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San Diego, Tuna, 1954

 File — Box: 146, Folder: 8
Identifier: Folder 8

Scope and Contents

A collection of reports, letters, memorandums, memos & telegrams. Examples are: 1 copy of a Press Release for January 26, 1954 (5 pp.) from Republican Congressmen Daniel A. Reed & Richard M. Simpson “as a minority report of the Randall Commission on Foreign Economic Policy;” a typed, 4 page monograph (2/15/54) regarding “Facts On Tuna Fish Imports;” 1 letter (5/14/54) from Mason Case (Gen. Mgr. & Chairman, Pacific Coast Fish Producers... Institute), enclosed “copy of the Resolution adopted by the . . . Institute [5/5/54], & Wilson’s response (5/24/54) re/ “protection of the United States fisherman on the high seas;” 1 Western Union telegram (6/17/54) from Congressman Wilson & a letter (6/21/54) in reply from Harold F. Cary (Gen. Mgr., Am. Tunaboat Assn.) re/ Wilson’s support for S2802 – Fisheries Research – which passed in the House & awaits Presidential signature; 1 letter (6/16/54) from W. Wade Ambrose (Pres., Am. Tunaboat Assn.), enclosed 1 page “A Bill To protect the rights of United States on the high seas and in territorial waters of foreign countries” – S3594 & H.R. 9538 -- & Wilson’s reply (6/23/54) re/ Wilson’s support of this legislation; 1 letter (6/28/54) from Arnold Klaus (Asst. Mgr., S.D. Chamber of Commerce) & Wilson’s reply (7/12/54) re/ support for H.R. 9538 & S3594; 1 copy of “Statement of W.M. Chapman Director of Research For the American Tunaboat Association of San Diego, California, July 1, 1954” in support of H.R. 9538 and H.R. 9584 – “identical bills” – approx. 150 pages including appendices; 1 four page letter (8/15/52) from W. M. Chapman to Senor Doctor Don Jose Maria Velasco Ibarra, Elected President of the Republic of Ecuador re/ the deterioriation of fishery relations between Ecuador & the United States since 1950; 1 personal note (n.d.) from Wilbert M. Chapman to “Bob,” Wilson’s reply (8/25/54), & copies of Chapman’s letters (8/12 & 8/13/54) to over 25 prominent San Diegans celebrating the passage of H.R. 9584 by both Houses of Congress “and is on the President’s desk for signature . . . . I should like to mention in particular the fine assistance we got from Congressman Bob Wilson;” 1 letter (816/54) from George E. Campbell (Campbell Machine Co.) & attached copy of W.M. Chapman’s letter (see above) re/ passage of H.R. 9584, praising Wilson, & wishing him success at the polls in November; 1 Western Union telegram (9/26/54) from Wilbert M. Chapman to Congressman Wilson & attached “Memorandum October 5, 1954” re/ U.S. “Flag Vessel MV Belle of Portugal seized at San Cristobal in Galapagos Islands” – “the vessel involved was released by the Ecuadorian government;” one 6 page letter (10/6/54) from W.M. Chapman (Dir. of Research, Am. Tunaboat Assn.) to J. Croft-Baker (H. Croft-Baker & Sons, Ltd., England) re/ “your trawler problem in the northeast Atlantic Ocean is essentially similar to our tuna clipper problem in the eastern Tropical Pacific with respect to international law . . . .;” a small packet of corresp. (Sept.-Oct. 1954) from W.M. Chapman, W. Wade Ambrose, E.F. Terrar, Jr. & Congressman Wilson requesting Secretary of State John Foster Dulles to “initiate action against the Government of Ecuador before the International Court of Justice in the matter of the seizure of the American flag vessel, M.V. Sun Pacific;” one 12 page letter (10/28/54) from W.M. Chapman (Dir. of Research, Am. Tunaboat Assn.) to Nic Trutanic (Star-Kist Foods, Inc.) re/ “the Senate hearings on H.R. 9584 and the reports of both House and Senate Committee on the bill.” Chapman summarizes events from Sept. 1945 when President Truman issued proclamations on the continental shelf & the high seas; letters (11/1,11/18, & 11/23/54) from Ben H. Brown, Jr. (Acting Asst. Secretary, Dept of State), E.F. Terrar, Jr. (Wilson’s Admin. Asst.) & W.M. Chapman (Am. Tunaboat Assn.) re/ issue of the seizure of Sun Pacific by Ecuadorian authorities & using the International Court of Justice; copies of 2 letters (11/19 & 12/2/54) from Harold F. Cary (Gen. Mgr., Am. Tunaboat Assn.) & a reply from Carl D. Corse (Chief, Commercial Policy Staff, Interdepartmental Committee on Trade Agreements, Dept. of State) re/ tariff negotiations to take place in February – “particularly the listing of fresh and frozen tuna;” 1 copy of a 2 page letter (11/22/54) from W.M. Chapman to Dr. Dierke (Verband der Dentschen Hochseefischerain) re/ the apprehension of Olympic Victory by the Peruvian Government on or about the 12th of November as “a particularly flagrant violation of international Whaling Commission regulations under which she was working permit the taking of sperm whales in that area of the high seas at that season of the year;” one 9 page copy of “a Dept. of State For the Press . . . Future Release . . . November 13, 1954” (No. 640), a copy of a letter (11/23/54) from Congressman Wilson to Secretary of State John Foster Dulles, & a reply to Wilson (12/3/54) from Thruston B. Morton (Asst. Secretary of State) re/ the complicated issue of trade agreements with Japan to allow imports of frozen tuna & American concerns about this competition which “gives little hope to our domestic tuna industry;” 1 letter (12/1/54) from Cliff B. Weitz (Business Mgr., Lodge No. 389-E, I. A. M.), enclosed 4 page “Tuna Clipper Engineers, International Association of Machinists, Lodge No. 389” statement of their position, & Wilson’s response (12/11/54) re/ “the current question of tariffs for fresh and frozen tuna” – the membership opposed “entering on the free tariff lists of fresh and frozen tuna, or a reduction in tariffs on tuna canned in oil or canned in brine;” 3 letters (12/20, 12/28, & 12/30/54) from Harold F. Cary (Gen. Mgr., Am. Tunaboat Assn.) & Congressman Wilson re/ information on the “members of the Committee for Reciprocity Information, which will hear testimony in Washington, D.C.”

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  • created: 1954


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From the Collection: 0.00 Linear Feet

Language of Materials

From the Collection: English

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Repository Details

Part of the Special Collections & University Archives Repository

5500 Campanile Dr. MC 8050
San Diego CA 92182-8050 US