of the Navy) Todd Smith (Attorney, S.D. Retail Liquor Dealers/), Commander E.J. Newbold (Cong. Inquiry Div., Dept. of the Navy), Congressman John J. Allen, Jr., Congressman Patrick J. Hillings, Commander D.R. Harris (Special Asst. for Liaison & Technical Information, BuPers) & E.G. Richard (Manager, Barcelona Hotel & Apts.) re/ extensive complaints from local liquor businesses concerning alleged competition from U.S. Navy clubs & post exchanges; 1 letter (8/6/58) from Dr. Floyd C. Hendrickson & Wilson’s response (8/12/58) re/ misinformation on Fedco as being “operated by the U.S. government;” 1 letter (6/12/58) from constituent Thomas C. Smith, Jr. re/ political advice to Wilson & comments on post exchange & medicare program; packet containing letters (Oct. 1957-May 1958) from Leon W. Parma & E.F. Terrar, Jr. (Admin. Assts. to Wilson), Hal Higgins & Rupert Crosthwaite (Sports Supply), Lt. General V.E. Megee (Acting Commandant, USMC, S.D.), RAdm. R.J.. Arnold (Chief of Bureau, Bureau of Supplies and Accounts, Dept of the Navy), G. Marvin Shutt (Secretary, Nat. Sporting Goods), Capt. T.A. Torgerson (Naval Liaison Officer to Congress) & attached copy of “Aid To Small Business—Academy To Buy Ice Cream, Cake” (San Diego Union-Chicago Tribune Dispatch, 8/18/57) re/ “complaints regarding alleged competition of government with small business such as Higgins & Higgins & Crosthwaite Sports Supply;” 1 letter (4/11/58) from constituent & small business owner John J. Keely & Wilson’s reply (4/16/58) re/ Mr. Keely’s complaints about unfair competition from the Nav
See moreDates
- created: 1957-1958
- From the Collection: Wilson, Robert (Wilson, Robert Carlton) (1916-) (Person)
Conditions Governing Access
Access to some records is restricted, please consult with Special Collections & University Archives staff for details. Patrons wishing to use the Robert C. Wilson Papers must sign a "Researcher's Agreement," a copy of which can be obtained from Special Collections & University Archives staff.
From the Collection: 0.00 Linear Feet
Language of Materials
From the Collection: English
Repository Details
Part of the Special Collections & University Archives Repository
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Cite Item
San Diego, Competition of Government with Business, 1957-1958, Folder 6, Box: 137, Folder: 6. Robert "Bob" Carlton Wilson Papers, MS-0044. Special Collections & University Archives.
Cite Item Description
San Diego, Competition of Government with Business, 1957-1958, Folder 6, Box: 137, Folder: 6. Robert "Bob" Carlton Wilson Papers, MS-0044. Special Collections & University Archives. Accessed March 13, 2025.