San Diego, Saline Water, 1960
Scope and Contents
A collection of letters, telegrams, memos, memorandums, and news clippings. Examples are: One postal card (1/4/60) from constituent Robert J. McPherson & Congress-man Wilson’s reply (1/16/60) re/ comments on atomic submarine construction in San Diego, request to cut ribbon on dedication of Sea Water Conversion Plant & “lessening our financial aid” to the UN if they don’t support NATO; 1 copy of a letter (1/19/60) from Congressman Wilson &... replies from Captain I.R. Geis (Ex. Asst. & Senior Aide to CNO) & Adm. Arleigh Burke (Chief of Naval Operations) re/ location of atomic energy water conservation plant on the ocean side of Point Loma & the Navy’s concern that “the Plant’s operation will not endanger the public nor interfere with operations at the Naval Base and the Naval Air Station in San Diego; 1 Wilson office note (2/11/60) re/ Point Loma site selection, potential “‘real can of worms,’” & Secretary of the Navy “demanding absolute formal assurances that nothing will happened in San Diego if reactor built AEC can’t formally state until conclusions of hearings;” 1 postal card (2/11/60) from constituent R.R. Rogers & Wilson’s reply (2/19/60) re/ objections raised by Secretary of the Navy & Admiral Burke; 1 letter (2/12/60) from constituent Mrs. Frieda E. Nickerson, attached news clipping—Brien Duff, “Navy Objections Stall Saline Plant,” (The San Diego Union, 2/10/60), & Wilson’s assuaging reply (2/19/60) to Mrs. Nickerson’s comment – “Why does the Navy Burke and Franke oppose our water conversion plant [?],” & her critique of funds spent on foreign aid; 1 copy of a letter (2/19/60) from Senator Clair Engle to the Secretary of the Navy William Birrell Franke, & a copy of the Senator’s “Statement . . . before Interior Subcommittee of Senate Appropriations Committee February 10, 1960” re/ the Senator’s attempts “to speed up the Federal saline water conversion program” on Point Loma; 1 letter (2/19/60) from San Diego Mayor Charles C. Dail & Wilson’s reply (2/25/60) re/ “safety of operations of any reactor,” AEC, & assurances to the Mayor from “some of the people at General Atomic” that “air or water borne contamination caused by the proposed reactor should cause no apprehension;” one 3 page letter (2/26/60) from Doctor A.L. Miller (Dir. Office of Saline Water, Dept. of the Interior) re/ his summary of events since 1959 on sea water conversion program. He became director on 2/17/59 & the act initiating the conversion program was passed on 7/3/52; 1 letter (3/5/60) from constituent Richard S. Robinson, his “Extract from Saline Water Conversion Report for 1958” (1/59, p. 17), & Wilson reply (3/9/60) re/ Mr. Robinson’s concern over potential abandonment of proposed plant on Point Loma “because of Navy opposition;” 1 packet of news clippings from San Diego papers for Mar.& Ap. 1960 re/ nuclear saline water conversion plant, Navy opposition to Point Loma site & other related topics; copies of a letter (2/28/60) from constituent John C. Sheppard & a telegram (3/7/60) from Robert L. Wynn (City Mgr., Imperial Beach, CA) & Wilson’s replies (3/7 & 3/11/60) re/ “Navy’s objection to the proposed nuclear sea water conversion plant on Point Loma,” suggested alternatives, & Mr. Wynn’s suggestion that Border Field might be an alternative site; Wilson office note (3/12/60) re/ telephone calls from Hans Doe & Fred Heilbron as to saline water problem, “Reactor Safeguards Committee” report, & attached copy of a letter (3/14/60) from Leslie Silverman (Chairman, Advisory Committee On Reactor Safeguards, AEC) re/ “Experimental Low Temperature Process Heat Reactor Project – Point Loma . . . . The committee considers Point Loma to be a poor site because of unfavorable meteorology and high population density, aggravated by recreational and fisheries aspects, and lack of ocean dilution . . . . The experimental nature of the proposed installation contributes to our lack of assurances; a small packet of letters (Feb.-Mar. 1960) from Jerry Lee Pecht, Graham Kelly (attorney at law), & Congressman Wilson re/ Salt Water Conversion Plant, problem with Point Loma site, & potential alternative location at Agua Hedironda Lagoon near Carlsbad, CA; 1 “Copy of a straight wire Forwarded 3/23/60 @ 10:30 A.M. To Dr. A.L. Miller” from San Diego Mayor Charles C. Dail re/ suggested alternative power source—fuel oil from Naval Supply Depot at Ballast Point to operate Pt. Loma Saline Water Conversion Plant; a packet of letters, press releases, news clippings, & reports (Feb.-Ap. 1960) from Fred A. Heilbron (Chairman, Bd. of Directors, S.D. County Water Authority), Congressman Wilson, Hans Doe, Dr. A.L. Miller, Dr. Charles Graves (D.D.S.) re/ local & national concerns over potential loss of saline water plant because of opposition to nuclear reactor on Pt. Loma; a small packet containing 1 Western Union telegram (4/7/60), several pages of Wilson office notes (4/8/60), & news clippings (4/8 & 4/9/60) re/ Point Loma, Camp Pendleton & Port Huenme sites, “Saline Plant Decision Due In A Week,” “Navy Conditionally OKs Saline Site” with 40 acres to AEC from Navy Dept., & lots of commentary about this in the Wilson notes; a small packet of letters (Mar.-Ap. 1960) from constituent S.R. Carpenter (Engineering Staff Specialist, Convair Plant 1), Congressman Wilson, W.S. Gillam (Acting Dir., Office of Saline Water), & news clipping – “Wilson Airs Stand On Water Plant,” Evening Tribune, Mar. 25, 1960 re/ Mr. Carpenter’s proposal & drawing to place the nuclear sea water conversion site inland & pump sea water to it from the Pt. Loma location – Wilson notes that cost factors plus the continum flow method does not favor the alternative plan; 1 letter (4/12/60) from Elmer Glaser (Elm’s Inc., Oceanside, CA) & Wilson’s reply (4/18/60) re/ potential for placing the conversion plant at Camp Pendleton instead of Pt. Loma; Wilson office note (4/26/60) re/ another AEC Advisory Reactor Safeguards meeting in May on Pt. Loma site, & 1 photocopy of a news clipping – “Legislation Rules Out Non-Atomic Sea Plant - Hunt For Other Site Outside S.D. Urged,” (The San Diego Union, 4/27/60); 2 news clippings—“State Reported Not Insistant On Atom Plant” (The San Diego Union, 4/29/60) & “Door Closed On Pt.Loma Saline Site,” (Independent, 5/1/60) re/ suggestion that AEC favored a Pt. Mugu site & comment on potential electromagnetic interference from Pt. Loma site to nearby Naval Electronic Laboratory; 1 copy of a letter (5/3/60) from Graham M. Kelly (Attorney at law) to Dr. Arthur L. Miller (Dir., Saline Water Office) re/ potential site for nuclear powered saline water conversion plant at Agua Hedironda Lagoon – “This area is not heavily populated, so fewer squawks can be anticipated;” 1 press release (5/6/60) from the Dept. of the Interior re/ “Preliminary Evaluation of Site Selection Board Narrows Proposed East Coast Sites for Saline Water Conversion Demonstration Plant To Thirteen;” 1 Western Union telegram (5/13/60) from CA Governor Edmund G. Brown, 2 letters (5/14/60) from Congressman Wilson, 1 letter (5/18/60) from Dr. A.L. Miller re/ the Governor approves a conventional power source for Pt. Loma & attached copy of a S.D. County Bd. of Supervisors Resolution (5/3/60) recom-mending Camp Pendleton for a pilot saline conversion plant; 1 Western Union telegram (5/16/60) from Harvey O. Banks (Dir., CA Dept. of Water Resources) & Wilson’s reply (5/18/60) re/ Banks agrees with Gov. Brown as to a conventional power source in S.D. for a pilot saline water conversion plant; a small packet of letters (5/60) from Dr. G.G. Havens (Chairman, Sea Water Conversion Commission, City of San Diego), Congressman Wilson, & Leslie Silvermann (Chairman, Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards, AEC) re/ Mr. Havens’ positive comments in support of the “Experimental Low Temperature Process Heat Reactor Project Point Loma, California;”
See moreDates
- created: 1960
- From the Collection: Wilson, Robert (Wilson, Robert Carlton) (1916-) (Person)
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From the Collection: 0.00 Linear Feet
Language of Materials
From the Collection: English
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Part of the Special Collections & University Archives Repository