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San Diego, People to People, 1956-1963

 File — Box: 144, Folder: 1
Identifier: Folder 1

Scope and Contents

A large collection of letters, telegrams, government publications, memos, news clippings, reports and other items. Examples are: Five letters (June 1956-Aug. 1957) from Congressman Wilson & Murial Tolle (The Tolle Co.) re/ advertising for the People-to-People Committee & other personal information; 2 letters (3/28 & 3/31/58) from Muriel Tolle & Congressman Wilson re/ “Yokohoma issue of Magazine San Diego,” making plans for the proper... presentation ‘ceremonies’ to President Eisenhower, Vice President Nixon and Congressman Wilson,” & Chamber of Commerce interests in these activities; 1 letter (4/9/58) from Leon W. Parma (Wilson’s Admin. Asst.) to Muriel Tolle & a copy of Internal Revenue Bulletin No. 1957-5 (2/4/57) re/ “Ruling 57-38 which deals with tax advantages available to those engaged in the present ‘People to People Program;’” copies of a Western Union telegram (7/28/58) & letters (7/29 & 8/4/58) from Frank Reynolds (Domestic Trade Dept., S.D. Chamber of Commerce), Muriel Tolle & Congressman Wilson re/ “acquisition of the Japanese Friendship Bell by the San Diego-Yokohoma Friendship Commission for the City of San Diego” & discussion of the “ridiculous story about the liberated bell [stone lantern] being returned to Yokohoma;” a small packet containing a letter (3/26/59) from Chula Vista Mayor Keith W. Menzel & Darsie Anderson (Chairman, Sister City Friendship Commission), a letter (4/6/58) from Congressman Wilson, attached copy of CA. State Chamber of Commerce, “Standard Industrial Survey Summary Report” for Chula Vista, S.D. County (4 pp.), & one copy of a brochure, clean, crisp . . . chula vista re/ copies of these letters, the survey and the brochure were sent to the Honorable E. Snowden Chamber (Office of Information Agency) “In response to . . . interest in :President Eisenhower’s ‘People to People’ and Sister City Programs;” copies of letters (4/9 & 4/10/59) E. Snowden (U.S.I.A.) & Wilson re/ the agency will do do their “best to find a suitable sister city for your home town, Chula Vista;” 4 letters (May-June 1959) from J.F. DuPaul (S.D. City Attorney), Patrick I. Branin (Ex. Asst., Mayor Charles Dail), Muriel Tolle (Media Agencies Clients) & Congressman Wilson re/ duplication of the [Donal Hord] San Diego Civic Center fountain and statue as a gift to Yokohoma;” 4 letters (June-Sept. 1959) from Chula Vista Mayor Standlee McMains & Dr. Darsie Anderson/Alfred E. O’Day (Chairmen, Sister City Friendship Com-mittee) to E. Snowden Chambers (Office of Private Cooperation, U.S.I.A.) re/ the city’s attempts to affiliate with a city in Mexico, South America, Africa, or the Philippines; 3 letters (9/59) from Dr. William F. DeMyer (Dir., American Cultural Center, U.S.I.A.), Frank Reynolds (Promotion Mgr., KFSD, Inc.) & Leon W. Parma (Wilson’s Admin. Asst.) re/ San Diego-Yokohama program; a small packet containing corresp. (May-Oct. 1959) from Congressman Wilson, Leon W. Parma, Marge O’Donnell, E. Snowden Chambers (U.S.I.A.), Dr. Darsie Anderson (Chairman, Sister City Friendship Committee, Chula Vista), F.S. Fulwiler (Office of Chief Administrator Officer, Chula Vista), USIS Lagos, Nigeria, & Robert D. Walsh (Congressional Liaison Officer, U.S.I.A.) re/ Chula Vista’s difficulty in obtaining a sister city under the People-to-People Program; a small packet of letters (Ap.-Oct. 1959) from Leon W. Parma, Congressman Wilson, Kenneth S.Beam (Editor, California Community Councils,Newsletter) & enclosed copy of Vol. XI, No. 3, July-Sept. 1959 re/ more information on the People-to-People Program & Chula Vista’s endeavors “to line up a sister city;” 1 letter (11/4/59) from Muriel Tolle (S.D.-Yokohama Friendship Commission) re/ details on the commission’s organization & activities; letters (Oct. 1959 & Jan. 1960) from E. Snowden Chambers (Office of Private Cooperation, U.S.I.A.), Leon W. Parma (Wilson’s Admin. Asst.), & Alfred E. O’Day (Chula Vista Sister City Committee) re/ personal information & prospects for Sao Jose Dos Campos, Brazil, becoming Chula Vista’s sister city; 1 letter (2/2/60) from Muriel Tolle (Chairman, San Diego-Yokohama Friend-ship Commission) & Wilson’s reply (2/9/60) re/ controversy over the opposition from the U.S. National Park Service & the Portuguese residents of San Diego to locating “the [Freedom] bell” within Cabrillo National Monument & the difficulty in obtaining the U.S. Navy to release a neighboring ¾’s of an acre to the City of San Diego—Evenually the Freedom Bell was located on Shelter Island; 1 letter (2/10/60) from Eva F. Tenant (Sec., Office of the Mayor, Chula Vista), & attached thermofax copy of a letter (12/23/59) from Mayor Elmano Ferreira Veloso (Sao Jose dos Campos, Brazil re/ the prospects looked favorable “that a sister city affliation can be established;” a small packet of letters (Ap.-May 1960) from Richard Jackson (Asst. Secretary of the Navy), Commander R.D. Chamberlain (Congressional Liaison Div., Office of the Secretary the Navy), Commander Edwin Rosenberg (Admin. Aid to the Secretary of the Navy), & Congressman Wilson re/ details on how the residents of the City of Santa Anna, California, had collected “Some three tons of books, numbering about 10,000, . . . are now ready for shipment to” to their sister city, Santa Anna, El Salvador. “ [A] radar picket escort, USS LOWE (DER-325) . . . [is scheduled] to transport the books to Acajutla, El Salvador” in early September 1960; 1 copy of a letter (3/2/61) from Congressman Wilson to the Honorable John F. Kennedy & attached copies of “Operation Handclasp—Fact Sheet” (3 pp.) & a Operation Handclasp brochure (n.d., 4 pp.) re/ Wilson’s request to the President to make “a public statement commending the general idea of voluntary people-to-people efforts;” a small collection of letters (Ap.-May 1961) from Congressman Wilson, Brooks Hays (Asst. Secretary of State), & Dr. James W. Turpin (Coronado, CA) re/ Coronado’s interest in helping her sister city, Puerto Montt, Chile, obtain U.S. government financial assistance to rebuild after the earthquake of May 22, 1960;” 1 letter (6/14/61) from Kenneth P. Campbell (Chula Vista City Clerk), attached copy of “Resolution No. 2611 adopted by the City of Chula Vista, California, accepting General Roca, Argentina, as a Sister City” on June 11, 1961, and Wilson’s reply (6/22/61) to Mr. Campbell’s letter; a small packet containing 3 letters (July 1961) from Congressman Wilson & Henry Mayers (Bd. Chairman, Magazines For Friendship, Inc.) & an enclosed “Petition to Postmaster General Day” re/ requests to reduce postal rates on used magazines and books sent overseas. Mr. Mayers indicated that the current Postmaster “has not only refused to act” on the petition, “but has further raised the rates American citizens must pay to send their used magazines overseas;” a small collection of letters (Nov.-Dec. 1961) from E.R. Zaloudek (Director., Kearny High School A Capella Choir), Congressman Wilson, & Robert D. Walsh (Congressional Liaison, U.S.I.A.) re/ the director’s interest in “sending a San Diego high school choir on a trip much like the choir from Rodondo Beach High School . . . made last year” for the People-to-People Program to Latin America; 1 letter (11/16/61) from Bruce J. Ellis (Dir., Special Activities, The People to People Health Foundation, Inc.), Wilson’s reply (12/31/61), attached copy of “Project Hope, the People the People Health Foundation, Inc., Washington D.C.” re/ Mr. Ellis’ request to Congressman Wilson to serve “on our Honorary Committee for your State . . . . Governor Pat Brown is serving as our Honorary Chairman of the California fund-raising dinners . . . .” Wilson declined to “join with Governor Brown in any project in California, as I disagree violently with the Governor and his Administration;” 3 letters (1/30 & 2/12/62) from Norman W. Tolle (the Tolle Co.), Lawrence Carr, Jr. (Pres., Kiwanis Club of San Diego), Congressman Wilson, enclosed copy of pages b-9 & b-10 of the Jan. 24, 1962 Evening Tribune, & a b&w photograph re/ “An oil painting of the San Diego0Yokohama Friendship Bell on Shelter Island” & the intention to communicate this information to former President Dwight Eisenhower, because of his continuing interest in the People-to-People Program; a small collection of letters (Jan.-Mar. 1962) from Muriel Tolle, Congressman Wilson, General Dwight Eisenhower, & Samuel A. Montague (Deputy Dir. & Dir. of Operations, People to People Civic Committee) re/ kudos from IKE for Muriel Tolle, the People to People Program in San Diego, & the Friendship Bell; 1 “Memo for the Record” (n.d.) & 4 letters (5/62) from Frederick G. Dutton (Asst. Sec. of State), Congressman Wilson, & Miss Robley Baskerville (Pres., Robley Baskerville, Inc.) re/ a planned business trip to South America & projected volunteer efforts there for the People to People Program; 1 letter (8/23/63) from Will Hippen, Jr. (Chairman, San Diego-Yokohama Friendship Commission) to Wilson re/ “enclosed Review is to bring you up to date on what our Sister City Program has been for the last two years.” The Review is not attached to this letter; 1 copy of a letter (9/3/63) addressed to “Dear Dad” (T.R. Gillenwaters) re/ a “brochure outlines the San Diego Friendship Commission I mentioned several days ago . . . . when we discussed the possible return of the treasured Japanese Samurai swords you have in storage;” 1 letter (9/18/63) from Spencer A. Menzel (Chairman, Sister City Commission, Chula Vista), Wilson’s reply (9/25/63) & attached copy of “Chula Vista Sister City Friendship Commission Report for the Year 1962-63” (6 pp.); 2 letters (11/19/63) from Will Hippen, Jr. (Chairman, San Diego-Yokohama Friendship Commission) & Wilson’s reply (12/11/63) re/ Japan’s leading sculptor is touring “California in search of a site on which to build a monument to the aviators of Japan and the United States,” Time article cited, and both Wilson and Hippen hope he choses San Diego as a site for his projected scupture.

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  • created: 1956-1963


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Language of Materials

From the Collection: English

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Repository Details

Part of the Special Collections & University Archives Repository

5500 Campanile Dr. MC 8050
San Diego CA 92182-8050 US