State Government, 1963
Scope and Contents
A collection of letters, resolutions, a newsletter, a periodical, a roster of public officials and two maps of Los Angeles County Assembly and Congressional Districts: these are filed from March through December. As with previous State Government folders many of these constituent letters request information on California issues that are handled locally or at a state level and Wilson had to remind them that this was not in his jurisdiction. Examples... are: a response letter (3/28) from Wilson to El Cajon constituent Jim Pack re/ Pack’s concern about property taxes in California. Wilson referred him to Senator Schrade; letters (5/18 & 5/24) re/ Mrs. George W. Fisher (constituent and a County Grand Jury member) requested a copy of a 1961 Report of the Senate Fact Finding Committee on Labor and Welfare, Aid to Needy Children Programs, Wilson informed her this was California Legislature report and suggested she ask Senator Schrade for a copy; letters (5/24) from Rancho Santa Fe constituent Capt. G. C. Weldin U.S.N. (Ret) to Wilson and the San Diego County Board of Supervisors re/ Weldin’s praise for Wilson and his long, conservative diatribe to the Board expressing his distaste of spending money on such items as San Diego State College, public needs and other so-called progressive issues; a letter (5/19) and a copy of Assembly Bill No. 2205 re/ “Ashcraft’s bill, AB 2205, dealing with County Central Committees” – an example of partisan political maneuvering ; letters (6/4 & 11) & resolutions re/ copies of Senate Joint Resolutions Nos. 16 and 17; 3 page “Child Labor Laws” statement (June 1963) and a copy of the San Diego Employers Association News Letter (June 1963) re/ concerns about labor union organizing in San Diego; personal letters (5/21 & 6/14/63) from CA Assemblyman E. Richard Barnes re/ his comments about his mother’s passing and memorial service; letters (June and July ‘63) from the Secretary of the CA Senate J. A. Beek and attached copies of Senate Joint Resolutions 13, 20, 29, 11, 27, 30, 31, 28, 243 and 251; letters (May-July ’63) re/ Congressmen Utt and Wilson comment on alleged welfare fraud from Walter P. Capehart (Jacumba) and the response from Director Homer E. Detrich (Dept. of Public Welfare, S.D. County); letters (7/63) and attached Resolution 6344 re/ a resolution adopted by the unanimous consent of “the Directors of the Metropolitan Water District relative to the Arizona vs. California case;” letters (6/25 & 7/18/63) & attached copies of CA Assembly Joint Resolutions 9, 17, 23, 24, 30, 34, 38, 40, 41, 43, and 45 as well as Assembly Concurrent Resolution 86 and House Resolutions 416, 540 and 620; letters (June & July) re/ Wilson responses to constituents on state and local issues and reference to Assemblymen Burgener and Barnes; a letter (10/10/63), a “Homeowner” brochure from the Statewide Homeowners Assoc., a photocopy of excerpts from the Herald Examiner and the Star News, statement to “Mr. Businessman: from the Assoc., a copy of Assembly Constitutional Amendment No. 20 (reducing property taxes) and the Summer 1963 issue of California Homeowner featuring “How to Reduce Taxes on Homes;” letters (July, Aug. & Sept.’63) re/ Wilson responds to constituents with problems such as a middle age couple living in poverty, a lack of unemployment benefits, sidewalk condition in front of a home, a ticket received while fishing at Lake Wolford and the need for a traffic signal at an intersection; letters (8/63) a copy of Assembly Joint Resolution No. 1 which was adopted by the California Legislature on July 24th “Relating to the Point Reyes National Seashore;” letters (7/23 & 30/63) & a copy of Senate Joint Resolution No. 1 re/ “Relative to including Black Butte Dam and Reservoir in the federal Central Valley Project;” 2 copies of Roster of Public Officials (8/1/63) published by the Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce – includes fold out map; letters (10/10 & 16/63) re/ constituent Walter Gordesky’s complicated personal problems and concerns with the local Dept. of Welfare - Wilson referred him to several State Senators & Assemblymen; letters (9/17 & 12/11/63) re/ the complaints of constituent Ambrose Daniel Begley (Balboa Pest Control Co.) re/ California Bill # 2935; letters (Nov. & Dec.’63) re/ the many problems of constituent Iola Hollinger; letters (Nov.-Dec.) re/ constituent Lorna M. Hurt is helped by CA Senator Jack Schrade; letters (12/20 & 24/62) re/ a criticism of “the California USE TAX law” by a loyal supporter of Congressman Wilson.
See moreDates
- created: 1963
- From the Collection: Wilson, Robert (Wilson, Robert Carlton) (1916-) (Person)
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From the Collection: 0.00 Linear Feet
Language of Materials
From the Collection: English
Repository Details
Part of the Special Collections & University Archives Repository
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Cite Item
State Government, 1963, Folder 3, Box: 159, Folder: 3. Robert "Bob" Carlton Wilson Papers, MS-0044. Special Collections & University Archives.
Cite Item Description
State Government, 1963, Folder 3, Box: 159, Folder: 3. Robert "Bob" Carlton Wilson Papers, MS-0044. Special Collections & University Archives. Accessed March 14, 2025.