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San Diego, Miscellaneous City Issues and Problems, 1959 January-July

 File — Box: 136, Folder: 8
Identifier: Folder 8

Scope and Contents

A Collection of letters, memos, bulletins, reports & news clippings. Examples are: One letter (7/7/59) from constituent Mrs. John G. Dejarnett & Wilson’s reply (7/15/59) -- complaints “regarding the condition of the beach between Hunting-ton Beach and Seal Beach . . . commonly known as ‘tin can beach;’” 2 copies of The San Diego Union-Tribune Index’s “San Diego Business Activity” (Vol. X, Nos. 6 & 7, June-July, 1959); 1 copy of Security... First National Bank, Monthly Summary of Business Conditions in Southern California (Vol. 38, No. 7, July 1959); 1 news clipping “Employment Hits Peak In County,” The San Diego Union (6/30/59); 1 letter (6/15/59) from constituent C. Vanderhoef & Wilson’s reply (6/30/59) & attached news clippings re/ Mr. Vanderhoef’s politically conservative complaints about “all our Politicians who are now holding Office here in the City and County of San Diego;” small packet containing corresp. (Nov. 1955-June 1958) from S.D. Mayor Charles C. Dail, Congressman Wilson, Charles Kerch (Curtis Coleman Co.) & photocopy of Frank Stone, “Midway Area Hits Works Yard Plan,” (n.s., n.d.) re/ “service yard of the Navy at Midway Drive and West Point Loma Boulevard;” 1 letter (6/24/59) from A.N. Harrison (Cong. Liaison Officer, Housing & Home Finance Agency) & attached copies of press release from the Community Facilities Administration for June 25, 1959 re/ “approval of an advance of $6,900 to Imperial Beach, California, to prepare preliminary planning for a surface water drainage system . . . . The project will cost an estimated $666,600;” 2 news clippings, “292,800 Employed in S D County in April” & “County Jobs Hit Record 296,000,” Tribune (6/25/ & 6/30/59); pages 3 & 4 of the S. D. Chamber of Commerce, San Diego Business—San Diego County Media Directory (June 15, 1959); 1 letter (5/8/58) from Robert M. Kuhns (Chairman, The San Diego Engineering Council) & Wilson’s reply (5/19/59) re/ Wilson’s interest in presenting “names of outstanding San Diegans for consideration as members of government committees or boards;” small packet containing 2 letters (Ap. 22 & May 1, 1959) from Congressman Wilson, S.D. Mayor Charles C. Dail, Wilson office notes (n.d.) & attached copy of S. 1431 . . . March 16, 1959 A Bill To provide for the establishment of a Commission on Metropolitan Problems, 86th Cong., 1st Session (6 pp.) re/ Mayor Dail’s interest in Senator Joseph S. Clark’s legislation; small packet containing letters (Mar.-Ap. 1959) from Leslie E. Gehres (Manager, Personnel & Security, Ryan Aeronautical Co.), Congressman Wilson, Ted Patrick, Jr. (Pres., Chollas Democratic Club) & attached blank copy of “Employment Application” for Ryan Aeronautical Co. re/ the Chollas Democratic Club’s request for “an investigation of All Aircraft Plants in the San Diego area, That are under Government Contract . . . . We have evidence that Negroes are not given equal job opportunities, as specified under the ‘Equal Opportuntiy Pledge;’” stapled copies of 3 letters (3/59) from S.D. Mayor Charles C. Dail, Congressman Wilson & constituent M.A. Widner re/ a “modern mobile home” resident’s com-plaints about S.D. County Health Department rules & regulations; a loose collection of materials related to CA labor & business statistics for 1959 (4 pp.); 1 letter (1/15/59) from Mrs. William H. Dorrance (Chair, Metro-politan Planning Study, League of Women Voters), Wilson’s reply (2/21/59) & attached copy of the League’s “Metropolitan Planning” (2 pp.) re/ the League’s interest in keeping Wilson informed about this subject; collection of the Economic Research Bureau of San Diego’s Economic Bulletin for Jan.-July 1959 (Vol. 7, Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, & 7) featuring “1958 in Review,” & “Highlights” for 1959 re/ such topics as employment, economic briefs, retail trade, wages & prices, finance, construction, real estate & future trends.

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  • created: 1959 January-July


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From the Collection: English

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Part of the Special Collections & University Archives Repository

5500 Campanile Dr. MC 8050
San Diego CA 92182-8050 US