State Government, 1962
Scope and Contents
A large collection of letters, envelopes, resolutions & news clippings: these are filed from November to January. Most illustrate state or local issues and Wilson usually had to respond that this was not a federal issue, so he had no jurisdiction. Examples are: letters (11/23 & 29) re/ constituent Mrs. Dorothy E. Whidley-Prichard’s concern about the Aid to Needy Children program and lack of proper enforcement of violators. As a state program,... Wilson indicated it was not in his jurisdiction; letters and two “Resolutions from the City and County of San Francisco” (Nov.) re/ “the Federal Communication Commission proposal to reduce the power of FM radio stations in California and the New Don Pedro Dam Project;” letters (Nov.) re/ El Cajon constituent Lyn Ray’s complaint about neighbor Zela Crown’s lack of control over her dogs and the police failure to respond properly; letters (9/28 & 10/15) re/ S. D. constituent Douglas B. Calderwood’s alarm about the Osteopathic Initiative Act, Proposition #22, restricting treatments; letters (10/2 & 16) re/ a S.D. constituent and a National City one informing Wilson about “obtaining disability benefits from the State of California” and “the treatment accorded your father-in-law by the National City Police Department;” letters & a ballot (9/28 & 10/2) re/ Wilson was forwarded Imperial Beach constituent C. W. Perry’s ballot from Mandate No. 277 (National Federation of Independent Business) – as to a 1938 Supreme Court opinion on water annexation as well as to his conservative views; letters (9/19 & 24) re/ a request for Agricultural Yearbooks from a Duke University graduate student; letters (9/11 & 13) re/ National City constituent Robert Tyson’s “problem in obtaining employment through the state rehabilitation program;” letters (8/20, 23 & 9/1) re/ Wilson forwarded a constituent’s letter to Assemblyman Frank Luckel who helped Mrs. Ludia Sechrist’s daughter Lula Johnson obtain a review of her disability claim; letters (Aug.) re/ a problem with traffic citations from the Highway Patrol for motor graders driving on freeways; letters (8/1 & 8) re/ personal problems for Chula Vista man with “miscarriage of justice perpetrated by Mr. Price, District Attorney of Sacramento County, California;” letters & envelopes (7/12 & 8/1) re/ a personal problem from a pro Republican El Cajon constituent’s driver’s license and drinking, although Wilson expressed sympathy he noted he lacked jurisdiction; letters (7/23 & 7/31) re/ CA Senator Hugo Fisher helps Wilson constituent with welfare issue; letters (June & July) re/ “Thank you for your letter of July 14th, advising me of your difficulty in securing a clear title to your car. You can be sure I share your concern, particularly with respect to the Democratic Administration;” letters & resolution (4/6 & 16) re/ a copy of Senate Joint Resolution No. 1 “Relative to the issuance of a commemorative postage stamp for Father Junipero Serra;” letters (July) re/ San Diego constituents Joseph B. Judd, Jr. and Miss Elaine Cranford re/ “a matter involving action in Superior Court” and “requesting information on the ‘Master Plan for Education for California” – Wilson reminded both to contact their local agencies; a letter (7/9) from Ray A. Hollings to Governor Edmund G. Brown and attached 7 pages of photocopies of news clippings re/ “The citizens of San Diego are being persecuted by the San Diego Police and Traffic Courts;” letters (June & July) from Chula Vistan Mrs. Violet Lipscomb and Campo resident Mrs. Margaret Horr concerning “treatment you received at the County Hospital” and “treatment you received at the Scripps Clinic;” letters (6/11, 12 & 27) re/ La Jolla constituent Miss Florence M. Baurichter’s concern about the “proposed merger of the California Osteopathic Association and the California Medical Association;” letter (5/10) from Wilson to La Mesa constituent Ellis W. Evers re/ “Thank you for your recent letter relative to the Louis Francis Amendment on Communism.” Wilson was in agreement with the measure, but “I am unable to endorse this initiative because of a long-standing policy that prohibits my getting involved in state campaigns;” letters (5/21 & 6/4) & advertisement re/ support for the Grossmont Junior College and High School Bond Issues; letter & Resolution #8730 from La Mesa City Clerk Miss Margaret M. Reilly re/ opposition to “Federal income taxation of the interest derived from public bonds;” letters (May & June) & information from Imperial Beach constituents Mr. & Mrs. Louis Eskiborn re/ “problems with the County of San Diego with respect to the care of your grandchildren’ – Wilson referred them to Assemblyman Jack Schrade; letters (6/2 & 6/13) re/ 13 year old Marilyn Kennedy wished “that all babies from 6 months to 7 years old may be a law that they must wear harness so they may not get away from their Mother not get run over by car” – a neighbor had run over a two year old by mistake; letters (4/? & 5/25) re/ El Cajon constituent Miss Linnie Cooper’s long 11 page letter concerning her loss of acreage in Fresno County because of river reclamation; letters (5/21 & 29) & news clipping re/ constituent Miss Dolores Trejo and “the hardships you as encountered in the course of employment as a housekeeper” – she had been employed for housekeeper and child care but received the same salary for “24 hours a day for $15 or $20 a week and then be paid twice a month;” letters (May) from constituents – Bud Sims of National City, Leroy Banks of San Diego & Mrs. David Weisback of La Jolla re/ “your neighbor, who is apparently destroying your personal property,” “a change in the laws of the State California” to help the poor, and “the problem you are having in obtaining a Child Care license from the Welfare Department;” letters (2/26 & 5/8) re/ “urging my support of the CAL-VET Bond Issue in the June Primary;” letters & resolution (4/19 & 5/2) re/ Senate Resolution No. 36 – “Relative to navigation on the Sacramento River;” a letter (4/25) from Helen R. MacGregor (Chairman, Governor’s Advisory Committee on Children & Youth) – they have “endorsed the principles of the Youth Employment Opportunities Act which are embodied in HR 10682;” 7 stapled copies of letters (April) re/ Wilson’s responses to receiving copies of various Resolutions from the CA Assembly and Senate on such topics as: construction of dam at Pittsburg, CA, federal aid for State Highway Route115, dam & reservoir, purchase of United Nations Bonds, minimum wage for agricultural workers, Sacramento River bank protection, imports of livestock and products, illegal traffic in narcotics, supplemental air carriers, support for medical care under Social Security, control of European starlings, price support for milk, hunting of mourning doves, international exposition, pensions for World War I veterans, international exposition in San Francisco, amending the 16th Amendment, Antioch as a site for a water conversion plant, federal aid for state veterans’ homes and hospitals, threat of Congress reducing pensions of veterans in state veterans’ homes, federal subsidy for portion of operating costs of state nursing homes for veterans, deductions from federal payments to state veterans’ homes & Auburn Dam-Folsom South Canal Project; letters (Mar. & April) re/ El Cajon resident purchasing a car in Indiana and transporting it to California & La Mesan Theodore H. Marvelle’s problem with the Dept. of Motor Vehicles and his accident; a copy of an “Excerpt from the Board of Supervisors’ Minutes of April 17, 196 No. 138 Re Endorsing the Enactment of HR 10519 Concerning Federal Air Pollution Program;” a letter (3/21) from Los Angeles Mayor Samuel W. Yorty to Senator Clair Engle re/ “The recent decision by the U. S. Supreme Court in the Greggs Case poses serious problems for the Nation’s airports;” letters (Feb.-Mar.) re/ the problems of “Mrs. Hazel Weaver, a general relief client of the San Diego County Welfare Department and a constituent of yours” – this is good example of the difficulties faced by the Welfare Dept. from a person who had been on assistance since 1949; letters (Feb.-Mar.) re/ constituents of Wilson have concerns about the Fairview State Hospital in Costa Mesa; letters (2/13 & 19) re/ “the delayed trial of Donald Schilling” a molestation case; letters (2/9 & 2/22) & “Senate Resolution No. 19 relative to the Auburn Dam - Folsom South Canal Project;” letters & attached “Editorial A.O.A. Policy Position” (Jan.-Feb.) re/ a Chula Vista constituent’s concern about “the A.M.A. trying to take over the Osteopathic Schools & Hospitals;” letters (Jan.-Feb.) re/ the plight of Coast Guard and WWII veteran El Cajon constituent Richard Carey - Wilson referred him to the County Welfare Dept.; letters (1/24 & 2/7) re/ Lakeside constituent Miss Patricia Hunt suggests legislation to remove cigarette machines in the State of California - Wilson reminded her that “such action is outside my jurisdiction;” letters (Jan.-Feb.) re/ a personal & plaintive crisis for divorced parents, their son & the juvenile authorities; letters (1/25 & 1/31) re/ Lemon Grove parents wish to adopt two girls since they already have two adopted boys;” letters (1/8 & 19) & Resolutions (9/12/61) re/ copies of 12 Resolutions passed at the 51st Annual Convention of the International Association of Game, Fish and Conservation Commissioners.
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- created: 1962
- From the Collection: Wilson, Robert (Wilson, Robert Carlton) (1916-) (Person)
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From the Collection: English
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Part of the Special Collections & University Archives Repository